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Chapter 1212

Chapter 1212 Luca Is Drunk

When he saw the woman collapse on the floor, Luke did not give a second thought before crouchingdown and cradling her head. Johann also crouched down and took her pulse.

A minute later, he looked at Luke. "She's drunk,” he said.

"Drunk?" Luke looked at the unconscious woman, wondering why she had passed out when she didnot drink much.

"Yes, she's drunk. Her pulse is regular, and she doesn't look like she has a medical condition," Johannsaid.

Luke looked at Luca's face. She did not look like she had drunk a lot, and her face was not blushing.novelbin

Cole glanced at Luca and suggested, "How about I send Dr. Craw home?"

Luke shook his head. Luca was unconscious, and he did not want to leave her in someone else'shands.

Moreover, he knew Cole's character very well.

Luke knew what Cole had done before, but Watson needed the manpower, and he hired him becauseof his abilities and experience.

Johann glanced at her and said, "It's not a good idea to send her back now either. How about we booka room for her? We'll send her back after she wakes up."

Right after he said that, the deputy president came over and said, "Mr.

Crawford, we have booked several rooms for our guests. Would you want to bring her there?" "Mm."Thinking that it was the best option for now, Luke carried Luca in his arms without any regard for whatother people thought of him.

Johann looked around him. Seeing that other people might misunderstand Luke if he brought thewoman into the room alone, he decided that he should follow too.

The deputy president led the way with an access card in his hand.

While Luke rushed toward the room with Luca in his arms, he did not seem to be burdened at all.

The woman in his arms was light, but his heart was heavy.

His heart had been empty for three years, but at the moment he picked up Luca in his arms, he felt thathis heart was full once more. The sensation came too quickly, and he did not have the time to wonderwhy he felt that way.

The deputy president unlocked the door with the access card.

"Here, Mr. Crawford. Be careful," he said while opening the door for Luke.

Luke brought Luca inside and placed her on the bed gently.

The deputy president inserted the card into the slot and said, "I'll return to the party. You..." "Well keepan eye on Dr. Craw's condition." Johann saw Luke take off Luca's high heels and cover her with ablanket. He was so gentle as though the woman in the bed was Bianca.

"Alright. If you need anything, you can shoot me a message." The deputy president nodded, left theroom, and closed the door behind him.

After walking away, he took out his phone and sent Abel a voice message." They're in the room, Boss,but Johann Park is with them."

After sending the message, he took the elevator and returned to the rooftop.

It was silent in the hotel room.

After Luke tucked her in, he sat down on the couch and stared at her.

Johann also sat on the couch, but his gaze shifted between the two people.

Now that he had the time to think about it, he suddenly thought of something.

He realized that Luke's worry toward Luca earlier was genuine. Luke could not have faked hisexpression.

It was not the type of worry that a boss would show to his subordinate.

That was why he had followed along on an impulse. He was afraid that Luke might not be able tocontrol himself.

Johann looked at Luke. Luke seemed to have composed himself, and Johann could not find the sameexpression on his face.

Luke's expression was cold, and Johann wondered if he had hallucinated.

However, he was not willing to admit that he had hallucinated.

"Luke, just now..." Johann stopped himself.

Luke was looking intently at the woman on the bed. Johann had said that she was drunk, but she didnot struggle as a drunk person would. Was she really drunk?

"What about just now?" Luke did not look at Johann when he said that.

"Nothing." Johann realized that Luke was not aware of his emotions earlier, so he did not call him outon it.

If Luke was still single, or if Bianca had not returned to him, he would have told Luke about it. After all,he hoped that his good friend would find bliss again.

Things were different now. Luke was already married with children, and he also had reunited withBianca. Eventhough Bianca had lost her memories and changed her personality, no one could denythat Luke was still married to her.

That was why Johann did not want to see Luke have feelings for other women. He knew that Luke stillfelt guilty about what happened to Bianca. If Luke realized that he had feelings for Luca, he would bethe one to suffer in the end.

That was why Johann did not tell him about it.

Luke did not pursue the topic. He looked at the unconscious woman on the bed and said, "She doesn'tlook like she's drunk."

Johann knew what he meant. He explained, "Some people are quiet after they're drunk."

Luke knew that people behaved differently under the influence of alcohol, but he did not believe thatLuca had passed out because she was drunk.

Johann stood up and said, "Let me take her pulse again."

Luke nodded.

Johann went over and took her pulse. A minute later, he frowned and said,"' Her pulse is faster now.That's the telltale sign of intoxication. If she passed out because of something else, her pulse wouldn'tbe as fast."

The two diagnoses were the same. Luke was silent.

"Don't worry, Dr. Craw will be fine," Johann said as he sat on the couch once more.

Meanwhile, Hera heard the voice message on Abel's phone. "They're in the room, Boss, but JohannPark is with them."

Hera knew that Johann was Luke's good friend. Upon hearing the word " room," she instantly knewwhat Abel's "gift" was.

"What are you going to do about the third wheel in the room?" Hera asked.

Abel was not worried. As he typed on his phone, he said, "HI just have to find a distraction for him."

After a while, he put his phone away and chuckled. "Alright, now we'll just wait."

Hera leaned onto his chest and said, "If Luke really did it, what are you going to do?"

Everyone in A City knew that Luke Crawford was loyal to his wife.

Even though Bianca was found in a red-light district, he did not detest her.

Instead, he took her home and treated her well.

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