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Chapter 2720

"He values his life too much to commit suicide," replied Alexsia as he glanced at the man lying on thebed.

Pierre believed he still had a chance to escape. That was why he would never take his own life.

Kazimir nodded and glanced at Pierre, who looked half-dead. He felt disgusted and asked, "Did yougive him a shot?"

"Yes. I used the medicine given by the organization. The man who developed the medicine guaranteesthat he won't die even if he takes it." Alexsia smiled as he patted his companion's shoulder. Then, headded, "Keep an eye on him. I'm leaving to have a cigarette."

"Okay." Kazimir nodded. Then, he pulled a chair and sat down.

"Oh, by the way, he might try to bribe you to help him escape. Don't lose your patience. I'm afraid thatyou might kill him," Alexsia reminded him.

"Don't worry. He's our boss' fortune charm. I won't dare to do such a thing." Kazimir chuckled. He wasamused by Pierre's naivety.

It seemed like Pierre had no idea what kind of organization the Island of Despair was even afterinvestigating them for such a long time.

Otherwise, how could he be so naive and try to bribe them?

They had all taken the poison before, and they would not risk their lives to do something like that.

As Pierre lay in bed listening to their conversation, his eyes gradually narrowed, revealing a hint ofmalice.

Someone took his words as a joke for the first time...

He would not spare their lives if he could make it out here alive.

After Alexsia left, Kazimir looked at Pierre and gave a cold sneer.

"Give me some painkillers." Pierre could feel a throbbing pain in his broken leg. He knew that therewere different kinds of medicines available here. Hence, he asked for a pain relief shot.

Kazimir remained silent and motionless.

"Are you deaf?" Pierre's voice was hoarse and ominous. Even though he was kidnapped and his legwas broken, he was still himself. He would not easily submit to these people.

"The boss didn't tell us to give it to you." Kazimir leaned against the wall as he sat on the chair. "Do youhave any idea how expensive the medicine in our organization is?"

Pierre frowned and replied, "I can afford it!"novelbin

"But our boss told us that you've been secretly investigating our organization. Even though you're stilluseful to us, we can't let you off too easily. Mr. Pierre, you might as well take a breather and wait forbreakfast." Kazimir glanced at the time. Alexsia should be delivering breakfast soon.

Pierre struggled to sit up on the bed. There was no way he could escape with a broken leg. Thus, hewas not tied up either.

He stared at Kazimir with a gloomy look on his face.

Kazimir met his menacing gaze and sneered, "What's with the look on your face? You have aproblem?"

Pierre remained silent.

Kazimir stood up and approached him. Then, he slapped him across the face. "What can you do evenif you don't like it? Although you're still useful to our boss, I can come up with a reason to break one ofyour arms since the other guy could break one of your legs. Mr. Pierre, do you think you're still themighty Master Pierre? If I were you, I'd be on my knees begging for mercy."

As he looked at Pierre's side profile and his injured leg, Kazimir continued to mock him, "Oh, I forgotyou have a broken leg. You can't even kneel."

Pierre listened to his taunts and silently clenched his fist.

A few seconds later, Alexsia pushed open the door and walked into the room with a loaf of bread in hishand.

He noticed that Pierre had sat up. Then, he tossed the bread onto the bed. "Eat it."

"I need water," said Pierre. He looked down at the cheap-looking bread. Even the maids in his familywould not have this kind of bread.

Now, he had to eat it to survive.

“How troublesome," Alexsia mumbled impatiently. Still, he walked out of the room and returned with abottle of water. "Mr. Pierre, our boss said that you'll have to stay here for two days. You'll be free in twodays. So, please cooperate with us and don't try to do anything funny."

Pierre ignored him. He twisted off the bottle cap, took a sip of water, and picked up the bread.

The bread was dry and hard. Even though he was hungry, he found it difficult to swallow.

"The bread is stale," Pierre muttered angrily. Even though it tasted terrible, he had no choice but to eatit. Otherwise, he might not be able to survive until the day he was released.

"Humans are truly complicated creatures. Even though you complain about how stale and terrible thebread is, you're still swallowing it bite by bite. That's interesting. Mr. Pierre, is this what the kids of richmen do?" Kazimir laughed boisterously.

He despised wealthy scions like him the most.

Kazimir stood out from the others on the Island of Despair. He chose to join the organization voluntarilywhen the others were held captive and brought there.

Previously, he accidentally injured the son of the richest man in the village and made him a cripple.

After the father found out about it, he sought revenge by hiring a hitman to kill Kazimir and his family.Kazimir would have died with his family if it were not for his elder brother who risked his life to protecthim.

Knowing that the man would never let him off the hook, Kazimir decided to take matters into his ownhands. When he heard that the Island of Despair was holding captives, he willingly entered the villageand became one of the captives.

However, his hatred for the wealthy man was already buried in his heart the moment he witnessed themassacre of his family. This was why Kazimir despised Pierre. If it were not for Abel, who keptreminding him not to harm Pierre, Pierre would have suffered.

Pierre suppressed the urge to throw the bread at his face when he heard that.

Alexsia sat on a chair. He glanced at Pierre before asking Kazimir, "Did you hit him?"

"I slapped him. Mr. Pierre still had the nerve to glare at me even when he's in such a situation. I had toremind him that he's just an imprisoned dog now. A dog behaves and listens to what the owner says.He shouldn't be glaring at people like that," Kazimir replied nonchalantly.

Alexsia did not say anything else. "Fine. I'll watch him. You may go out to have a cigarette and haveyour breakfast."

"Sure. Just beat him up if he misbehaves. Such opportunities don't come often," Kazimir smiled as hewalked out of the room.

After the door was closed, Alexsia's gaze fell on Pierre. Then, he said, "No one will mess with you aslong as you don't cause any trouble."

"Have I dealt with that man before?" Even though the bread tasted terrible, Pierre quickly finished thebread after starving all day.

"I don't know." Alexsia understood why Kazimir was acting that way, but there was no need to tell Pierreabout it.

Other than their boss and Amur, they were the only ones who had shown their faces to Pierre.

There was no guarantee that Pierre would not come after them to seek revenge after they received themoney and sent Pierre back.

Therefore, Alexsia would not talk to him or reveal too much information to him.

Pierre looked silly to them.

No matter how foolish he could be, he would eventually find out where they were as long as he hadmoney and power.

It would lead to a bigger problem when Pierre looked into Kazimir's background and found out moreabout the Island of Despair.

Pierre realized he would not be able to extract any useful information from Alexisa when he noticedhow cautious he was. Then, he continued, "Honestly, you should think about what I said earlier."

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