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Chapter 770

"Why do you want to meet Heinz? He is a busy man, and it's best that you let go of that thought right

away, Aunt Candace," frowned Zachary as he rejected her request.

"When I wanted to meet Grace, not only were you not helpful, you even stopped me from trying. Now

that I want to meet Heinz here, you are getting in the way once again. Zachary, what exactly is your

intention?" Candace roared with dissatisfaction.

He looked at her, who apart from being related by blood, he did not have much connection with, and

asked, "I have been clear with my intentions, Aunt Candace. Surely, you already know that. Why do

you still ask about something you already know?"

"Is it that impossible for me to meet Heinz?" She asked.

Zachary looked at her.

He couldn't help but think of this woman before his eyes who appeared from nowhere and went around

dictating her long-estranged daughters with no heed for what her intentions are. It was typical of her to

behave that way, however, he couldn't help but feel irritated.

He felt that Candace took them all for granted.

He did not know where she got her confidence. She actually had the guts to come back and command

Grace and Alice in such a manner after having abandoned them for so many years.

In conclusion, he was not going to allow Candace to meet Grace and Alice again. Unless, of course,

they were willing to meet her; only then would he step in to help.

This was because Candace's actions were both disgusting and infuriating.

Zachary processed the thoughts in his heart. "Aunt Candace, you brought this upon yourself. You've

made it impossible for anyone to understand you. As for the question of why you did that before, it was

left unanswered even until now."

"Now that you are back, you want to meet Grace and Alice but they have refused to meet you, so now,

you're requesting to meet Heinz again."

"Are you in need of cash? Is that it? If so, I can give it to you. Just stop disturbing your daughters!"

It was not like Candace had not borrowed money from him before. He had lent her some money when

they met in the United States previously. Zachary was never a stingy man. As long as she asked, he

would help her for the sake of his father.

"Borrow money?" She sneered as she raised her eyebrows. She looked at Zachary, as if she had seen

a big joke, and asked, "Do you think I need to borrow money?"

"If that's not the case, then what is it?" He questioned her bluntly.

Candace smirked and was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, she leaned back on the sofa, looked at

him, and asked, "How much can you lend me?"

She really came back to borrow money.

"You haven't paid me back the money you borrowed from me last time," Zachary replied sharply as he

squinted his eyes at her.

"I won't owe you for too long. Don't worry, I'll return it to you," she pursed her lips as she reassured him.

Zachary couldn't hide how helpless he felt. Grace and Alice had really suffered too much to have such

a mother.

His heart ached for his cousins.

And this aunt of his was completely irresponsible. Not only did she not care about her own daughters,

she even wanted to use them as a means of getting cash.

"Aunt Candace, I'm not asking you to return the money. You don't seem to be in a situation to be able

to keep your word on it anyway," Zachary explained. This was by far the only aunt who was able to get

under his skin.

"Why? Do you think I am not capable of it?" She raised her eyebrows as she asked him.

"What about doing something that can make me look up to you for once?" Zachary smirked. "I don't

need you to return the money from before; all I'm asking is that you do not harass Grace again. She

played a great role as a mother for you and took good care of Alice. If I was you, I wouldn't disturbnovelbin

her.", he added further.

"You have not walked a single day in my shoes," Candace replied in a somber tone. "You have no idea

what I've had to go through, much less understand my feelings. I don't need you to tell me the type of

person I am. It is irrelevant to me what you or anyone else thinks of me."

"Then what is it that is relevant to you?" He asked sharply. "Is it abandoning your family and leaving

your hometown for many years, or not feeling an ounce of regret for walking into your daughter's lives

unannounced and ordering them around to achieve your personal motives?"

Seeing that he started to take on a rather hostile tone, Candace replied, "Zachary, you don't have to

think that I'm cruel. I am, after all, Grace and Alice's mother. I love them more than anyone else."

"Really? Because I can't tell." He said, "Aunt Candace, you'd better think about whether you are

qualified enough to say this."

She frowned. She stayed silent for a moment before saying, "You'd better ask Heinz out for me.

"Or you can ask him out yourself. I'm not going to help you, Aunt Candace. I've got a lot on my plate as

is. I'll walk you out. Goodbye." He refused in a deep voice.

He walked Candace to the door.

"Zachary, you also think I'm going too far, don't you?" She probed as she stood up and rolled up her


Her attitude baffled him. She was really used to being opinionated.

Zachary himself felt irritated just looking at her; he could only imagine how Grace and Alice would feel.

"You know it well in your heart if you've gone too far. There's no need for my opinion," he replied in an

annoyed tone. "Please accompany our guest out."

The butler walked over quickly. He looked at Candace and said, "Madam Lowe, this way please."

She stared at Zachary for a few moments before she turned around and left.

Not long after she left, Zachary's mother, Nerissa, came out.

She looked at the upset Zachary and sighed, "Candace still seems to be so domineering. She doesn't

feel that what she has done to Grace and Alice is unacceptable."

"This is exactly what gets people worked up. Mom, did she tell you why she came back after all this

time?" He asked, in hopes of getting a lead.

"No, she did not mention anything to me," Nerissa shook her head.

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"To borrow money, I presume?" She asked.

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"You'd better inform Heinz about this. We've been facing a lot of troubles currently. If she comes back

at this time, it's either that she suddenly cares about Grace, or is going to make things worse for us,"

she said.

"I'll call Heinz now and give him the heads up."

Nerissa thought for a moment and said, "Zachary, have someone follow Candace."

He was stunned. Then, he looked at her and understood her intentions instantly. "As you say, Mom. I'll

make arrangements for it right away."

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"I get where you're coming from, Mom." He excused himself to arrange for someone to follow Candace

and called Heinz shortly after.

"Heinz, where are you?" Zachary spoke the second the call got connected.

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