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Chapter 2719

"You're right." He agreed and buried his jaw in her neck.

A wave of ticklish heat washed over Luca, causing her to feel even hotter.

"If they're after the money, is the Mallory family able to pay the demanded amount for Pierre?" sheasked.

Pierre had become a disgrace to the Mallory family now. He had caused so much trouble that if it werenot for Madam Mallory, no one would be willing to clean up his mess.

Even Old Master Mallory's heart had grown cold toward him.

Would Old Master Mallory really give the money to Pierre if Abel asked the Mallory family for theransom?

"Pierre can't get into any trouble now," said Luke. Even if Old Master Mallory refused to give the money,he would not just sit there and watch Pierre suffer at the hands of his kidnappers.

However, Pierre must be going through a lot of pain at the moment.


On the other hand.

Pierre was still tied to a chair with a dirty, smelly piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth. His right leg wasfastened to two pieces of ragged wood, while his other leg was tied to the chair.

He had been in this position all night.

Pierre only moved a little when someone walked into the room. He lifted his head and stared fiercely atthe man with ethnic features in front of him.

The man saw Pierre move and laughed. "Well, it's been a night and you're still alive. I thought your lifewas worth a lot. I didn't think you would survive the night."

Pierre lowered his head again.

The man bent down and drew the rag out of his mouth. "Here. I'll give you a chance to talk."

"Water," replied Pierre. Even though he hated the man and wanted to growl at him, all he had in mindwas to quench his thirst first.

"Tsk," the man replied impatiently. He initially refused to talk to him. However, he remembered Abel'sorders. He could not let Pierre die. He had no choice but to turn around and pick up an opened bottle ofwater and hold it up to Pierre's lips. "Drink."

Pierre looked at the bottle that someone had already drunk from and frowned with resistance.

"Still picky, huh? Do you think this is Mallory Manor? I'll count to three. You won't have anything to drinkif you refuse to open your mouth,” threatened the man.

It was just that people like Pierre were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They could not do anywork. Also, they felt superior to others and looked down on others due to their privileged upbringing.

However, when facing kidnappers like him, were they all not stripped of their pride? Pierre even had tofight for a shot at survival.

Pierre knew he would walk the talk. He opened his mouth weakly and let the man pour the water intohis mouth.

Pierre was thirsty. He had not drunk anything that day. As the water flowed down his esophagus andinto his stomach, it relieved the burning sensation in his throat.

Pierre initially rejected the bottle of water but was now opening his mouth, wanting more. The mansmiled disdainfully. "Tsk. Mr. Pierre, do you know what you look like now?"

Pierre ignored him and only lowered his head after finishing the water in the bottle.

The man sneered, "You look like a thirsty dog. Consider yourself unlucky for offending our boss."

Another man walked into the room as soon as he finished his sentence.

"Yes?" asked the man who just came in.

"Alexsei, why did you only wake up now? You just missed out on a good show. It was interesting to seeMr. Pierre drinking water like a thirsty dog." The man shook the empty bottle in his hand, obviously in agood mood because of what Pierre did just now.

"Kazimir, you'd better not kill him. Otherwise, you won't be able to explain to Boss later," Alexseireminded him in a low voice. The man in front of him acted as a bargaining chip for Abel to get hishands on his money.

"Don't worry. He's tough. He didn't even make a sound when he got his leg broken," sneered Kazimir.

Alexsei frowned. "Why is his face so red? What did you do?"

"I did nothing. I was kind enough to get him some water." Kazimir shook his head and looked carefullyat Pierre's face. His face was slightly red.

Alexsei came forward. He placed his hand on Pierre's forehead to feel his temperature. "It's hot. He'sgot a fever."

"Come on. It's just a broken leg. How can he have a fever?" Kazimir refused to believe it. He rested hishand on Pierre's forehead too. "Tsk. He's really sensitive. It took me two days to remove the bullet

when I got shot in the leg. I didn't even have a fever. He's too weak."

"Are you assuming everyone is like you?" Alexsei rolled his eyes. He had heard the story so manytimes that he started to find it annoying.

Kazimir shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's carry him inside. We have to bring his fever down and give him some antibiotics," suggestedAlexsei as he untied the ropes that tied Pierre up. Then, he lifted him and grabbed him on his leftshoulder.

"Such a hassle," grumbled Kazimir. However, he still came over to lift Pierre and grab his rightshoulder.

Both of them were Russians. They were much taller and stronger than Pierre. That was why they couldeasily carry Pierre to another room.

Pierre looked around the room. It looked like a simple clinic.

"Go get some medicine and give him an injection," said Kazimir.

Alexsei remained silent. He opened a drawer and took a fever reducer and some antibiotics out of it.Then, he said, "Ask Boss if we can keep him in this room."

He believed that Pierre would not be able to do anything if he was locked in this room with a brokenleg. It would be fine to keep him here.novelbin

Still, he had to consult with Abel for every decision he made.

"Alright." Kazimir left the room.

Alexia mixed the antibiotic and fever reducer and gave Pierre an intravenous injection.

As the needle pierced through his skin and entered the vein in his arm, Pierre furrowed his brows.

"This medicine was specially developed by our organization's doctors. It's a hundred times moreeffective than the ones sold outside. Your fever should go down quickly after the injection," explainedAlexsia.

"How much did that man pay you?" Pierre suddenly asked.

Alexsia raised an eyebrow, but he did not answer his question.

"If you're willing to help me, I can pay you double monthly," added Pierre.

Alexsei sneered.

"Name your price. I'll pay you whatever as long as you can help me to get out of here and be mysubordinate!" Pierre clenched his teeth, thinking that he was offering a tempting deal.

He realized that these people were a million times stronger than his subordinates. Therefore, eventhough they were rude to him, he still wanted to make them his subordinates.

"Forget it, Mr. Pierre. I'd like to stay alive.” Alexsia was not tempted.

There was no way they could free themselves from the Island of Despair even if they earned a fortune.Even if they did not take the poison given to them, the organization would still take deadly measuresagainst those who betrayed them.

That was why no one dared to betray the Island of Despair and submit to others.

Pierre shut his mouth embarrassed ly.

Kazimir pushed the door open and said, "Boss said he can stay in this room since his leg is broken. Hecan't run away. We'll have to take turns guarding the door. Oh, let's take away the dangerous items inthis room as well. We can't give him the chance to harm himself. Otherwise, we'll have to bear theconsequences."

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