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Anthony's words also reminded Karen of this.

Even though she was dissatisfied, she said to him, "Let's get started, then. Also, make sure to keep arecord of those media outlets that didn't show up. From now on, the Mallory family won't be cooperatingwith them."

Anthony thought to himself that the Mallory family was not under Karen's control. Ever since she fell outwith Percy, Karen had practically no say in the Mallory family affairs.

Therefore, even if Karen kept a record, there was not much she could do to those media outlets.

"Yes, Madam," answered Anthony as he took the microphone and began to host the press conference.

The content of the press conference was straightforward. It was just for Karen to proclaim herinnocence and for Silas to come out and clarify a certain matter.

Anthony held the microphone and greeted, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for takingthe time to attend Madam Mallory, also known as Ms. Karen’s, press conference.

“This conference aims to clarify a certain issue that has been circulating online recently regarding Ms.Karen's past. These claims were fabricated by malicious individuals, and in fact, there's no truth tothem.

"Today, we've invited the person involved in the video release, Mr. Silas Gray, to explain the situation toyou all..."

Before he could finish his words, a reporter raised her hand, trying to interrupt him.

Anthony paused for a moment and then asked the reporter, "Yes? What's your question?"

"I have a question. So, do you mean Ms. Karen's implication is that everything regarding this matter isfalse?" the reporter asked directly. She was not particularly interested in clarifications. She was justfollowing her editor's assignment.

In fact, their editor also deemed this piece of news unworthy of coverage. However, since it involvedthe Mallory family and they received an invitation, they dared not offend the Mallory family. Hence, themedia outlet sent the reporter over.

"Well..." Anthony was about to respond when the reporter continued, "Could we trouble Ms. Karen toanswer this question?"

Karen's expression darkened. The reporters present probably knew that she had been ordered by OldMaster Mallory to move out. Thus, their presence here was merely perfunctory.

She had fallen out of favor with the Mallory family, and they did not regard her highly either.

Karen knew that if she severed ties with the Mallory family, she would be nothing.

She reluctantly took the microphone from the side. Even though she was resentful, she dared notoffend the reporters. Their pens could paint her in the most detestable light.

Therefore, she dared not act recklessly.

"I can assure you that all those claims are false. Mr. Gray and I knew each other before, but it wasmerely an acquaintanceship. There was no relationship as he described.

"He was misled by certain people into saying those things to the reporters. Today, I'm here to clarify thismatter," explained Karen.

"If they're false, why didn't you clarify them from the beginning? Why choose to clarify them only now?"continued the reporter, raising the most significant doubt in everyone's minds.

Karen looked at the reporter who was persistently challenging her. Was this reporter trying to slowlyundermine what she had just said?

Did she really invite this reporter herself?

Karen glanced at the reporter. There was no media logo displayed next to her, and she was quite adistance away. She could not discern which media company this reporter belonged to from her presspass.

"Mr. Gray was deliberately misled and kept avoiding contact. It took a considerable effort for me tolocate him and convince him to reveal the truth to the reporters," replied Karen.

"Ms. Karen, you've been insisting that the previous reports were all fabricated by malicious individuals.Can you tell us who these individuals are? Do you have any evidence?" the reporter persisted.

Underneath the table, Karen's hands clenched into fists.

Her fingers were digging into her palms. She was forcing herself to remain calm.

Every word this reporter said was questioning her!

If there was any doubt before, Karen was now 100% certain that the reporter was here to stir uptrouble.

"I'm afraid I can't publicly disclose this matter." Karen wished she could tell all the reporters thateverything was fabricated by Luke, that he was doing this to retaliate against her.

However, her remaining rationality kept reminding her not to say so. If she did, not only would theCrawford family trouble her, but Old Master Mallory would do so too.

It was because she still did not have evidence to prove that Luke had collaborated with Silas to beagainst her.

"What could be the reason? Is it a personal vendetta? But Ms. Karen, your public image has alwaysbeen impeccable, and you've never engaged in disputes with others. What kind of personal grudgecould prompt someone to fabricate nonexistent incidents to tarnish your reputation?" the reportercontinued to press.

Karen took a deep breath, suppressing the rage inside her.

This reporter had not even asked her the reasons, yet she felt like her heart was being scorched byfire.

Anthony knew Karen's tolerance had reached its limit. If the reporter kept asking, she might explode.He quickly intervened, saying, "Sir, the focus of our press conference is to have Mr. Gray clarify thesituation for all of you. Now, please welcome Mr. Gray."

Then, Silas walked out.

He was reluctant.

He did not want to face this scene, but Karen had seen through his schemes. Now that the swelling onhis face had subsided, he had to clarify things to the reporters.

Silas felt that clarification did not matter much. After all, he was not a celebrity. Even if he got scoldedor exposed online, it would not affect his life.novelbin

This was how people lived at the bottom of society.

What he feared was that after clarifying things, he would no longer be of any use and Karen would getrid of him.

Even though Silas was scared, he knew that if he ruined Karen's plan, he would be finished. Therefore,he had no choice but to cooperate.

After he came out, he sat on a chair.

To distance himself from Karen, their chairs were placed far apart, leaving space for four or five peoplein between.

After he sat down, he smiled awkwardly while facing the reporters.

It was different from the first time.

The first time, he had been paid, so he had rehearsed many times before facing the reporters. As longas he followed the script given to him and added some personal emotions, it would be very convincing.

However, things were different this time. He was scared...

Karen's gaze could kill. When he thought of how she had changed into a different person andtormented him these days, he knew that this woman had changed over the years.

He could not afford to provoke her anymore.

As Silas took the microphone handed to him by Anthony, he timidly greeted the reporters, "Goodmorning, folks."

"Mr. Gray, can you tell us who you collaborated with to smear Ms. Karen's name? Do you have anyevidence?" The reporter who had questioned Karen earlier now directed sharp questions at Silas,clearly determined to get to the bottom of things.

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