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Chapter 625

Alice's heart skipped a beat and she felt humiliated. She looked at Rosalie bitterly and said, "Aunty, I

have always respected you as an elder. The relationship between me and Jensen is our business.

Haven't you crossed the line by making Jensen's decisions for him?"

"Crossed the line?" Rosalie sneered. "You're the one who's crossing the line. You can't even get out of

my bed with my son during the day. What kind of behavior is this?"

Alice felt helpless when she heard that but she still maintained her composure in front of Rosalie.

"Aunty, you keep talking about what happened between Jensen and I during the day. Isn't it weird? I'm

in a relationship with Jensen, so we have the right to do whatever we want even if it's during the

daytime. It's not like we're getting in anyone's way."

"After all, this is Jensen's residence. We were not on the streets, nor did we do anything outrageous in


"But Aunty, you came here without being invited. You didn't even knock on the door, but instead just

kicked it. When you saw such an embarrassing situation, not only did you not try to avoid the topic, you

even decided to keep bringing it up repeatedly."

"It's just sleeping, isn't it? I admit that I slept with him. We did it voluntarily; it's not like I forced your son

to do it."

"I have been holding back and I didn't want to get angry, but Aunty, your words are too hurtful. I didn't

say much since you were in bad health and were staying in the hospital, but it doesn't mean that I am

really the kind of girl you keep saying I am."

"I didn't get in anyone's way."

"What you said about me being dubious, not serious and that I can't live without a man, I will not accept

any of it. It doesn't matter if I break up with Jensen or not. You can rest assured that I won't pester your


After that, Alice picked up her bag and walked to the door.

She ignored them and only felt that her heart was about to explode. She had never been humiliated like

this in her life; it was extremely shameful.

She was a girl who had a clear view of kindness and hatred. She would never give in to anyone in her

life, but as long as she thought she was wrong, she would apologize.

If she was right, she would insist on it.

That day, she couldn't stand being talked about like that, but she also knew that she couldn't go too far.

She admitted that it was the first time in her life to admit defeat like that.

If it had been anyone else, she would have slapped them in the face.

However, Rosalie was Jensen's mother, and Alice didn't have a choice.

Alice came out of Hart Villa District with her bag on her back, a sadness lingering in her heart. After

getting a taxi, she returned to Emerald Apartment.

Rosalie watched Alice leave like and didn't know why she suddenly became extremely angry when she

should've been happy.

"Look, what kind of person is she? How dare she turn around and leave after saying what she wanted

to say. This kind of girl is uneducated."

Jovane silently looked at Rosalie. She sighed and said. "Rosalie, your temper is getting worse. You've

been in the hospital these few days and Jensen lost his patience because of you."

"Now you get angry at the drop of a hat. Your body was already not in good condition, but

you even violated the will of the doctors and forcefully discharged yourself from the hospital. Then, you

came to Jensen's place and even drove away Jensen's girlfriend."

"Tell me, how are you going to explain this to him?"

Rosalie's brow furrowed tightly. She looked at Jovane and said impatiently, "You don't have to persuade

me. I know you're saying that I'm on menopause. Even if I'm not, I can't tolerate a woman not doing

important business during the day and pulling a man into bed. Moreover, that man is still my son."

"Rosalie!" Jovane nodded. "I know you're old-fashioned and have the same thoughts as your brother,

but times have changed. Can you stop being so strict?"

"I don't care about anything else," Rosalie said. "But when it comes to Jensen's partner, I must open

my eyes wide. Otherwise, Jensen will really be doomed in this life."

Jovane sighed helplessly and said, "Oh, my sister, aren't you afraid that if you drive this girl away,

Jensen will never look for another partner again?"

Rosalie immediately shook her head. "No, my son will definitely understand me."

"We'd better go. Otherwise, when Jensen sees that the girl has left, he will be angry,"

Jovane said.

Rosalie was stunned. She didn't insist and got up from the sofa.

Perhaps this action was a little too abrupt that she almost fell to the ground.

Jovane's eyes were sharp and her hands were nimble, so she held Rosalie up.

"You see? Discharging yourself from the hospital was not a good idea."

"I'm fine." Rosalie waved her hand. "I got up a little too abruptly."

"Rosalie, you really can't be angry anymore. If you keep getting angry, your body will really be


Rosalie really couldn't take it anymore and didn't dare to get angry. She breathed in deeply and left with


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jensen came back immediately after finishing work to accompany Alice

for dinner.

He did not call Alice. His intention was to let her sleep for a while. After all, he had made Alice too tired,

so he felt that she should be sleeping at this time.

However, when he returned to Hart Villa District, he opened the door and saw nothing but emptiness in

front of him.

In the room, all the clothes were tidied up, but the bed was still in a mess.

However, Alice and her bag were gone.

He was stunned all of a sudden. "Could it be that Alice still decided to leave?"

She went back on her word? She didn't intend to stay, so she went back on her word.

This woman had deceived him in such a way. This was too much.

He took out his mobile phone and called Alice.

The phone was switched off.

At that moment, Jensen felt that the blood in his entire body ran cold.

Then, he called Aunt Jovane. These days, it was thanks to her help taking care of Rosalie, who was onnovelbin

menopause. Otherwise, due to that and her high blood pressure, he would really be tortured to death

by his mother.

Rosalie didn't know how to reason with him. It was obviously a very simple matter, but she insisted on

getting into a blind alley. Originally, there was not much reason why her body was in poor health, but it

was because of her mental state that resulted in her very poor health.

Jensen was very worried. However, he did not say anything because he knew that there was no need

to lower himself to Rosalie's level.

"Jensen." When Jovane received the call, she immediately said to Jensen, "Your mother has been

discharged from the hospital; she insisted on leaving!"

"I already know," Jensen said. "In the afternoon, Dr. Archer called and told me."

"Oh!" Jovane said, "I'm with your mother. Do you want to talk to her?"

"No." Jensen was very tired. "I am taking a break. There are too many things for my unit to deal with.

Thank you for your hard work these days."

"Ah, Jensen!" Jovane was about to say something when Rosalie snatched the phone away from her

and hung up.

Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, Jensen knew what was going on.

He threw his phone on the bedside table and took a shower. Dragging his tired body, he walked out

and laid on the bed which still smelled like the two of them and fell asleep.

After that, he actually slept until one o'clock in the morning.

He woke up and looked at the phone. There were no calls.

He picked up his mobile phone and then called Alice.

Alice's phone was still turned off.

His heart seemed to be stuck and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Jensen took his car keys and mobile phone and went out.

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