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Chapter 626

"Heinz, you went to see Jensen's mother today, right? How did it go?" Grace asked when Heinz came


Heinz said, "Don't mention it. When I went, she'd already forcefully discharged herself from the


"Discharged from the hospital?" Grace was surprised. "Why was she forcefully discharged?"

"She has a bad temper." Heinz said with a sigh, "You can imagine how badly Jensen has been tortured

these past few days."

"What's going on?" Grace looked at Heinz in surprise. "Is Jensen's mother very difficult to get along


"It didn't use to be this bad. In recent years, it may be because of her age, but she has become very

difficult to get along with. She has tortured Uncle Charm and Jensen a lot."

With Heinz's words, Grace's heart tensed. Alice and Jensen's relationship were separated now, but

what about in the future?

What if they got along well with each other in the future? Wouldn't it be very difficult to get along with

this mother-in-law?

Looking at Grace's look, Heinz knew that she was worried. "Don't worry. Jensen won't live with his

parents. So, even if Alice marries him in the future, you won't have to worry about the relationship

between the mother-in-law and her."

"Even if you put it this way, I still can't help but worry," Grace said, "As a person who can even force her

way out of the hospital, I think she may be more extreme when dealing with problems."

Heinz nodded. "A little bit. This isn't what we should be worried about now. Where's Alice? Didn't you

ask her to come over here?"

"She said she was going to Jensen's to get something," Grace said, "I think she wants to live on her

own. After all, what she needs now is a quiet place. She may be more cautious if she comes here."

"You need to take care of her," Heinz said, "When people are fragile, they need to be supported."

"Thank you," Grace smiled at Heinz and said, "Thank you for caring about Alice."novelbin

"She's your sister so naturally, she's also my sister," Heinz said, "She's been treating me well recently,

so I'm also very concerned about her."

"I will call her." Grace picked up her mobile phone and called Alice.

However, when the number was dialed, she noticed that the phone was switched off.

She was stunned and felt a little uneasy. "This won't do. I have to go back to see if Alice is at home."

"What's wrong?" Heinz was also a little worried.

"She won't answer the phone." Grace was worried. "You stay with the children and I'll go back. Maybe

I'll come back later."

"I'll send you there," Heinz said, "Someone is taking care of the children at home."

"Let the driver handle it." After thinking over it for a while, Grace had the feeling that Alice shouldn't be

seen by anyone else in her current state.

Grace knew Alice very well. She was very prideful and also very strong. Even if she was sad, she

would not express her feelings easily.

On the way back, Grace had been silent and absent- minded. After careful consideration, she

understood that Alice paid more attention to Jensen than he did to her.

The one who loved someone more deeply was always the one who was the most hurt.

When Grace took her bag and was about to leave, she felt that something was wrong. She stopped

and looked at Heinz.

"Hm?" Heinz raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"Heinz." Grace looked at Heinz with a serious expression and asked, "Do you think that Jensen loves

Alice, or that he felt guilty and wanted to make it up to her?"

"In my opinion, it's all the same," Heinz said, "If you don't have the heart, you wouldn't compensate. It's

because they have the heart for that, that one would compensate to begin with. In fact, you really don't

have to worry about this."

"No!" Grace shook her head. "You don't know women."

If he was not deeply in love with her, she would rather not have him.

"You don't understand men either." Heinz looked at Grace with burning eyes. "If there are no feelings,

no amount of guilt would make someone compensate in this way, so I think Jensen does have feelings

for Alice."

After being stunned for a while, Grace said, "I hope so."

She also did not know how to think about this matter. She always felt that this was a very difficult and

really serious problem.

"I'll go first."

Soon, Grace arrived at Emerald Apartment.

When she opened the door, she saw a big bag in the room. She immediately understood what was

going on.

Alice was back.

She had packed up everything at Jensen's.

"Alice?" Grace shouted.

Nobody answered.

She shouted again, "Alice?"

However, there was still no answer.

She hurried to the room and opened Alice's room door, only to see her sitting on the bed with her hair

messy and her eyes red and swollen.

Grace was shocked and her heart ached. She sighed and went to the bedside. She sat down and said

softly, "Were you crying?"

"Grace!" Alice's voice was hoarse, as if she had been crying for a long time. It was the kind of heart-

wrenching sobbing that caused her voice to be hoarse.

"I'm here." Grace's eyes were hot and she gently put her hand on Alice's shoulder. When she was

about to hug her gently, she suddenly saw the red and purple marks on her neck, the result of being

ravaged by someone.

Grace asked in surprise, "Did, did you run into Jensen when you were taking your clothes and he took

advantage of you?"

Alice was stunned and her face turned red. She looked at Grace in astonishment.

"Grace, why... Why would you say that?"

Grace pulled open the collar of Alice's clothes and saw even more traces at a glance. As an

experienced woman, she naturally knew what they were.

Heinz movements were rough every time, but not even he would go to such extremes. This was way

too scary.

"Look here, your skin. He doesn't know how to cherish you at all; he's worse than a beast," Grace

cursed. "I'll go find him!"

"Grace!" Alice grabbed her wrist hurriedly. "Grace, this has nothing to do with Jensen."

"Nothing to do with him?" Grace looked at his sister with a frown, "You actually said there's nothing to

do with him."

"Honestly, nothing!" Alice said.

"Then did you meet some other men, and they...?" Grace didn't dare to go on. If other men had hurt

Alice, she should have followed her previously.

"Grace! It's not what you think." Alice shouted in a hoarse voice, "It's not like that. I did it with Jensen.

Anyway, there is no other man. It's only him, the two of us. I wasn't forced by him; we just moved a little

too fast."

"Are you still speaking up for him?" Grace felt that her blood was surging up. She was so angry Alice

was hurt. Last time, she did not know and she made Alice suffer for so many years. This time, if Grace

still pretended to know nothing, she could not forgive herself.

"I'm not speaking up for him, "Alice explained hurriedly. "The both of us consented."

"You said that you were willing to do it?" Grace was shocked again. "Did you have a relationship with

him again?"

Alice's face was flushed, but she still nodded and said, "I went to get my clothes and I met him. And,

and we did it."

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