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"I..." Silas hesitated for quite a while, but he still could not come up with a name.

Before the press conference, Karen warned him not to mention the name Luke Crawford. That waswhy Silas did not know how to answer the reporters' questions now.

Who made him do this?

Karen said it was Luke, but there was no evidence to indicate that it was he who instructed Silas to saythose words and do those things in front of the reporters.

"Mr. Gray? Why aren't you speaking? Is there something you can't say? Or are you implying this wholedeal is just smoke and mirrors? If that’s the case, what did Ms. Karen's words earlier mean? Who'sreally telling the truth here?" The reporter’s questions grew sharper as she began to question whatKaren said earlier.

Karen could no longer hold back. She snapped, "Nonsense!"

As soon as she spoke, everyone looked at Karen in surprise.

Was this still the elegant Madam Mallory? The image of Karen, shaped by recent events, was beingoverturned time and time again in their minds...

"Madam Mallory," reminded Anthony in a low voice. They were facing so many reporters. It was not thetime to get angry.

Karen took a deep breath and gripped the tablecloth tightly. Her nails caught on the silk fabric, causingit to fray.

"Tell them what really happened." Karen decided not to speak any more to avoid coming off tooabrasive and giving these reporters something to blow out of proportion.

Besides, these reporters were going to challenge her anyway. If she said another word now, it mightbecome a flaw for others to exploit later.

"Ah, right." Silas looked bewildered, not knowing what to say. Hence, he decided to ignore thereporters' questions and take all the blame himself.

Silas claimed he was living a difficult life and wanted to gain some benefits from Karen, but he did notexpect to cause such a big fuss. He also did not expect so many people to read the news, which meanthe did not get any benefits but even faced the risk of being sued.

Silas did not understand all this. He learned it from watching TV recently.

He was clever. Otherwise, he would not have been able to deceive Karen when he was young.Therefore, the story he fabricated could barely convince the reporters.

"I have a question." The reporter who asked questions earlier raised her hand after Silas finishedspeaking.

At this moment, Anthony decided not to give him any more opportunities. He said to the reporters,"Ladies and gentlemen, the situation is indeed as Mr. Silas described. We will also hold Mr. Silas legallyresponsible.

"If there are any further developments, we'll contact the media. This press conference is nowconcluded. Everyone, please ensure your reporting is thorough and accurate. Kindly pick up your giftsat the door and exit in an orderly manner."

"Is that all?" Another reporter, analyzing Karen's words based on the earlier questions, suspectedsomething fishy about this. Hence, he wanted to delve deeper.

Before they had a chance to raise their own questions, the press conference was already over?

The press conference ended abruptly, and it caught them off guard. Besides, what was there to report?There was nothing sensational about this.

It was truly a waste of their time. These matters could have been announced on their company'swebsite instead of announcing it in a press conference.

There was no need to make such a big scene. Was it not a waste of resources and time?

Anthony noticed the reporters' dissatisfaction and realized they wanted to dig deeper into the story.Therefore, he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, there are substantial shopping vouchers available at theentrance. Every reporter present today is entitled to one.novelbin

"Please line up in an orderly fashion to collect the gifts prepared by Madam Mallory, then kindly exit."

When they heard about the large shopping vouchers, many reporters' eyes lit up.

The first person ready to leave took the shopping voucher handed over by the staff. It was a2,000dollar supermarket voucher. She could not help but exclaim, "Two grand! How generous."

Just a moment ago, the reporter who felt dissatisfied brightened up when he heard it was a 2,000-dollarshopping voucher. Even though this amount meant little to the Mallory family, for these reporters, itmeant a lot in terms of what they could buy at the supermarket.

Thus, he simply queued up without saying anything more.

Even the reporter who had been targeting Karen just now left with a shopping voucher.

Karen looked displeased and asked the person beside her, "Which media company did that reporterwho spoke earlier belong to?"

"I checked, and it's the New Youth Daily," answered Anthony. His expression also turned sour.

It was his negligence. He had not carefully verified the media affiliations of the reporters before allowingthem in.

The New Youth Daily was a small newspaper under T Corporation.

It was Luke's attempt to trouble Karen.

"What's going on? How could someone from this media company be allowed in?" Karen's eyes filledwith hostility at the thought of Luke. The mere mention of his name stirred up hatred within her.

"Sorry, Madam. It was our negligence. We didn't realize this media company hadn’t received aninvitation yet still sent a reporter over to join and..." He ended up making things difficult for Karen.

Anthony did not continue because Karen's expression was very gloomy at that moment.

"You let people in without verifying. Do you know how embarrassed I am?" Karen glared fiercely atAnthony.

"Sorry, Madam." Anthony could only apologize. He did not know what else to say.

"Hmph, keep an eye on the reports from this media company. If there's anything unusual, inform meimmediately." Karen clenched her fists. She wished she could punch the man in front of her.

If it were not for his negligence, would she have been embarrassed like this?

That reporter was one of Luke's subordinates!

Karen wondered how today's events would be reported after all those questions that were asked.

She vaguely had a bad feeling about it.

"Yes!" Anthony nodded. Even if Karen did not say it, he knew he had to keep a close watch on thatmedia outlet.

Otherwise, they would not know how the reporter would report today's events.

Karen's gaze fell on Silas. With all the reporters gone now, Karen said nonchalantly, "Close the door."

"Yes.” Anthony instructed the others through the intercom. After a while, a voice came from theintercom, "The door has been closed."

Silas could feel his hair stand on end and his body tremble while Karen stared at him. He could nothelp but feel afraid.

"Madam Mallory..." He wanted to plead for mercy, but as soon as he called out to her, scenes fromwhen they used to date immediately flashed through his mind.

Karen was so beautiful and kind-hearted back then. She never got angry with him, let alone hit him.

However, now?

Now, Karen was like a demon from hell. The way she looked at him, it was as though she wanted totear him to pieces.

"Take him in," ordered Karen. She rose to her feet and walked in first.

The two men immediately lifted Silas while ignoring any resistance. They dragged him into the livingroom.

"Madam Mallory, I was wrong. I've straightened things out with the reporters, so please spare me."

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