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Chapter 2137

What bothered him was the fact that Susan did not know how to properly educate her daughter-in-law.

She let Yuri become like her, which made Old Master Crawford very unhappy. The good thing was thatno matter how similar to Susan Yuri's nature became, she would at least pretend to be well-behaved infront of him.

Therefore, Louis was the one at a loss.

Old Master Crawford had no intentions of interfering with that as Louis was very frivolous when he wasyounger, so having a wife like Yuri to keep an eye on him was not such a bad thing.

Luca assisted the old master to the main seat while everyone was watching.

After the old master had sat down, Luca thought about sitting somewhere near the edge, but Tommywaved at her. “Ms. Luca, sit here!"

Looking at the spot next to the child, she hesitated for a bit.

There was an empty spot next to Tommy, and to the right side of this empty seat was Luke...

It was like this seat was purposely reserved for her.

It would be odd to leave an empty seat if she did not sit there.

Old Master Crawford deliberately said, "Luca, just sit next to Tommy."

Since the old master said so, Luca had no choice but to sit in between Luke and Tommy.

Tommy smiled sweetly at her and sat upright.

Table manners were important in the Crawford family.

After everyone had arrived, Old Master Crawford spoke, "Since everyone is here, Mr. Griffin, serve thefood."

"Yes, Old Master Crawford." The butler walked into the kitchen and had the maids serve the dishes fordinner.

Old Master Crawford knew that Luke was bringing Luca over, so he had the chef prepare a sumptuousdinner that was as luxurious as a meal at a hotel.

Tommy looked at the dishes on the table and got greedy. After the old master said to eat, Luca pickedup her chopsticks and gave Tommy his favorite dish.

Although she had missed out on several years of their childhood, they were still her children. Duringthis period of time, she had found out what the children liked to eat.

She thought it was normal, but this attentiveness had caught the old master's eye.

He was even more satisfied with her.

Luca even knew what Tommy's favorite foods were. It seemed like she did not intentionally approachthe children. She was not deliberately pleasing them with ulterior motives. Besides, the children likedmany kinds of food. Knowing what they liked the most took a lot of time and effort to understand. In theold master's eyes, among all of the dishes that the child liked, Luca managed to pick Tommy's favoritebecause she put in the effort and knew him well.

“Thank you, Ms. Luca," Tommy thanked her contentedly.

Susan saw them looking like mother and son and deliberately spoke, "Tommy, I think you shouldn't callher Ms. Luca anymore. You'd need to change the way you address her sooner or later, so you might aswell change it now."

Tommy chewed his food and looked at her with a puzzled look, obviously not understanding themeaning of her words.

Luca's face had a grim expression after hearing Susan's words. The children may not know what shemeant, but she did.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luke had a wife, so even if she really stood beside Luke, she would not bear atitle.

What Susan meant was that she seemed to want to be the mother to these children.

In the children's minds, their mother was still the fake Bianca, so Susan's words made her feel deepmalice.

No matter how much the children liked her, they would be more attached to their mother.

If Susan were to really break down her words, the children would think that she was here to take theplace of their real mother.

Luca was very unhappy, but she did not have the identity nor a reason to criticize her for saying this.

Susan saw the change of expression on Luca's face and could not help but feel smug. She said,"Tommy, do you know why?"

Tommy swallowed his food and answered innocently, "Why, Grandma?"novelbin


Before Susan could finish, Louis interrupted her with a frown, "Mom, what are you going on about?Don't talk when eating."

"What's wrong? This rule doesn't usually exist. I was just trying to explain to Tommy since he's socurious. What's the matter with that?" said Susan, unaware of the old master's ghastly expression.

Luke put down his chopsticks and said with a cold expression, "Mother, Grandpa doesn't like hearingpeople gossip at the dinner table."

"I wasn't gossiping, I was just—" Susan's words were ruthlessly interrupted by Old Master Crawford.

"If you're not using your mouth to eat, get out." Old Master Crawford's words were filled with disgust forher.

Although the children liked Luca and would not mind if Luke and Luca took a step further in theirrelationship, the old master was still unsure about how the children felt about their mother's role. He didnot wish for the children to think that after Luke and Luca got together, she would replace theirbiological mother's position.

The children still had feelings for their biological mother.

Susan was dissatisfied and retorted to the old master, “Father, I was just telling the children.."

"Mom, have some vegetables. If you have anything to say, wait until dinner is over." Louis put somevegetables and meat on her plate.

When he found out that Luke was bringing the children back for dinner with Luca, he knew that therewould be a bloodbath.

Although nothing Susan said would affect the relationship between the two brothers, he still wished thatSusan would talk less as angering the old master would not do her much good.

Susan grunted, her own son was not helping, and her daughter-in-law could not even be counted on. Itwas as if everyone else at the dining table was standing on one side and her on another. Whatever shesaid was useless.

Louis cast an apologetic glance at Luke.

Since childhood, he had not been able to stop Susan from doing anything. In this family, only OldMaster Crawford was able to calm her down.

Old Master Crawford took a sip of soup and asked, "Louis, how's the villa renovation going?"

"Grandpa, the renovation is almost done. We just need to wait for the smell to go away," said Louis.Although new materials that were environmentally friendly and not harmful to their health were used forthe villa renovation, there would still be a little formaldehyde in it.

For the sake of Thea's health, he intended to wait for the smell of formaldehyde to fully disperse beforemoving in.

"When do you plan to move in, then?" Old Master Crawford asked.

"After the new year, I suppose..." said Louis.

"Alright. After the new year, your whole family will move out," said Old Master Crawford. The wholefamily would, of course, include Susan.

Susan could tell that those words included herself and immediately said, "I'm not moving. I won't beused to living in a new villa. Just let them move out."

Louis did not listen to her advice and moved out anyway. Her child had grown up, and she had no wayof controlling him.

However, she had to stay here to guard whatever belonged to her. She could not let Luke take it away.

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