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Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012 Children Are Angels

Leia grumbled under her breath when Queenie rejected her offer.

The handbag was not meant for Queenie anyway. If she did not want it, Leia would keep it for herself.She put the handbag back into the shopping bag and said, "Can I discuss something with you, Mom?"

Queenie picked up the knitting needles and looked at her." What is it?"

"The wedding date is getting close, and we're still overwhelmed with work. I was thinking of gettingBianca to help me with the gown fitting and the guest list," Leia said.

To help Hera, Leia had to lure Bianca out somehow. However, it would be suspicious if she askedBianca to meet her without any reason.

Asking her to help out at the wedding was the best excuse.

Queenie stopped knitting. They were indeed quite overwhelmed with the preparations. She had startedknitting the sweater before she met the Hilton family, and she was not done with it yet.

She would not have the free time to pick up her knitting needles if Leia had not gone to the hotel for thetasting.

She would be happy if Bianca could help out, but she also knew that Bianca had to take care of herown family and career. "Your elder sister must be very busy. We'd better not bother her," she said.

Leia was not going to let go of the opportunity that easily. She held Queenie's arm and said coyly, "Butshe's my elder sister, Mom. Let's just ask her. We'll think of something else if she's really too busy."

Queenie frowned. She used to think that her daughter was adorable whenever she behaved like that.

Now that her daughter was pregnant, Queenie felt somehow annoyed when she heard what herdaughter said. Even though Leia was about to be married, she still thought that the world revolvedaround her.

Seeing that her mother did not speak, Leia said coyly, "Mom ... Bianca isn't busy at all."

Knowing that she was not close to Bianca, Leia needed her mother's help. Bianca would notnecessarily agree if Leia had asked her.

Before Queenie could say anything, Jack came in through the front door.

"Why are you back, jack?" Queenie put her knitting needles down and stood up. Jack would not usuallycome home during lunch hour.

She poured a cup of tea for him.

Jack took off his coat, gulped down the tea, and said, "Do you know? Something happened to theCrawfords."

"What is it?" Queenie was instantly worried that something

bad might have happened to Bianca.

"I heard that a thief broke into Crawford Manor the day before yesterday, and Louis Crawford'sdaughter was injured." Jack immediately went home after he knew about it. "Let's pack up. We'll go tothe hospital."

Queenie kneaded her hands and said, "That's so serious. Why didn't Bea say anything?"

Louis and Luke might not be born of the same mother, they were nonetheless related by blood, and asBianca's parents, they had the obligation to visit the young girl in the hospital.novelbin

"Bianca doesn’t even care about that. Why would she tell you?" Leia stood up and propped her back.

Jack frowned and looked at her daughter. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

He thought that Leia should have known better. If Old Master Crawford heard that, he wouldmisunderstand.

"I'm not talking nonsense. I saw her walking around in a shopping mall with another woman today. Ifshe still has the mood to go shopping after the incident happened, I don't think she cares at all." Leiawould not let go of any chance to slander Bianca in front of her parents.

Shopping? Queenie was confused. It was a workday, so why would Bianca be out shopping?

Jack glared at Leia. If she did not watch her mouth after marrying into the Hilton household, she wouldeventually learn her lesson the hard way.

However, Jack had to get back to work after the lunch hour. He did not have the time to discipline Leia.After Queenie changed her clothes, they left the house.

Glaring at her parents' backs, Leia's gaze became gloomy.

Meanwhile, while Bianca and Vivian were having lunch together, Bianca received a call from hercompany, saying that she had to go back and handle some matters.

Vivian said that she had nothing to do at the hotel, so she wanted to go along with Bianca.

Bianca took the opportunity to invite Vivian to her house for dinner.

Vivian hesitated.

Bianca knew why she was hesitating. "Gordan will be coming to my house for dinner too. Wouldn't youwant to come along?" She said.

"Thank you for your invitation." Vivian smiled when she heard that Gordan would be going too. Shenodded and accepted Bianca's invitation.

Bianca first went to the school to pick up Rainie and Lanie.

"They're my elder children. They're twins," Bianca introduced the children to Vivian. "Lanie, Rainie, thisis Aunt Vivian. She is from Moscow."

Lanie and Rainie greeted Vivian in Russian.

Vivian was delighted to see the angelic faces of the two children. "I've heard that your children are verygoodlooking. Indeed, they're like angels."

Bianca smiled. "I think that your future children will be goodlooking too."

She did not know why Vivian looked so different from her younger brother, but she could tell that theirfamily had good genes.

"You flatter me, Sis." Vivian touched her own face.

"Trust me. All children are angels." Bianca was genuinely thinking so; she was not joking or flatteringher.

Vivian agreed with what she said. She felt inexplicably happy looking at the two children sitting quietlyin the back seat.

She really loved children.

However, the children in Moscow did not like her. Even if she wanted to play with them, they were notwilling to get close to her because of her face.

They said that if they took her snacks, they would become as ugly as her.

Those children had angelic faces, but their hearts were a different thing.

Bianca's twins and Tommy were well-behaved, and they were not afraid of her.

Rainie looked at Vivian and smiled. "Aunt Vivian, do you want some milk?"

Bianca kept a few bottles of milk in the car's fridge for her children's convenience. Rainie took a bottleand handed it to Vivian.

Vivian smiled. "Thank you, Rainie."

Rainie looked at Vivian's facial features intently. Her features were not perfect, but she looked beautifulwhen she smiled. "You look nice when you smile, Aunt Vivian," she said.

Vivian was shocked. Other than her younger brother Ray, no one else would praise her looks.

She touched her lips while her cheeks slowly turned red. Ray had also said that she was beautifulwhenever she flashed a genuine smile. She thought that Ray was only trying to make her feel good.

Do I really look nice?'

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