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Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211 Abel’s Plan

Luke's gaze remained as harsh as ever, so Johann explained, "I'd like to discuss external medicinewith her so that I can hone my skills."

Luke did not reply. Instead, he looked away from Johann and continued to look at Luca.

Johann shrugged and looked at Luca too.

Luca looked over and noticed that the two men were looking at her. She was standing in a relativelysecluded corner, so she was very sure that the two men were looking at her.

She felt slightly uneasy about it.

Meanwhile, in a VIP suite in the Westin Hotel, Abel swirled a glass of red wine in his hand. Hera wassitting next to him, and her heart shuddered every time Abel swirled the glass.

They had not met each other for quite some time, and she was quite surprised when Abel said that hewanted to meet her.

"What are we doing now, Abel?" Hera desired Abel's money, but she was wary of his unpredictability.

Abel had been staring at the television screen ever since Hera came into the room. On the screen wasthe security feed of the party on the rooftop banquet hall. She thought that he would want to attend theparty, but he had been only sitting there.

She looked at the television screen too. Other than spotting Luke's presence at the party, there wasnothing special about it.

"Waiting." Abel lit up a cigar and dragged it.

Hera frowned when she smelled the harsh scent of the cigar. She was also a smoker, but she could notstand it. She thought that it was hard to breathe whenever Abel lit up that cigar.

If Abel was only sitting there, she was not going to go anywhere either. It was boring, but the wine wasnice. She was happy to see Luke on the screen too.

Looking at the entire party on the screen, she felt as though she was in control of everything.

With that thought in mind, Hera did not feel as bored as before.

A while later, Abel finished the wine in his glass, then snapped his fingers.

A man in a black suit stepped forward and said loudly, "Your orders, Boss." "Go and give them whatI've prepared forthem," Abel narrowed his gaze and said.

"Yes, Boss," the man replied and left the suite.

Hera clung to him. She had drunk a glass of wine, and she was feeling a little tipsy. "What have youprepared for them, Abel?" "A gift for Luke Crawford," Abel said as he smiled cryptically.

That made Hera even more confused. "What are you giving him?"

She remembered that Abel and Luke were enemies. Why would Abel be so kind to give Luke a gift?

"You don't have to know. I'm sure that he'll thank me for it," Abel smiled and hugged Hera in his arms.

He had investigated the scandal in detail and found out that Luke did not fire Luca even after thescandal blew up several times.

That was the opposite of what he expected Luke to do.

From that incident, Abel could tell that Luke had certain unmentionable feelings for Luca.

The woman that was supposed to charm Luke could not do so in three years, but when the real Biancareturned to him, she easily captivated Luke's heart. Abel wondered if Luke would accept the realBianca if he delivered her to him.

Luca was not willing to reunite with Luke, but she was only a pawn in Abel's plan.

Hera could see the mischief in Abel's sinister gaze. She could tell that he was upto no good.

Before she could react, Abel stood up and also made her stand on her feet. "Let's go. You must bebored, aren't you? We'll go and find something fun to do."

Hera knew what he meant. She playfully thumped his chest and said coyly," You're so naughty."

Meanwhile, after realizing that the two men were looking at her, Luca went to a farther corner.

She had been wary in case Abel would do something to her. However, the party was almost over, andshe had not seen anything out of the ordinary. That made her let down her guard a little.

Several businessmen and medical experts were trying to strike up a chat with Luke and Johann. Afterdealing with them, Johann said, "Looks like your pretty lady doesn't want to be stared at." "She's notmine," Luke said.

Johann was not pleased by Luke's stiff tone of voice. He nodded and said," Right, right. She's not yourpretty lady. She's your Dr. Craw."

Luke did not say anything but instead shot a withering glare at Johann.

"You can't take a joke," Johann said while rubbing his arm.

Soon, they were surrounded by other guests once more.

Luca sighed when she looked at Luke being surrounded by people. That man was so popular no matterwhere he went.

She could not remember how she had the confidence to stand beside him.

Luca's gaze wandered as she recalled the past events.

Back then, Luke had reeled her in using the children as an excuse. When she realized it, she had fallenfor him irredeemably.

Abel had forced them to be apart.

She was unwilling to look at Luke from a distance, but she could do nothing about it.

She had the urge to tell him her real identity, but she knew that she could not do so.

What else could she do?

She came to her senses and wanted to take a sip from her glass, but her glass was already empty.

Luca shook her head. She did not want to go to the bar counter, so she stood there and looked at thescenery with an empty glass in her hand.

A waiter came over and asked her, "Would you like some champagne, Miss?"

Luca turned around and noticed that he was holding a tray with several champagne glasses. She putthe empty glass on the tray, then picked a glass of champagne.

The waiter smiled and walked away.

Luca glanced at Luke with the corner of her eye. He was still surrounded by many people...

Feeling more and more dejected, she downed the glass of champagne in one gulp.novelbin

A minute later, Luca realized that something was amiss. Her head was spinning, which should not havehappened after only two glasses of champagne...

Realizing that she had fallen into Abel's trap, she instantly tried to rummage through her handbag.

However, her vision was getting blurry, and her fingers fumbled as she tried to unclasp her handbag.She bit her lower lip in an attempt to keep herself conscious. 1

Soon, her vision went black, and her knees went weak.

Before she collapsed, she saw Luke running, seemingly toward her.

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