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Chapter 1949

Keith immediately stopped talking. He widened his eyes and looked at Johann in disbelief.

'He's a doctor! How dare he yell at the patient's family?! I must file a complaint!'

Johann looked at him coldly and said, "Dr. Craw is just joking, yet you can't tell? All you've done ischatter non-stop. Do you want your cousin to get better?"

"How do I know whether she's joking or not? Besides, you're saying that she's joking but maybe shetruly doesn't understand anything and is just acting in front of you!" Keith said in anger. 'How dare heaccuse me of being ignorant?!'

He was not ignorant. He just did not believe that a woman who looked after people would be capable ofcuring Tyrone.

Johann felt a headache coming on. 'Why is he so hostile toward Luca?'

Many in the hospital wanted to get Luca's help. He once asked her for help on their behalf but sheturned him down saying that she was not interested in practicing medicine. Luca would not be helpingTyrone if it were not for Nina.

"If you don't trust the doctor's capabilities, I would suggest you transfer Mr. Hugh to another hospital,"Johann said blankly. 'This time, I have to defend Luca.'

'Transfer to another hospital?'

Keith's eyes widened. They were in the best hospital in A City and the country. If they transferred him toanother hospital, he was uncertain if Tyrone could get better.

Larry frowned and realized that Johann was upset with Keith's line of questioning. He put a hand onKeith's shoulder and apologized to Johann, "Sorry, Dr. Park. My brother is too worried about Tyrone.

Don't be angry. We'll go with your suggestion."

Keith wanted to say something but did not dare to speak when he saw Larry staring at him.

Luca studied the report while they were discussing whether or not they trusted her capabilities.

The problems shown in the inspection reports were similar to the problems she found during herexamination. However, some additional issues were not detected in the inspection report.

When they went silent, she looked up and handed the reports to Johann. "There are other problemsbesides those highlighted in the report."

"What are the problems?" Johann became interested. If that was the case, it was impressive that Lucacould find problems that the machines could not.novelbin

Luca walked up to Tyrone and pointed out the issues. "Dr. Park, look. His facial nerves are alsoaffected. Have a try if you don't believe me."

Johann frowned. "Tyrone, can you smile for us?"

Tyrone heard his command and tried his best to flash a smile.

Nevertheless, no matter how hard he tried, the corners of his mouth still could not turn into a smile.Instead, he squeezed out an expression that was uglier than a smile or a cry.

"Am I smiling?" he asked.

Mrs. Hugh was startled. She looked at Johann and asked, "Dr. Park, why is this happening?"

Nina also frowned. She did not expect that a glass shard would leave Tyrone with so many issues.

She wished that Jean was the one injured instead of an innocent man. She was so mad she wantednothing more than for Jean to suffer this pain.

He had been clamoring in the detention center every day, screaming for her to get him out. ConsideringTyrone's situation, she wanted Jean to be locked up.

No matter how much time passed, Tyrone would still have a long list of after-effects to deal with.

Although the doctor said that these could be improved with treatment, she was unsure how long itwould take.

Johann looked at Tyrone's condition, which was indeed something they had not detected. He explainedhelplessly, "The glass shard that pierced his brain happened to have landed in the area that controlsthese nerves. The tissue area where the glass passed and stopped was, which is why he is as such.However, the human body can self-repair. It may take some time and physical therapy, but his situationwill improve."

"My brother is still single. Is he really going to be okay?" Larry frowned and asked. If Tyrone's conditiondid not improve, he would probably be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

It was absurd that he let this happen to him because of a woman!

"He'll get better. He just has to stick with the treatment," Luca said while she made notes of Tyrone'scondition with her phone.

Tyrone was sad. Although he could not see his expression just now, from their words, he knew that hiscondition was not optimistic.

"Will I be okay?"

"You'll get better," Luca said as she put the phone back in her pocket. She looked at Nina and askedher, "Do you want me to treat him?"

"Luca, it's best if you can help." Nina nodded in agreement. She trusted Luca and Johann with all herheart.

"We can go for dry needling, but my methods are not the same as traditional treatment. The effects willbe better, though. I'm the only one who can do this," Luca explained with a frown.

Johann answered immediately, "I'll ask the dean to authorize you."

"It's not just about authorization. I also have other things to attend to. I can't be here for his sessionsevery time. How about this? Dr. Park, get a doctor that you trust to shadow me. I'll demonstrate for himwhat needs to be done, and he can treat Tyrone once he's mastered it," Luca said. She had yet tocomplete the tasks on hand, and Luke's project was about to be completed. She was unsure of whatshe would have to face tomorrow.

Johann thought that it could work, so he nodded and said, "I'll arrange someone for you." "Get mesomeone young," Luca said as she took out a set of needles from her backpack.

She made a request as such because the older practitioners already had their own way of doing things.They were arrogant, so it was difficult for her to change their minds. That was why she preferred towork with someone young.

"No problem. Are you going to start the treatment now?" Johann asked.

"Yes, I'll give it a try. Let's see how it goes," Luca said.

"I'll make the arrangements now." Johann turned around and walked out of the ward.

Nina said gratefully, "Luca, thank you so much."

"There's nothing much that I can do." Luca was unequivocal. She began to sterilize the tools.

Mrs. Hugh felt a little suffocated when she saw the needles. "Are these going to be inserted intoTyrone's body?"

Luca glanced at her, looked away, and explained, "They won't be all inserted. He won't feel any pain."

Tyrone was nervous as he watched her fiddle with the needles. He closed his eyes and decided not tolook.

Keith wanted to say something, but Larry squeezed his shoulder. He turned around, saw his warninggaze, and did not dare to say anything.

After a while, Johann walked in with a young doctor. "Dr. Craw, I've found the right person. This is Dr.Wood. What do you think?"

"Okay." Luca glanced at the doctor who was wearing a white coat like Johann. She did not have manyrequirements, so she just nodded to acknowledge Dr. Wood.

Dr. Wood looked at Luca's aloof appearance. News of what she did previously had already spread inthe hospital.

He thought that Luca would be a middle-aged woman. He did not expect her to be a beautiful andsmart young woman.

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