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Chapter 254

Chapter 254 I'll Shelter You From the Wind and the Rain

Jack placed his wine glass on the table when he heard Luke's words.

His face was slightly red from the alcohol. "Don't worry, Luke. I'll get my men on the case. You'll receivethe approval tomorrow. Remember, take good care of my daughter."

The more Jack looked at Luke, the more satisfied he was. From their conversation, he couldunderstand that Luke was a shrewd and assertive man and would be the perfect son-in-law.

Jack had addressed him as "Mr. Crawford" earlier, but it was now "Luke."

Everyone who heard that knew that Jack was trying to play matchmaker.

Those people looked enviously at Luke. In a mere few sentences, Luke had won the rights to developthe seaside resort worth tens of billions of dollars.

However, they knew that they were no match for Luke's handsome looks and sharp business acumen.

Even though they might be envious, they knew that Luke deserved it.

"Congratulations, Mr. Crawford! With this development project in your bag, T Corporation will bepushed to greater heights," a balding middle-aged man praised him.

"Mr. Crawford, you are a rare business prodigy. You've led your company to record profits. I admit thatI'm no match for you!" Another pot-bellied man in a business suit also said.

Luke flashed an ambiguous smile and raised his glass toward Jack. "Thank you for your approval, Mr.Norman. I will make sure that the seaside resort can bring the most benefit to the city."

Of course, he did not mention anything about taking care of Leia.

He knew that the dinner would be one that was fraught with lies.

However, he was surprised that Jack seemed to be trying to match Leia with him.

After all, he never had any interaction with Leia. All he knew about her was her name and how shecould not be any more popular despite the resources poured into publicity efforts.

The only woman whom he loved was Bianca Rayne. He had never been interested in any otherwoman, much less a pretentious one like Leia Norman.

Running his company for many years had honed his perception. He could tell from the first glance atLeia's eyes that she was oozing with ambition.

He was not going to let her close to him. If anything, he would want to keep her away as far aspossible.

However, Leia did not know what Luke was thinking. She was very happy at the moment.

Love and tenderness brimmed from her eyes as her eyes were transfixed on Luke.

Now that Luke had given her the assurance, her chances of scoring the spokesperson role were almostone hundred percent.

She knew that Luke only agreed to it because of her father, but what about it? If she could interactmore often with Luke, she was confident that she would eventually win his heart.

Late at night.

Bianca put the two children to bed. She curled up on the couch in the living room, reading a book.

The dim yellow light illuminated Bianca's gentle and beautiful face. It was a tranquil scene.novelbin

Currently, she was lost in the pages of the book.

It was a story of love and lust, and sin and redemption. The male and female lead characters weresiblings of different mothers.

"This is not a love story, but a story about love." That was how Bonnie, the female lead character, hadopened the book, i

Lewis, the male lead character, was deeply in love with Bonnie. However, they were forced to separateunder the pressure of morality and public opinion, i

In the end, Lewis held a cup of poisoned coffee and stood in front of Bonnie. "I love you, Bonnie. I don'tcare if you're a good person or a bad person. I love you for who you are," he said to her sorrowfully.

He downed the poisoned drink without any hesitation, even though knowing that his life wouldimmediately end.

Bianca felt down after finishing the story.

Original sin. That was the origin of love and lust.

Love was instinctual, but incestuous love was a sin.

If she and Luke were siblings of a different father, would she suffer divine punishment?

Her greatest comfort was that her two children were cute and healthy.

She could not believe Allison's words.

However, she had to do the DNA test with Allison, to confirm that she was indeed not Allison'sdaughter. 1

Someone had said that love was like a sickness. So was that why she felt like dying?

If she had to be separated from Luke, she imagined that she would fall into endless despair.

Suddenly, she felt that she was enveloped in a warm embrace.

Luke was not his usual cold and aloof self. Instead, his eyes were brimming with care and tenderness."You're already a mother now. Why are you still so melancholic?"

Luke was worried whenever Bianca cried.

She might look delicate and lovely, just like in Lord Byron's poem:

I saw thee weep-the big bright tear

Came o'er that eye of blue;

And then methought it did appear A violet dropping dew.

Bianca's tears were indeed beautiful and endearing like dewdrops from a violet. However, Lukepreferred to see Bianca's smile. That was more beautiful than a flower petal that had been kissed by anangel.

Bianca stopped her tears and gazed at Luke's face.

He smelled of alcohol, and his expensive shirt was crumpled. His short hair covered his forehead, andhe looked tired.

Even so, his sculpted face was filled with tenderness as he comforted her.

Bianca could only feel warmth.

She helped him undo his tie, then tiptoed and hugged his neck. "I'm afraid that our peaceful life will bedisrupted. I'm afraid that we will be separated. I'm afraid that our children will suffer because of us. I'mafraid about all these unknowns..."

Luke gently held her icy hand and warmed it in his palm. He lowered his head and kissed the corner ofher eye. "I'm here for you, silly. I'll shelter you and the children from the wind and rain. All you have todo is take care of the children and give them the mother's love they have lost in the past. Leaveeverything else to me."

Bianca stared into the man's eyes. His hands were clutching hers.

Her skin was the color of snow, while his skin was the color of bronze. The contrast was stark but inharmony.

The man's hands were as warm as his smile. Bianca's world brightened...

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