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Chapter 580

Eva frowned in anger at Heinz's words; the displeasure on her face was clear as day. As she looked at

Heinz, her eyes flashed.

Eva took a deep breath and managed to force out a smile.

So, she was able to endure it?

Heinz squinted his eyes. He thought that Eva was as snobbish as her elder brother, Charles.novelbin

She must have heard of him before, and was afraid of his status in the business world, which was why

she held herself back.

Otherwise, based on her foul attitude towards Grace just now, she would have flown into a rage.

Since she could hold herself back, there was no doubt that Eva had a plan in mind. There was

obviously a hidden motive behind her pleasantries.

Grace was puzzled to see that Eva hadn't argued with Heinz.

Normally, someone unkind like her would not stay silent after being humiliated. However, Eva had

tolerated it.

Only after thinking for a while did she truly realize that Heinz had a high status in the business world,

and was internationally recognized.

Otherwise, the members of the Lowe family wouldn't be so polite and tolerant.

After getting herself in check, Eva smiled at Heinz and said, "Mr. Jones, I've heard of your prestige.

You're a famously talented and wealthy person in Northern City. I respect you for being a gentleman

who speaks up for your woman."

Heinz snorted and replied calmly, "I don't need your respect."

Eva replied with a smile, "That's your problem. I have always admired successful people. As for the

women who rely on men to get what they want, they are nothing in my eyes."

As she spoke, Eva looked at Grace as if she was speaking with her eyes, telling her that she was a

woman exactly like that.

Grace frowned and maintained her cold gaze. She didn't want to pay attention to such a ridiculous


When Heinz heard Eva continuing to slander his wife, he made up his mind right away. His gaze

sharpened, but he did not make a move. Instead, he raised his eyebrows and coldly stared at Eva.

"Since ancient times, people have always said that a husband's success is a wife's honor. On the

contrary, a wife's virtue is the foundation of her husband's success. Grace is my wife, and we

complement each other. We have mutual respect for one another and live happily."

"We are not like others, who disrespect their parents all the way into their old age. Not to mention, they

don't bother to think before they speak. Isn't that totally unreasonable?"

Heinz's nonchalant words startled everyone.

Charles' expression was grim as he glanced at Eva.

Eva gritted her teeth and wanted to fire back at him. She was furious that Heinz had dared to provoke


However, she was able to endure it in the end.

She took a deep breath, narrowed her eyes, and looked at Heinz who was staring right back at her.

She did not say a word.

After a long while, she realized that nobody was speaking. She frowned and said, "You guys can talk

amongst yourselves. Don't worry about me, I'm going to talk to Mr. Jones for a bit."

Charles stared at Eva and tried to warn her with his eyes not to mess it up.

However, Eva was simply a troublemaker, and completely ignored his warning.

She glanced at Grace, her words filled with nothing but malice. Eva looked Grace up and down.

Grace also met her gaze without any intent to run away.

Eva looked at Heinz again and said, "Mr. Jones, I heard that you're also relying on your grandfather's

status to develop your career. Doesn't it seem like you're disrespecting your elders as well?"

Heinz raised his eyebrows and answered calmly, "Even if developing my career with the help of my

grandfather's reputation is a form of disrespect, I'm still able to keep the business alive and well. Unlike

some people who can't do so, and rely on the younger generation to support them, yet still act superior

despite this."

"You think you're better than me? Once your true colors are exposed, then we will find out who is more


Heinz's words had stunned everyone once again.

Grace didn't know whether to feel annoyed or to laugh.

Only Little Gary could argue back against Heinz. This was only because Heinz felt guilty towards his

son, so he was reluctant to disappoint him.

Right then, Eva had dug herself a hole.

Upon hearing this, Charles was very embarrassed.

Eva was also ashamed. She quickly turned to Nerissa and decided to change the topic.

"Nerissa, your niece acknowledges you, but not me. Did you say something behind my back?"

Nerissa paused and immediately replied, "Eva, how could you say that? It's my honor to be recognized

as family by her. As for why she dislikes you, I think you should know the reason.”

"What should I know?" Eva laughed scornfully and said, "Would there even be a reason? Someone

who was raised outside the family would always be rude, and will never truly be a part of us!"

"Someone who is a part of the family isn't necessarily well-mannered either," Grace looked at Eva and

said matter-of-factly, "For example, people who disrespect their elders and think they have the right to

boss people around." "Are you talking about me?" Eva raised her eyebrows and looked at Grace.

Grace replied, "Yes, I'm talking about you."

Eva's expression fell, and she directed her cold gaze towards Grace. She said lividly, "Just tell me the

reason why you refuse to accept me as your aunt!"

"There is no reason," Grace answered calmly. She did not have the patience to deal with this person.

She even hated her. "There doesn't have to be a reason. I just don't like you."

"No wonder I don't like you either." Eva snorted and said, "Do you think I enjoy your presence?"

Grace looked at her coldly without any emotion. Her eyes were cold as ice, as if she didn’t take her


"If you hate me so much, why do you keep talking to me?" Grace retorted.

"This here is the Lowe family; you have no say in things. I can talk to whoever I want." Eva stared into

Grace's eyes.

She had reached her limit that day, and the anger in her chest was on the verge of exploding. She

glared at Grace resentfully, her eyes spitting fire so hot it could melt a person's soul.

Wasn't this silly girl merely relying on a successful man like Heinz? How dare she humiliate her like


Eva had never been disregarded like this in her entire life. She then looked at Grace, who looked like


Thinking of this, Eva grew even more furious.

Although Marilyn had left, she had also taken away her father's love with her. Her father had never


to look for her, yet he had no intention to remarry. It was obvious that Marilyn was still very important to

her father.

Then she looked at Grace, who was just as arrogant as Marilyn. Grace completely looked down on her.

The contempt she had must run in the family.

Grace hated her from the bottom of her heart.

"This house belongs to Zachary and Aunt Nerissa, not you." Grace also knew that there was no need

to stoop to Eva's level.

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