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Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Missing Bianca At Home

Jack sized up the man who had claimed his daughter's heart. The man was robust and mature. Helooked like a man who had succeeded in life.

Furthermore, the man knew that he was the Provincial Committee Secretary but had no intention ofsucking up to him. He was polite but kept his distance.

Jack nodded in satisfaction. Luke was a man worthy of Leia's affection. If his daughter wanted him,then he would do his best to fulfill her wishes.

After Jack introduced Leia to Luke, he asked, "I've heard that the CEO of T Corporation is a man ofmany talents, and now that I've met you, that seems to be the case. I wonder if you are married?" 'I'mnot married, but I have two five-year-old children.’

Every gesture that Luke made caused Leia to swoon.

Jack was slightly disappointed when he heard that Luke had two children.

However, he did not mind that, seeing how infatuated his daughter was and considering the wealth andinfluence Luke wielded. If he married Leia, then she could eventually give birth to her own children.

Luke's wealth would be able to sustain as many children as they wanted.

Meanwhile, Leia was in a daze as her eyes were transfixed on Luke.

She wore light make-up tonight.

She knew that Luke was more fond of women without too much make-up and that she had to presentan elegant appearance to Luke. She knew how to dress up to accentuate the curves of her body.

Leia was dressed in a silk evening gown. It was modest and elegant but at the same time carried a hintof allure. With her light make-up, she looked very feminine.

Looking at how the other men at the same table had regarded her, she knew that she was an attractivewoman tonight.

Leia held her father's arm and smiled gently. "Mr. Crawford, I've heard from my agent that TCorporation is involved in many businesses. One of the perfumes under your brand is looking for a newspokesperson. I'd like to know if I'm qualified?"

Leia knew how to present her most seductive side.novelbin

When looking at a man she was interested in, she would not look at him straight in the eye. Instead,she would glance at him from the corner of her eye to increase her charm.

She also remembered to present the sweetest smile she could.

That was how she had captivated the hearts of many men, then left abruptly, leaving them heartbroken.

Luke glanced at her indifferently. "You are a beautiful woman, Ms. Norman, and that is why you're sopopular in the entertainment circle. If you would like to be the spokesperson of our brand, you don'teven have to rely on your father's connections. I believe it will be very easy for you to be selected, justby your appearance and talents alone."

The other guests at the dinner also voiced their agreement.

"If you're the spokesperson of the perfume, many celebrities will definitely buy it!" 'That's right, Ms.Norman. Your beauty is outstanding. I've watched the movie you starred in. You're a real diva forgetting an award in your movie debut!"

Those people held political positions in the city, and they were very good at flattery.

Everyone knew that Leia Norman was a horrible actor.

Her performance in her debut role was indeed spectacular, but that was because the director knew howto utilize her experience in her role.

Leia was raised in an orphanage. That was how she was able to portray her role in the movie perfectly.

However, she was terrible at other roles.

Her next movie in which she held a starring role was "A War of Seven Nations."

The movie enjoyed a star-studded cast. Not only were Theo Shaddock, the popular movie star, andSean Lannery, the veteran actor cast to be the male leads, but a veteran actress was also paid tenmillion dollars to be Leia Norman's supporting role.

Those celebrities were cast to boost Leia's popularity.

However, the movie bombed hard at the box office.

Leia's stiff and embarrassing acting was perhaps not the biggest reason. The plot was convoluted andwas described by comments as "an earth- shakingly bad movie." It had a rating of 3.9 on IMDB. Manycelebrities' careers were ruined.

Leia was relatively unaffected. She had strong backing from her family.

Even though her acting skills were sorely lacking, she continued to receive acting roles in manymovies.

The guests at the dinner knew that if they could gain Leia's favor, it would be easier for them to forgerelationships with Jack.

Leia was secretly delighted when she heard the flattery.

However, she reacted modestly, "It's nothing. Acting is my passion. It's all thanks to Dad that I manageto find a foothold in the entertainment industry."

Luke was a shrewd man, and he knew about the intricacies of relationships. He would rather not callLeia out in public.

T Corporation had invited international celebrities to be their spokespeople so that they could present aglobal image. Using Leia as the spokesperson would lower their standing.

However, with Jack Norman around, Luke could not directly say no. He was not in a position to offendJack yet.

After all, it was fine if he let Leia be the brand spokesperson. The company could afford to suffer thefinancial losses.

That was because he would gain those losses back from his relationship with Jack Norman.

Jack patted his daughter’s hand and turned to speak to Luke. "I only have a daughter, and I admit thatI've spoiled her. No matter what she wants, I'll support her with all I can. If Leia can be thespokesperson of that perfume, you'll have to take good care of her." "Mr. Crawford is a gentleman,Dad. He’ll know what to do,” Leia said, as though she was already sure to be the brand spokesperson.

Goosebumps rose on Luke's skin when he heard Leia's cloying voice.

Suddenly, he missed Bianca's sweet and flowing voice...

However, he smiled diplomatically. "It's an honor that you can be the spokesperson of our brand, Ms.Norman."

Jack laughed heartily. "Good! Well, I'll leave it up to you young ones now."

Luke smiled discreetly, and his gaze sharpened. "Right, Mr. Norman. My company has tendered ourproposal about the seaside resort development project, and we are still waiting for approval from theEnvironmental Protection Agency. It seems it's taking a long time this time. I wonder if there's a changein protocol?"

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