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Chapter 1948

Keith was a little overwhelmed by Nina's accusation and uttered, "That's not what I mean. Don't spewnonsense."

"If you want Mr. Hugh to recover, let Luca give him an examination. If you need a letter of authorization,she can definitely get it given her ability. All she needs is some time. If we go down that route, it'll notonly waste her time but also Mr. Hugh's." Nina was tough. After so many days, she realized that exceptfor Mrs. Hugh, no one in this family truly cared about Tyrone.

They just wanted to take this opportunity to get some more money. Later on, they would claim that theyshould get a portion of it as they had helped Tyrone.

Therefore, they would not dare to hurt her for the sake of money, which was why she no longer agreedto all of their demands.

Keith was speechless as well. He was better than Nina when it came to swearing, but when it came toreasoning with others, his education level was not as high. His ability to debate logically was notcomparable to her.

Larry said, "What if this woman kills my dear cousin?"

"I won't." Luca did not wait for Nina to step in and said in a neutral tone, "I have confidence in myself. Iwon't harm your brother."

Larry paused and looked at Mrs. Hugh. "Aunt Jenny, what do you think?"

Mrs. Hugh was not an opinionated woman. "How do I know what to do? I'll leave it for all of you todecide!"

Larry looked at Tyrone and said, "Brother, since you're still mentally able, you should decide foryourself since it's your body on the line."

Although he heard about Luca rescuing Tyrone, he still had no confidence in the woman in front of him.If he made the decision, he was worried that Luca would make a mistake and that would be on him.

Tyrone looked at Luca. When he was in distress, although he was physically uncomfortable and notentirely conscious, he was aware of the rescue process.

He had heard the woman's firm voice. When the doctor arrived and questioned her, she stood by hermethods which were slightly different from others.

He did not know what she did, but he could feel his body feeling better after she treated him.

"Go for it," Tyrone said without hesitation for fear that Luca would leave the moment he hesitated.

Luca nodded and looked at Nina. "I want all of his inspection reports that were done in this period."

"We may require authorization from Dr. Park," Nina said. She then picked up the phone and calledJohann.

"It's okay, I'll give the patient a simple examination while we wait," Luca said. She had a differentmethod for examining patients.

She could obtain more information about the patient's body than others during manual examination.

Her skills, in the absence of machine-assisted inspection, were life-saving.

Luca looked at the family and frowned. "I need to examine him. Are you planning to stay and watch?"

"Are we not allowed to do so?" Keith said unhappily. He did not agree with letting this woman treatTyrone. However, Tyrone was conscious now and there was no objection from other people. If hesuddenly objected, it would seem as though he had ulterior motives.

He did have ulterior motives. If Tyrone did not recover well in the later stage, they would have moreexcuses to ask for more money. As such, their cut would be bigger.

"You can stay and watch if you want. Make sure you stand there and don't move. No matter what I do,don't move." Luca glanced at him coldly, her gaze full of warnings.

Larry also wanted more money, but he was not as outrageous as Keith.

"I don't understand anything. Of course, I'm not going to move." Keith could not help but stroke his arm.He just realized that Luca's gaze was especially cold.

Luca walked to the hospital bed and looked at Tyrone's complexion. It was not terrible. Compared tothe last two days, his complexion was much rosier.

She carefully observed the wound on his head. It was healing well.

"Have you gotten out of bed since the stitches were removed?" Luca asked.

"Yes," Tyrone answered after about two seconds of delay.

It was too short for most people to notice, but Luca did. It seemed that the injury might have affectedhis auditory nerves or his ability to process language.

She continued to ask, "How do you find walking now?"

"My legs feel weak..." Tyrone was still slow to answer. After he finished speaking, Mrs. Hugh added,"His right foot drags a little on the floor. The doctor who checked on him said that it'll be much betterafter he goes through physical therapy."

Luca nodded. She did not ask Tyrone to get out of bed and walk to show her. Instead, she squeezed alittle hand sanitizer from the bottle hanging on the wall. After she disinfected her hands, she used her

thumb to press down on some parts of Tyrone's face.

"Let me know if it hurts," Luca said while pressing down slowly.

Tyrone cooperated with her. When he felt uncomfortable, he told her. She would silently make a note ofthe locations.

Johann rushed over after receiving Nina's call. When he arrived, he saw Luca examining Tyrone.

"Is this an examination?" He walked over to Nina and asked softly.

Nina nodded and replied, "I don't understand what she's doing but yes, she's doing an examination."

"She's examining his acupoints. If you don't have access to any equipment, you can press on thesespots to find out the damaged nerves and parts in the body," Johann said. The human body wascomplex. If they had access to equipment, they would not resort to methods as such.novelbin

He looked at Luca in admiration.

"Amazing, Dr. Park." Nina did not expect him to understand what Luca was doing.

"I'm not as good as Dr. Craw. The spots she's pressing are different from the distribution of acupoints inthe human body that we learn in medical school. This is her unique examination method. I don't thinkshe needs these reports." Johann raised a thick stack of reports in his hand.

Luca was not distracted by Johann's arrival. The examination took 20 minutes. After she was done, shesanitized her hands again.

Keith snorted coldly. He was dissatisfied with her behavior.

Luca ignored him and turned around to look at Johann.

"Dr. Craw, are you all done?" Johann asked.

"Mm. I'm not good. I was just taught differently from how you guys were taught. Are these theinspection reports?" Luca looked at what he was holding in his hand.

"Yeah. Since you've already examined him, do you still need these?" Johann asked.

"Yes. I have to go through these to make sure that I didn't make any mistakes." Luca joked eventhough she was confident in her diagnosis.

When Keith heard what Luca said, he immediately threw a fit. "I told you that this woman is no good.She has no confidence in her diagnosis! How can we expect her to treat Tyrone?!"

Luca looked up and stared at him coldly. She was not sure if he said that because he was reckless or ifit was intentional. She was joking but he did not get it.

Seeing that no one took notice of what he said, Keith continued ranting, "Dr. Park, you won't hand mybrother over to such a woman for treatment, will you? If something happens, will you take responsibilityfor it?"

"Shut up!" Johann told him to shut up impatiently. 'What a muddled twat.'

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