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Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011 To Bring Down Bianca

Meanwhile, Leia stepped out of the elevator and turned around to urge Charmaine. "You're so slow.Walk faster."

Charmaine gritted her teeth. She would not have carried Leia's bags if not that Leia had paid for hershopping. Those bags were very heavy.

"You're walking too fast," she could not help but grumble.

Leia stopped walking and waited for her. ’Why are you slower than a pregnant woman? Stop foolingaround, Charmaine!"

Td like to see if you can walk as fast when you're carrying ten shopping bags!' Charmaine thought.

When Charmaine got closer, Leia started walking again. "I'll be going to the hotel for a tasting sessionwith Brody. Do you want to come?"

"Sure," Charmaine replied. She was not going to let go of a chance to eat delicious food, and she wasalso quite

curious about Leia's fiance. If she got to know him better, he might introduce her to a wealthy man.

Leia and Charmaine found their car in the parking lot. When Leia was about to get into her car, awoman suddenly stopped her.

"Why are you?" Leia held her bulging stomach. The sudden appearance of that stranger had given hera shock. She patted her chest as she regarded the woman in front of her.

The woman had the face of an Internet celebrity. Her features were delicate, but a discerning eye couldtell that she had performed plastic surgery. Her clothes were considered high-class.

That person was none other than Hera Sanchez. "Are you Leia Norman?" She asked.

"Can I help you?" Leia thought that the woman was her fan. She might have retired from theentertainment industry, but she had her supporters.

"I've something to ask of you. Follow me." Hera glanced at the photo in her hand. The woman in frontof her was plumper than her face in the photo because she was pregnant, but Hera was sure that shewas indeed Leia.

"Are you crazy? Why would I follow you just because you told me to? Get lost." Leia did not show anycourtesy toward the woman. From that woman's behavior, she could tell that the woman was not herfan.

Hera showed no intention of going away. She blocked Leia from stepping closer to her car and said,"We'll only need ten minutes of your time, Ms. Norman. If you don't follow us, we'll have to use force."

Leia noticed that the woman had mentioned "we," so she looked around. She noticed two burly menstanding not far away, and she could guess that they were the same gang as the woman.

She instantly trembled in fear. "Who... who are you?"

Hera wanted to laugh when she saw Leia's sudden change in attitude. "You're Bianca Rayne's youngersister, right?"

"Yes, but I'm not very close to her!" Leia said. There were no other people around to hear it, so she didnot mind saying that.

If they were looking for trouble with Bianca, they should not have looked for her.

Hera nodded. That was what she wanted to hear. "I was expecting you to say that."

She glanced at Charmaine at the side, who was also trembling in fear. "Do you want to talk here, orshall we go over there?"

Leia was afraid. "I can talk to you, but please don't hurt me."

"Of course, we won't hurt you," Hera said.

Leia saw that she was not a bad person, so she followed her.

Charmaine breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that they were not here to find trouble with them.She tried to eavesdrop on their conversation, but they were too far away.

A while later, Leia returned, smiling. Hera and the two men had already left.

Charmaine pretended to be worried while asking, "Did they hurt you?"

"No, it's all a misunderstanding." Leia waved at Hera as though they were very close friends.

Hera was secretly shocked. Why would they seem so close only after a few minutes?

Knowing Leia's arrogant character, Charmaine knew that she would not be so close to a stranger if shedid not have something to gain from their relationship.

"Um... what did she say to you? How could it be a misunderstanding?" Charmaine tried to find outmore.

"Charmaine, isn't there enough gossip for you in the entertainment industry?" Leia opened the car doorand sat inside. "Let's go. We're running late.'

Brody's family ran a business, and because of their influence, he was not fond of people being late.

Charmaine decided to keep those questions for another time. She put the shopping bags in the boot,then sat in the side passenger seat.

She could not help but be more and more curious when she saw the smile on Leia's face. What couldthey have talked about in those few short minutes?

"I'm not looking for gossip, Leia. I'm worried about you. They don't look like good people," she said.

Leia could not be bothered to reply. It did not matter to her if those people were good or not. Anyonewho wanted to harm Bianca was good in her books.

Hera had offered Leia cooperation.

Leia hated Bianca, but she did not want to attract too much trouble at this critical juncture, so she didnot accept the proposal.

However, Hera told her that she did not have to do much, only provide Bianca's location whenever shewas asked.

Leia thought about it. The other party was not asking for money or effort, and she could see that Biancawas harmed just by providing information, so she agreed to it.

After the tasting session at the hotel, Leia returned home.

She came in through the door while carrying multiple shopping bags. When she saw Queenie knitting asweater on the couch, she greeted her, "Mom."

Queenie lifted her head and saw that Leia had gone shopping again. She could not help but reprimandher, "Why did you buy so many things, Leia? Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Leia was annoyed. Naturally, Queenie had been telling her the virtues of frugality and diligence.

If she wanted to be frugal, she would not have married Brody!

Why would any woman want to marry Brody, if not for his riches?

Leia did not show her displeasure on her face. She sat down next to Queenie and said coyly, "It's all forthe wedding, Mom. You don't have to keep nagging at me. You should also know that I have a lot toprepare for the wedding, and I don't even have time for myself."novelbin

Queenie shook her head helplessly. Leia had been going out shopping on the pretense of preparing forher wedding, but Queenie did not do anything to stop her.

She had been Leia's mother for many years, and she knew what her attitude was like.

"Don't be like that, Mom. When I was out shopping earlier, I saw a very nice handbag." Leia rummagedthrough the pile of handbags.

"Leia, didn't you already buy the handbag for your wedding?" Queenie remembered that Leia hadbought a Gucci handbag two days ago. She said she wanted to use it to hold her personal belongingsduring the ceremony.

"What are you thinking, Mom? I bought this for you," Leia pretended to sound angry.

She found the handbag and handed it over like a treasure." What do you think? This is the latestdesign."

Queenie took a look at the handbag. It was indeed quite nice, but it was more suitable for someone of ayounger age.

She tried not to be too critical about it. "It's nice, but it's more suitable for young women like you. Youshould save it for yourself; I'm not short of handbags anyway."

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