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Chapter 581

Grace didn't know why, but whenever she looked at Eva's arrogant look, she couldn't help but want to

rile her up.

"You are so disrespectful." Eva had been thoroughly provoked by Grace. She couldn't help it, and

exploded, scolding Grace, "Who do you think you are, coming here and ordering me around?"

"You're the one who's making a fuss," Heinz shouted coldly. "This is the true Lowe family. No matter

which Lowe family it is, it has nothing to do with you."

Eva's eyes widened.

"You're already married and have long moved out, yet you can't stop going to your father's house and

bossing people around. You're so full of yourself, and you have no manners at all," Heinz stated and

looked at Eva disdainfully. "How could a rude woman like you lecture others about their manners? Do

you think you are qualified to do that?"

"You!" Eva stared at Heinz in shock.

Heinz met her gaze and said, "Grace is my wife. If you have a problem with me, I can deal with it! But

I'm warning you not to act like a big shot in front of me. I won't stand for it!"

Eva was stunned, frightened by his imposing manner.

"Eva, don't say anything else. Go out and take a breather," Charles hurriedly said. "Donald, take Eva

out for a moment." "Yes!" Donald immediately got up and moved to take Eva outside.

"I won't leave." Eva shook off Donald's hand and shamelessly sat on the couch. "I won't go anywhere.

I'll stay here and watch as Zachary tears apart the Lowe family in front of Philip's portrait today."

Nerissa narrowed her eyes and looked up at Eva, pursing her lips. She wanted to say something, but

she didn't have the courage to. In the end, she couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Zachary's father

said that Zachary won't live for the Lowe family any longer, but only for himself in the future. Eva, you

don't have to mention his father just to pressure him. Philip loves Zachary more than you do. He's his


Eva paused. "Hey, how dare you talk back to me? Nerissa, do you think that you and your son have

become tough enough to fight back now?"

Nerissa replied calmly, "No, I just think that you should be more conscientious and reasonable."

"Are you saying that I'm unreasonable?" Eva frowned and questioned fiercely.

Seeing her like this, everyone felt irritated. This woman was so ridiculous.

Grace sat down next to Nerissa in a show of support.

Nerissa patted Grace thoughtfully.

Grace smiled at her.novelbin

Everyone was ignoring Eva, which made her feel even more annoyed. "Tell me, Nerissa! You refuse to

admit your true thoughts. What kind of attitude is this?"

"We don't want to talk to you. Can't you see that?" Heinz asked indifferently.

Eva frowned and said, "Mr. Jones, I respect you, and yet you keep belittling me. What do you want? Do

you really think there is no one who supports me in the Lowe family?"

"I don't want anything!" Heinz replied. "I just don't want to see your face."

"Shut up,” Charles warned Eva hurriedly. "Eva, if you say another word, then you should get out of here


Eva turned away and trembled with anger.

Meanwhile, Zachary, who had not spoken at all, looked over at Charles.

"Zachary," Charles said quickly. "We are a family. You can't leave us to die."

"Uncle Charles, we were never a family," Zachary replied indifferently.

Charles paused, and then said awkwardly, "Zachary, don't say that. Both of us are from the Lowe

family, and your father is my younger brother."

"Uncle Charles, from the day my grandmother left the Lowe family because of you, we were no longer

a family," Zachary replied. "This place is the home of my parents and I. It has nothing to do with any of

you from the Lowe family."

Everyone was stunned.

"Every one of you is used to bossing people around in my home," Zachary stated with disdain. "Who

gave you the right to do so?"

Eva was a little shocked. "Are you talking about me?"

"It includes you," Zachary replied.

"I'm your aunt," Eva retorted.

"You?" Zachary sneered and said, "You don't deserve to be my aunt."

"Y-you are so heartless." Eva stood up hysterically and exclaimed, "God will punish you for treating me

like this."

"Ever since you have treated my grandma unfairly, you should have known that things would turn out

this way." Zachary did not show Eva any respect at all. "If you want to talk about God's punishment,

then let's see what will happen to you."

"How dare you!"

"Eva, shut up." Charles frowned unhappily, and said to Donald, "Donald, get her out of here."

Donald was also at a loss. Seeing Eva's reaction, he had no other choice but to drag her out of the


The room instantly became much quieter.

Charles smiled awkwardly and said, "Zachary, I don't have any hidden motives. I just hope that you can

let go of the past. It was your father who had the final say back then, but now it's up to me. I also hope

for the best for the Lowe family. It's consolation for your father's soul in heaven!"

Zachary replied in a calm and firm tone, "Uncle Charles, you can leave now. Even if you try your best

to persuade me, I still won't invest in your company."

"Do you hate us that much?" Charles suddenly stood up.

Zachary looked at him indifferently. "It has nothing to do with the past. I just don't want to invest in your


"Why?" Charles still couldn't believe it.

Heinz added coldly, "Because you didn't pass this round of assessments."

Charles was taken aback.

After a long while, he regained his composure and asked again, "You really can't help us?"

"I can't," Zachary insisted.

"What I refuse to let Aunt Marilyn's ashes be buried with our ancestors?"

"We never planned to bury her there." Zachary looked at him calmly and stated, "The Lowe family is

doomed so there's no need to worry about your so-called ancestors."

"I won't let you retrieve your father's remains either," Charles said.

"Your opinion doesn't matter," Zachary answered calmly, "As his son, my mother and I have the final

say to decide where to bury him."

Nerissa added, "Philip said that his biggest regret in life was that he didn't live with his mother before it

was too late. Thus, he hoped to be buried with his mother."

All of a sudden, Grace's heart was touched, and she felt sorrowful.

Her uncle's regret was the same as her grandmother's.

She couldn't bear to hear these words.

Over the years, her grandmother and uncle had suffered so much from this family. Nobody could give

comfort to their pain.

Heinz had paid attention to Grace's every move. Seeing that she was emotionally affected by Nerissa's

words, he stared at her parted red lips and fluttering eyelashes. In the blink of an eye, it seemed like

she was on the brink of tears.

Heinz quietly sat down beside her and put his hand on her back.

Grace paused, and she looked into Heinz's eyes.

He saw her watery eyes filled with heartache.

Heartache for the injustice suffered by her family.

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