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Chapter 634

No one answered.

Jensen pushed the door open and went in. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Rosalie sitting on

the sofa. When she saw Jensen, Rosalie looked up at him coldly and said, "What an unexpected guest.

What made you come back so early in the morning?"

Hearing Rosalie's sarcastic remarks, Jensen went straight to Rosalie and sat down in front of her. He

looked up at her and did not speak, but his gaze was very sharp.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rosalie asked coldly.

"Mom, why did you forcibly discharge yourself from the hospital?" Jensen looked at Rosalie and asked,

"Since you feel that there is nothing wrong with your body, why did you force yourself to be admitted

and then discharged from the hospital?"

"What's wrong with discharging myself from the hospital?" Rosalie replied coldly. "If I'm willing, then I'll

go. If I'm not willing, then I won't go. I didn't spend any of your money covering the medical expenses


"You're spending the medical insurance," Jensen replied. "If there is no special need, give it to those

who do. After all, there are many serious patients. They need to be taken in by the hospital and


"Jensen!" Rosalie shouted in a low voice with anger. "Did you come back to scold me? Did you come

early in the morning to annoy me because you feel like I'm not annoyed enough?"

Rosalie had long prepared herself for this. She had said a lot to Alice the day before, and all of them

weren't nice. It had to be because of that woman's complaint for Jensen to return so early in the


Rosalie analyzed the situation in her heart. She also felt that Alice must have said something behind

her back. Otherwise, Jensen wouldn't have come looking for her at such a time and started finding fault

with her as soon as he entered the house.

"Why did you come back? Tell me your purpose now," Rosalie stated impatiently, "I don't have time to

chat with you here."

Jensen did not hurry to speak, but instead calmly looked at Rosalie. His brows were raised and it could

be seen that he was not very happy.

"Why aren't you speaking?" Rosalie grew even more anxious.

"Mom, then tell me what do you want me to say?" Jensen asked blandly.

"I hope that you can say something nice, at least, not something that makes my blood pressure soar,"

Rosalie replied coldly, "If you can't say that, then just leave."

An order to leave!

Rosalie had actually ordered him to leave.

Jensen raised the corner of his mouth and smiled wryly. There was a touch of sarcasm in the corners

of his lips.

"What are you laughing at?" Rosalie was annoyed by the mockery at the corner of his lips. "Don't give

me sarcastic remarks, just say it directly."

"I have nothing to say to you since a long time ago," Jensen answered calmly.

"You!" Rosalie was about to lose her temper, but she managed to control herself. Her thin brows

furrowed and she looked at Jensen calmly.

Although the conversation between mother and son seemed calm, it was turbulent inside.

Rosalie smiled coldly. "Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and tell me why you're here. I don't have time to

waste with you."

"Okay!" Jensen calmed down and started, "Mom, I want to know why you went to Hart Villa District

after you forced yourself to discharge from the hospital yesterday?"

"I went to take a look!" Rosalie's heart skipped a beat. It seemed like Jensen already knew what was

going on, so he came early in the morning to question her.

"Then you saw my girlfriend. Are you satisfied with her?" Jensen asked quietly. "She is my girlfriend. In

this life, I may not be tempted by other women. She's the one."

Rosalie immediately snapped, "I don't agree."

"Why do I need your consent?" Jensen asked again. "I'm the one looking for a girlfriend, a wife. Does it

have anything to do with others?"

"I'm your mother!"

"You also said that you are only my mother, not me. What qualifications do you have to say those

words to Alice? If my grandmother had said those words to you, what would you think?"

When Jensen thought of Rosalie's words about Alice, he felt very annoyed. He was ashamed to have

such a strong-willed mother who said such ugly words.

"Can I be compared to that woman?" Rosalie immediately retorted. "What's my family background and

what's her family background?"

"You are just an ordinary person. Just like anyone else, you can't even afford a house. What

qualifications do you have to comment on others?" Jensen still couldn't hold his anger and started to

complain to his mother.

Rosalie's face went pale instantly. This was the pain in her heart.

She couldn't afford to buy a house for Jensen, so when Jensen lived in Heinz's house, she always felt


Every time she saw Heinz, she was very polite.

Now, Jensen had taken this matter out and interrogated her for another woman. He didn't care about

her at all, which made her feel very ashamed.

Rosalie was so angry that she shouted, "It's you who wanted to live in Heinz's house. You have a

house to live in and yet you still say this! Yes, I can't afford it but is this my fault? It's your father who

doesn't have the ability. Should I be blamed forthat?"

"Who should I blame other than you? Dad didn't humiliate anyone, nor did he despise anyone, only

you!" Jensen said, "If you don't have the ability, you don't have to humiliate others. In fact, you are

worse than them."

"Jensen, do you want to anger me to death?" Rosalie's anger flared up instantly. Her entire body

trembled as she looked at her son, her eyes burning with fire.

"Why should you be angry?" Looking at Rosalie's expression, Jensen also felt distressed. He looked at

Rosalie and said firmly, "I just want to tell you, no means no. You are the same as everyone. Don't

insult people at will."

"There was nothing wrong with Alice. She didn't want to get into a fight with you, so she endured it."novelbin

"If it were someone who is not kind, you would have probably been countered to the point where you

would vomit blood and die when you said those words. The powerful ones may even fight with you!"

"Fight?" Rosalie was stunned. "You're saying that she still wants to fight me?"

"Don't you jump to conclusions." Jensen interrupted his mother's speculation in a deep voice, "I am

telling you that some people may have done it. Alice is very simple and kind. I have hurt her before but

she tolerated it and had also forgiven me. If it was you, you would definitely not have forgiven me."

"That's none of my business!"

"You'd better mind your own business," Jensen warned in a deep voice, "If you take my matters into

your hands, it will be very difficult for me. It's up to me to decide about my own business. I want this

woman for the rest of my life."

"Don't even think about it!" Rosalie shouted.

Jensen looked at her with his eyes wide open. After a long time, he said, "Mom, wake up!"

"I knew this woman would complain. She's like a b*tch who seeks revenge for the smallest grievance."

Rosalie laughed bitterly and continued with sarcasm, "This woman's standard is limited. She can't even

stand a few taunts from me. How could she be your wife? Don't forget that you're a police officer. What

kind of danger will you face in the future? Can she hold out? Just from this matter, she doesn't deserve

to be your girlfriend, so it's better to end it early."

"You should thank me for letting you recognize the true face of this woman in advance, so that you

won't get married and then divorce in the future."

Jensen also returned, "Then should I follow your logic to analyze this matter? I should thank Alice even

more for letting me recognize how mean my mother is."

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