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Chapter 446

Chapter 446 You're Not Cute. Can’t You Show Your Soft Side Once In AWhile?

Jason's well-built body was facing away from the light. He protected the pregnant Sue like a caring andmature gentleman.

He glanced at Hank and Jane, then at Sue.

His cold gaze flashed with a different emotion when he saw the frustration and sorrow in Sue's eyes.

Meanwhile, Jane carefully looked at how Jason protected Sue in his arms. He was a handsome man inhis thirties.

The man seemed wealthy. He was dressed in a limited edition Ermenegildo Zegna suit and wore a goldPiaget watch on his wrist. Jane was impressed, but she did not want to admit that Sue had found awealthy husband.

She scrunched up her nose and said to Sue jealously, "Ha, I didn't expect that my husband's usedgoods could find a wealthy man who wants her. Not bad, Sue, you've become a better seductressnow!"

Jane did not believe that her husband had not touched Sue while they dated for five years. 1

Moreover, Hank was very skillful in bed. He must have had a lot of practice with Sue!

That was why Jane had hated Sue so much!

Sue wished that she could sew up Jane’s blabbering mouth with a needle and thread.

She was already hot-tempered, and she would not allow someone to slander her!novelbin

That was what she did. "Arent you shameless, Jane Stewart? Hank doesnt even deserve to lick myboots. Only you would like a useless man like him. I've looked after him for five years, and he doesn'teven know any gratitude. I'd rather raise a dog. A dog would entertain me, but he bit me instead...

"He's nothing but an ingrate, and you two weirdos are a perfect match for each other! I don't expect youto ever come to your senses, but I hope that your child doesn't grow up to be like you!" "You... you...you shrew!" Jane's corpulent body was trembling with anger.

She did not expect that Sue was not a pushover, i

As far as she remembered, Sue was a plainly-dressed girl who only knew how to cry in a cornerwhenever Jane bullied her. She did not expect that Sue grew a sharp tongue in only a few years!

Jason observed the scene with interest. Sue insulted the ungrateful couple without using any cursewords. He would have applauded her if they were in a more appropriate situation.

"Beat up that wench for me, Hank. How dare she curse our child! Kill her!" Jane kicked Hank andglared at him.

Hank looked at Sue hesitantly. He did not move forward.

Seeing that, Jane landed a tight slap on Hank's face. "You useless man! Do you still love her? If you'renot going to beat her, then we'll divorce now, and I'll ask Daddy to drive you out of the house tonight!"

Hank became anxious when he heard that. Like a dog obeying its master's orders, he rushed up to Sueand prepared to teach her a lesson.

Sue brought her arms in front of her stomach to protect it. She looked at the incoming man helplessly,and her heart ached.


'Hank is really coming to hit me!'

Before Hank could lay a finger on Sue, Jason grabbed onto Hank's wrist and twisted it hard!

"Ahh!" Hank cried out agonizingly, as though the bones of his wrist had been crushed. "Sir... Sir...please... we can... talk..." He wailed.

Jane was anxious and flustered when she saw that her husband was in pain. She dared not moveforward, and so she pointed at Jason. "What do you want to do to my husband? Let him go now! Don'tyou know who my Daddy is? My Daddy is..."

Jason glanced at Jane condescendingly. "Do I care who your father is? How uncivilized for you two tobully a pregnant woman! Get lost at this instant!"

Then, he tossed Hank's wrist away like tossing a piece of trash. "I won't go so easy on you the nexttime I see you bully women!" "You... Just you wait. Let's go, Hubby. We'll have plenty of opportunities todeal with that wretched couple!" Jane helped Hank up. They ran away while the staff in the storelaughed at them.

"Are you OK, Ms. Carter?" Jason looked at Sue with some pity.

'No wonder Sue doesn't like to interact with men. Any woman would have been traumatized by ascumbag like Hank.' "I'm fine. Thank you for your help, Mr. Doyle. See you." After saying her thanks,Sue wanted to turn around and leave.

She put down her strong guise when Jason could not see her.

She did not expect that her dark past that she had tried to hide had been exposed in the public.

Worse, Jason Doyle, her "colleague," had witnessed it.

Jason looked at Sue's back as she lumbered away. "Shall I send you home, Sue?" He asked on animpulse.

Sue rejected his offer without turning her head. ’There's no need. I drove here. I shouldn't trouble you,Mr. Doyle."

Jason shook his head helplessly as he watched her leave.

He could not understand why that woman was as stubborn as a donkey.' Why can't she be gentle andrely on a man more?'

The next day, after breakfast, Luke was going to meet a mysterious individual.

He was afraid that Bianca might be bored at home. Remembering that the peach garden near theappointed meeting place was in full bloom, he decided to bring Bianca along.

They drove for about three hours before arriving.

Luke parked in the parking lot of the appointed hotel.

The mysterious individual had an incident while they were driving, and they needed another hourbefore they arrived. Luke brought Bianca to the peach garden in the meantime.

The peach garden was a patch of private property located next to the mountains. It was only open tocertain guests, and the surroundings were tranquil.

Flower petals fell like snowflakes when the wind rose. It was breathtakingly beautiful...

Bianca held onto Luke's hand and walked under the rain of peach blossom petals. "Who is this friendthat you're meeting?" She asked curiously.

She did not know what friend could make Luke travel so far...

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