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Chapter 2138

“Louis and Yuri are busy with work. Who's going to look after Thea if you don't move out of the house?"Old Master Crawford did not allow her to stay.

"If they can't look after Thea, they can hire a maid to take care of her. Or they can just send her overhere if that doesn't work for them," said Susan. She insisted on living in Crawford Manor.

Susan and Allison used to argue and fight with each other every day. It had become a fight to the end.However, Allison moved out of Crawford Manor after she thought Luke got killed. That was whenSusan won the fight.

Hence, Susan insisted on staying in Crawford Manor. This was her territory.

"Mom, I'd still be worried if I leave Thea to the maid. You know Thea is unlike other children. I'll be moreassured if you can look after her yourself," said Louis. What he said was true.

Thea started suffering from a psychological disorder after what she went through when she was little.They had brought her to the psychologist, and the psychologist told them that she would need herparents' company. It would help her improve her mental health as she grew up.

"Then just let Thea stay in Crawford Manor. I'm not young anymore. I'm not used to living in otherplaces." Susan made up her mind. She wanted to stay in Crawford Manor, and no one could make herleave.

Louis had always known that Susan refused to leave Crawford Manor.

However, it was the old master's decision. Old Master Crawford wanted to live in a peaceful and quietplace. Louis had no choice but to continue to persuade her, "But Thea needs to see us often.Otherwise, she'll imagine things."

It roused the anger in Susan when she saw Louis insist that she move out of the house too.

Louis was her son, but he was supporting someone else instead of his mother. Susan shot a glance atYuri, who was only concerned about feeding Thea. Susan knew she could not pin her hopes on herdaughter-in-law. She turned to look at Louis and said, "Isn't that easy? You can ask the chauffeur tosend Thea here when the two of you are busy."

"Mom..." There was nothing Louis could do.

"Enough. Louis, eat your dinner." Old Master Crawford knew what kind of person Susan was, and heunderstood why she insisted on staying here.

"Grandpa.." Louis felt helpless. There was nothing he could do when such a simple matter could not besolved because of Susan's stubbornness.

Previously, the old master had dropped Louis a hint by asking him to move out as all he wanted waspeace in the house. After all, it was difficult to achieve that when Susan was still staying in the house.

Louis thought of moving out of the house together with his wife and children after all these years ofstaying in Crawford Manor. It was also to prove that he was capable of doing so.

He had established the workshop on his own without depending on the Crawford family.

"I'll move out of the house if she refuses to. Don't complain about it if I move to your villa in the future,"said Old Master Crawford. He thought of asking Susan to move out of Crawford Manor only becausehe thought Susan was too loud and fussy. He was fed up with her, and that was why he made such adecision.

He would leave since Susan refused to move out of the house.

"Grandpa, you can stay as long as you like." Louis was not going to reject his grandfather.

Yuri could not help but frown when she heard the old master was going to move to their house and staywith them.

The old master was not going to cause any trouble if he moved to their house. Besides, consideringthat he would bring some maids and servants along with him, Yuri's life would be much morecomfortable with them helping her out.

However, she was still reluctant. She had to be careful in everything she did if the old master wasthere. Her life would be boring.

"What? You're moving out?" Susan did not expect Old Master Crawford to come up with such a plan.

The reason why Susan insisted on staying in Crawford Manor was not only because she had beenstaying here for more than a decade but also because she wanted to take advantage of the old master.

Things would be easier for her if she stayed in Crawford Manor alone and the old master moved out.However, whatever happened after that would not be within her control.

Old Master Crawford took a bite of the salad and replied, "Louis' villa is right next to Luke's villa. I cansee both of them every day if I move there. Isn't it great to spend some quality time with my family?"

Susan looked at Luke and became alert.

Luke chimed in, "Grandpa, let's talk about this later."

"Well, Louis will only move out after New Year. No rush." Old Master Crawford knew his plan wasworking when he looked at the awful expression on Susan's face.

Susan had been carefully plotting. She would not let the old master get too close to Luke. However, itwas silly of her when she had yet to figure things out even after so many years. Even if Luke was not

beside the old master, the bond between them and the connection in their blood would never fadebecause of their distance.

It was the same for Louis, but Susan could never understand it.

Louis lived a happier life compared to Luke. He was pursuing something he wanted, unlike Luke, whowas forced to train to become the successor since he was young. Luke did not have a happychildhood, and he did not have the chance to play and have fun. He started from scratch in thecompany after he graduated. He slowly took over the company after understanding how everything inthe company worked.

Things were the other way around for Louis. He was living a much easier life.

Hence, the old master favored Louis more when he was growing up. Louis was against the thought oftaking over the company ever since he grew into an adult.

Old Master Crawford knew Luke was not living an easy life, so he let Louis do whatever he wanted to.

Susan clenched her jaw. She did not expect the old master to refuse to live together with her.novelbin

If the old master was staying in Crawford Manor, he would not have the chance to meet Luke thatoften.

However, if he moved into Louis' house, then Luke could see the old master every day. Judging fromhow good Luke was at pleasing the old master, Susan reckoned that he would keep on turning a deafear to her.

By then, it would be useless for her to stay in Crawford Manor. The assets that the old master owedwere much more valuable than Crawford Manor, after all.

Susan glanced at Luke and secretly made up her mind.

Luca was listening to their conversation at the dining table. The subject of the conversation hadchanged, and they were no longer talking about her. That was why she had nothing to do with whateverthey were talking about, and it did not matter to her.

Luca slowly ate her dinner. She would also help the children with the food. She had no right to sayanything about Susan's determination.

Old Master Crawford said to Mr. Griffin when everyone was about to finish the dinner, “Serve the twobowls of tonic now."

"Yes, Old Master." Mr. Griffin turned around and walked into the kitchen, serving the tonic that OldMaster Crawford had instructed the kitchen to make for Luke and Luca.

He carefully placed the tonic in front of the two of them.

Luca looked at the old master when she saw that the color of the tonic was slightly dark.

Before Luca could say anything, Susan asked, "What's that?"

"Tonic," Old Master Crawford took his time to answer. The only difference was that Old MasterCrawford was smiling, and he sounded cheerful too. "Luke, Luca, thank you for everything you've donefor T Corporation. I've instructed the cook to prepare some tonic for both of you. Drink it."

"Old Master Crawford, the tonic..."

"Don't worry. It's a bowl of nutritious tonic. I've asked someone to check the ingredients. The tonic willhelp replenish your energy. It's good for you," replied Old Master Crawford immediately.

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