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Chapter 2551

Luca nodded. Pierre could not bear the common risks that came with transactions as such. She did notexpect him to go so far.

"The boss was so annoyed by him that he taught him a lesson in Russia, thinking he would learn hislesson. However, after Pierre left Russia, he's been using his network to investigate Abel. He has theboss' contact number, and Boss felt that things would go down if he let Pierre be. As such, he askedme to deal with the matter," Amur said.

If Pierre had been obedient, this would not have happened.

"He asked for it..." Luca said softly.

"Yes, if he hadn't continued to dig into Abel, the deal would have ended as such and the boss wouldn'thave done anything," Amur said as he believed that the deal was fair as it was mutually consensual.

All transactions involved risk.

Abel took the risk, and so did Pierre.

The money and the goods had changed hands but Pierre constantly bothered Abel to get a refund,screaming that the proposal was fake.

The money was in Abel's pocket. It would not be easy to get it back.

Pierre crossed a line.

"I see." Luca nodded. She was relaxed to hear that it was Pierre.

After all, Pierre had done a lot of terrible things but got through life scot-free using the Mallory name.He had not been taking responsibility for his bad behavior.

It made sense that many would hate a man like him...

If Pierre was assassinated under the orders of Abel, the obstacles between Percy and Nina would notbe reduced much but the Mallories would no longer use Mallory Corporation to threaten theirrelationship.

After all, the Mallories could not cede Mallory Corporation to outsiders or relatives.

"When I arrived at A City, I briefly browsed the latest news so there may be no action taken for the timebeing. I have to wait." Amur said.

"Did Abel set a deadline for the mission?" Luca asked.

"No, the Mallories have a great influence in A City. The boss just asked me to handle everything welland not leave a trail," Amur said.

Luca nodded. She was deep in thought.novelbin

It was not the best time to make a move on Pierre. However, if Amur hurt Pierre, it would be like himpissing off half of the Mallories. "Are you the only one assigned to this mission?"

"Yeah." Amur nodded. His heart softened as he stared at Luca's face which was flushed red because ofthe cold wind. When he thought of what Abel had said before, he reminded her, "Also, you have to becareful."

"Huh?" Luca withdrew her gaze and turned to look at him.

"Abel is plotting something. It seems to have something to do with you and Luke," Amur said. He heardwhispers here and there, so the information was not complete. He did not know the specifics of Abel'splan.

"Mm, I will." Luca lowered her gaze slightly. It did not mean Abel had no plans when he was quiet anddid not reach out.

She knew that very well.

"I tried to find out, but I didn't hear anything useful." Although Amur did not want to see Luca and Luketogether, he was always on alert when it came to her.

It was just that Abel was a secretive man.

It was as though he deliberately revealed a bit of information to let him know so that he could tip offLuca. However, he did not reveal the specific task.

He was like a cat catching a mouse, acting like the person in front of him was a toy to tease.

Luca knew that very well too.

"You won't find out anything. You'll never know if he doesn't want you to know," she said. Luca was notdisappointed that Amur could not find out more.

"Just be careful." Amur looked at her.

He thought that Luca's feelings for Luke should have gotten deeper with his absence for the past fewmonths.

He thought that Eler was right. Luke and Luca were husband and wife. Even though Luca had changedher appearance, the bond would still be there.

Luca would still care about Luke.

Luke would also be unconsciously attracted to Luca. That was the law of mutual attraction.

No one could stop it.

"I know." Luca let out a long sigh. She felt a sense of relief knowing what Abel was up to.

She looked at him and said, "Tina hasn't been doing well."

Amur frowned and let out a long sigh when he heard Tina's name.

"What's up with her?"

When she heard Amur's cold tone, Luca knew that he was not overthinking like Tina was.

"Her mood has been terrible because you left without saying goodbye," Luca said politely. She wantedto let him know that Tina was going through a rough patch because of him.

The decision rests with Amur on whether he would go see her.

Amur was not that stupid. He must have noticed something. He should know about Tina's feelingstoward him.

"Don't tell her that I'm back in A City." Amur kept silent for a while and finally made a decision.

"Okay." Luca sighed. She already knew that Amur's decision would be such.

Even if she spoke on behalf of Tina, he would not go soft-hearted.

Maybe Amur just saw Tina as a friend...

If he simply thought of her as a friend and had no romantic feelings for her, it was best not to meet eachother so that Tina could move on from it sooner.

People like him would have more weak spots the more they cared.

It was only by making himself invincible that he would not be controlled by Abel in the end.

Luca glanced at the time and noticed that it was getting late, so she said, "If all is well, I'll go homenow."

"Okay, I'll drive you." Seeing that it was late, Amur opened the balcony door and said.

"No need. The driver is waiting for me downstairs," Luca shook her head and said.

Amur frowned and replied, "The driver? He assigned you a driver to watch over you?"

"No..." Luca shook her head and told him, "I've been in a bit of trouble recently from the Russians. He'sprotecting me by assigning me a driver."

"Who's bothering you?" Amur clenched his hands into fists. He wanted to take care of the matter forher.

"Amur, Abel will know if you make a move. I'm afraid that he'll cooperate with the other party once hefinds out. Those Russians have a big influence over there," Luca reminded him. The Abazas hadnothing but money.

She was the entry point for Abel to hurt Luke.

If Abel knew about Matysh's interest in her, he might ask for money from him and send her to Matysh.

Therefore, Amur must not be involved.

"How could I let someone hurt you?" Amur clenched his fist and slammed it into the wall.

'She's in danger, but I can't even help her.'

He hated himself for not being able to protect Luca. He would have made a move if he were notworried about Abel's influence on the matter.

"Trust me. Trust him." Luca patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll be heading off now."

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