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Chapter 769

Candace looked at Zachary and asked him in return, "What about me? Can I attribute all my

misfortunes to Marilyn's leaving?"

Zachary was startled.

He felt that her words were really hurtful. He squinted and replied in a low voice, "Aunt Candace, you're

simply pushing your blame onto others."

Candace said sternly, "You guys are not qualified to tell me about misery. No one has experienced this

more than I have in this life. You guys are not qualified to say that before I do."

Grace clearly heard Candace's low roar from the phone.

She was actually blaming her grandmother, Marilyn, for what happened.

She blamed Marilyn for leaving at that time.

Her hand that was holding the phone trembled uncontrollably. She wanted to hang up the phone, but

she didn't have the strength.

At this time, Grace heard the quarrel between them over the phone, "It was Marilyn who was

irresponsible and caused all the tragedies. It is also because of her leaving that I was separated from

Philip and Maxim, causing me to suffer great pain, which ultimately led to all these tragedies. I've never

been happy in my life. Who should I be blaming that onto?"

"Stop it," Zachary said sternly. "You promised me you won't talk nonsense. Only then did I call Grace.novelbin

But you're not keeping your words."

But now, Grace heard it for herself on the phone.

Zachary anxiously went back to the phone and said, "Grace, you don't have to come over. It's my bad

that I brought you trouble. I'll hang up first."

He hung up the phone shortly after.

Grace held the mobile phone in her hand with a heavy heart.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

Just then, Alice walked in to find Grace in tears. Her scarlet eyes were full of sadness. Alice was

shocked at once and rushed forward to hug her. "Grace, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?

Who bullied you?" Alice asked her anxiously.

Seeing that Grace was holding the phone, she took the phone from her hand anxiously and looked

through it immediately. She saw that it was Zachary who called her.

A surprised Alice asked her sister, "What's the matter? Why did you burst into tears after picking up

Zachary's call? What happened?"

Looking at Grace in tears, Alice too was about to burst into tears herself. She only felt that her sister

must have encountered something serious this time as she was not one to cry easily.

Alice was very worried.

"Alice," Grace called out to her as she fought to hold back her tears and manage the cold sweat that

left her palms drenched. She held Alice's hand and said in a low voice, "She's back."

"Who is?" Alice was puzzled and could not put two and two together. "Who are you referring to? Grace,

tell me, will you? You're making me nervous." Alice pressed her sister for answers.

"Mom," exclaimed Grace as she sobbed. She looked at Alice with rage in her gaze and said, "She's


"Our mother?" Alice was shocked too. She looked at Grace and met her gaze. Alice was completely

shocked and then tears welled up in her eyes. "What has she come back for? She was not there when

we needed her. Why did she come back now?"

Alice was hot-tempered too. When she heard this, she took Grace's mobile phone and called Zachary

right away.

This time, when Zachary's phone rang, he answered, "Grace?"

"Zachary, I'm Alice." She asked in a deep voice, "I want to know. Why did that woman come back?

What right does she have to come back?"

Hearing Alice's furious question, there was nothing Zachary could do about it but to answer, "Aunt

Candace wanted to meet you girls at first. However, I saw that she was not in the right state of mind. I

did not handle this situation well. Alice, please comfort Grace for me."

"Did she say something unpleasant?" Alice asked back, "Did she make Grace cry?"

"Yes." Zachary did not hide anything as well, "Alice, calm down." He attempted to calm her down.

"How can I be calm?" She asked immediately, "For me, Grace is so much greater than your so-called

Aunt Candace. Grace gave me all the mother's love that I had never received. Why has she come back

so brazenly now?" Zachary replied, "Alice, I'll talk to you again. Just comfort Grace, and you girls don't

have to come over. In fact, even I don't know what she is going to do."

"Zachary, we have no objection if you want to be associated with your Aunt Candace, but to be honest,

I don't need a mother anymore." Alice said, "The time that I needed her the most has passed and I no

longer need her now. You don't have to pass on the message for her again. We don't want to see her."

Having said what she had to say, Alice hung up.

When she saw the sorrow in Grace's eyes, she knew in her heart that it must have been that woman

who had said something awful, which made her so upset.

"Grace, don't get upset for someone unworthy of our sadness like her," Alice comforted her as she

reached out and wiped the tears

Grace took a deep breath and wiped away her tears. "I don't know what she is going to do, but I refuse

to meet her."

"If you don't want to go, I won't go either. I'll go if you're going. If she bullies you, I'll stand by your side

and fight against her with you," said Alice in support of her sister.

"We don't need to worry about what she is trying to do. Zachary will tell us."

"I think Zachary must have been fooled by that woman to the extent that he called you for her." Alice

said, "I thought Zachary was a cool guy. It turns out that he's just so-so."

At the same time, over in the Lowe family home in Northern City.

Zachary looked at Candace, who was sitting opposite him, and he asked again, "Aunt Candace, why

don't you tell me for once? What are you going to do with Alice and Grace?"

"Of course I'm looking for them for something." She said, "You don't need to ask about it. I can only tell

you about it after I see them for myself."

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"I don't have time to be sentimental." Candace said in a low voice, "Zachary, Grace and Alice have

grown up. They don't need me to worry about them anymore."

"Then why do you have to see them?" He said, "They don't need you to worry about them, what more,

to impose your overbearing orders on."

She was stunned and a hint of sternness flashed through her gaze. She looked at Zachary and asked,

"Do you also think I'm too strict and fickle?"

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"That's because Grace and Alice care about you." Zachary explained, "Therefore, they'll have higher

demands of you."

"Then please ask Heinz out for me," Candace said, "It's okay if I can't meet Grace and Alice. It would

be the same for me to just meet Heinz."

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