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Chapter 2552

"Wait," Amur said. He walked to the living room, picked up two full bags, and handed them to her.

"What's this?" Luca glanced at the bags with a supermarket logo printed on them.

"Snacks for the kids..." Amur explained, "I just so happened to buy them when I was at thesupermarket."

"Thank you." Luca did not reject his kind offer. When he deliberately emphasized the phrase ‘just sohappened to buy them', she thought that the awkward Amur was a little cute.

As she looked back on the past three years, he had matured a lot and could take on responsibility.

She knew that Amur rejected Luke because of her previous experience. Nevertheless, he knew that thethree children were innocent.

"I'll be making a move, then." Luca picked up the two bags and left.

"I'll send you off." Amur walked quickly to the door and opened it.

Luca shook her head and said, "You've been on the road for a few days. I'm sure you're tired. Restearly. The driver is downstairs. I won't be in any danger."

"Okay, I'll be in A City for some time. If anything happens, call me immediately." Amur had to give inwhen she said that.

"Mm, I will. Take good care of yourself. Pierre won't make it easy for you, so you must be careful," Lucatold him. She hoped that Amur would stay safe every time he went for a task.

They had spent three years together, and she had long regarded Amur as her younger brother.

"I know." Amur's eyes flashed with reluctance. Nevertheless, he would eventually have to go back.

Out of the Island of Despair, he and Luca could not live together as they did on the island.

Luca went downstairs with the two bags, walked out of the elevator, and headed to where Warren hadparked.

Warren had been waiting in the car. He opened the car door when he saw Luca coming and took thetwo bags in her hand. "Ms. Craw, are you heading home now?"

"Yeah." Luca nodded and got into the car.

Warren put the two bags in the trunk and got into the driver's seat. He then fastened his seat belt andwas ready to send Luca home.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Luca asked. Warren would not usually get off work so late, but today wasan exception. She felt a little guilty for making him get off work so late.novelbin

"I ate at a nearby restaurant. The black Corolla was parked in a temporary parking space on the side ofthe road when I was walking back. I don't know if it's still there," Warren replied. He was always payingattention to his surroundings, staying vigilant so he could protect Luca.

"It should still be there," Luca murmured. She knew that they would give up easily since it was paidwork.

They had to at least make it seem like they did something.

Warren drove to the community entrance. He did not choose any other exit. He left through whicheverexit he entered.

Sure enough, the black Corolla was still parked on the side of the road. The car followed closely themoment they left.

Luca snorted. 'When will these people stop haunting me?'

She would have asked Amur for help if she was not worried that Abel would find out.

"Ms. Craw, don't worry. I checked when I came back from dinner. There are only two people in the car,so they won't act rashly. I guess they're just here to follow you." Warren thought she made a soundbecause she was worried, so he reassured her.

"Just two men? I thought there would be five people in that car," Luca said in a casual tone. She wasnot worried if there were only two of them.

If they dared to make a move, Warren alone would be enough to sort them out. Not to mention shecould handle two people on her own.

"They won't make a move until they find an opportunity. That's why there won't be many people in thecar," Warren explained. He had learned about the organization's structure.

They owned many bars and dance halls in A City, so the bosses behind them also had certain businessacumen. Unlike other organized crime organizations, they would not act recklessly even if they werepaid.

They would seize the best opportunity to complete the paid task using the least human and materialresources.

"Hmm." Luca lowered her gaze as she thought about what Amur said.

She thought about Pierre's assassination and Abel's plans to hurt Luke...

The more she thought about it, the messier her heart felt.

Luke's revenge on Pierre only caused him to have an accident and he temporarily lost his lower bodyfunction. Eventually, Johann cured him.

However, with Amur involved, it would not be as simple as his hands and feet being broken...

Even so, what would happen to Pierre had nothing to do with her.

Luca was worried that after Pierre was dealt with, Abel would then make a move on Luke.

'What am I going to do then?'

Thinking of this, Luca grabbed the corners of her clothes tightly. She hoped to develop the antidotebefore Abel could do anything.

Even if she could not save herself, she hoped that Eler and Amur could get out of that terrible situation.

Seeing that Luca stayed silent, Warren stopped talking and drove to the villa.

The car behind followed them all the way and made Warren wonder. 'Aren't they afraid of beingdiscovered by following us so obviously?'

They did not even change their cars. Their work was terrible. It was as though they were deliberatelyreminding them that someone was following them...

After they arrived at the villa, Luca got out of the car with the two bags.

"Warren, it's getting late. You should go back as soon as possible. Thanks for waiting for me for solong." Luca bent over and thanked Warren, who was in the driver's seat.

"Ms. Craw, this is my job," Warren said and backed away.

Luca walked into the living room.

The three children immediately gathered around her. "Ms. Luca, why didn't you come back for dinnertoday?"

It was Tommy who spoke first. He was looking at Luca eagerly.

"My brother came back, so I had dinner with him," Luca explained with a smile. She could feel thechildren's love for her every time she was home.

Although she was not their mother, they all loved to be around her. They acted like children who lovedto be around their mother.

"Your brother? Is that the uncle we met last time?" Rainie immediately thought of Amur.

"Mm, yes, he bought all of you a lot of snacks. Here, they're all in these bags." Luca placed the twobags of snacks on the coffee table.

Tommy exclaimed, "Wow, that uncle is so nice!"

He opened the bags that contained some healthy snacks for children.

Luca noticed that the snacks were additive-free and suitable for the kids.

Amur said he just happened to buy them, but she could tell that he put a lot of thought into it. Shesmiled and said, "You can eat all of these snacks."

"Yeah, Aunt Neile would usually get these for us too. The snacks that Ms. Luca and Uncle buy aremuch better than the snacks that Grandma bought us last time," Tommy said with a smile. His eyeswere glowing when he saw the snacks.

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