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Chapter 547

"Mrs. Brown, I think you are not making sense either." Grace looked at her sharply and said, "First, you

said that I am your son's ex-girlfriend, then you said that your son is my brother-in-law. Now, you are

saying that I'm Heinz's wife."

Britney suddenly realized and frowned. "Isn't that so?"

Grace said in a calm and slow tone, "You said all this only to humiliate me, berate me and get my

colleagues to question my identity."

"I, I didn't," Britney denied immediately. "What I said is the truth! Why would I talk bad about you? You

are indeed such a person!"

"It's none of your business that I'm such a person." Grace looked at Britney coldly. "You can talk about

it all you want. I'm not afraid."

Britney froze and panic flashed in her eyes.

She only wanted to expose Grace for her colleagues to look down on her.

If not, whatever Simon went through would not be worth it.

Simon had dog bite wounds from head to toe. His appearance was ruined. His ear was half bitten off

which would affect his future greatly.

In contrast, Grace was living a good life. She even got together with Heinz. The thought of Grace's life

getting better made Britney angrier.

However, Grace was not even a tad bit scared of her. She even talked as if she was right about


Britney could not help but feel anxious.

"Alright, let's talk about sense then. Grace, you have a very cruel heart."

"Who is the one being heartless?" Grace said, "Your son and I had been best friends since we were

young but we were never in a relationship. Simon isn't considered an ex-boyfriend to me."

"Moreover, he married my sister, thus he's indeed my brother-in-law. The fact that he had cheated on

her meant that he had no morality. It has nothing to do with me."

"I'm in love with Heinz and he loves me too."

"But in your eyes, you think that I'm taking advantage of Heinz."

"You want to make me look bad in front of my colleagues and pressure me with their opinions. You

want justice and you are willing to do anything to get it. I've treated Simon well and I have always lived

up to my own conscience. I'm not afraid of you, I did nothing wrong."

Britney froze and pointed at Grace as she said to her colleagues, "Did you see that? She is indeed


"We didn't see it," Chuck immediately said in a deep voice, "We only saw both of you coming into the

office and forcing her to do something that she doesn't want to. What a joke. Since the police are

involved, why did you come looking for Grace?"

"Why are you favoring Grace so much? Do you have a secret relationship with her?" Tobias exclaimed


In his eyes, anyone who was on Grace's side was labeled weird.

Chuck was shocked and sneered, "You old man, I did no such thing. I really did not expect you to twist

the truth. Please be careful. I might sue you for ruining my reputation."

"If you are not together, why are you siding with this b*tch?" Tobias shouted angrily and even swore.

"Get out!" A deep female voice came from the room suddenly.

Everyone turned in the direction of the deep voice.

They watched as Hermione came out of the editor's office with an impatient look. She strode forward


This left everyone in shock. Why was she so angry? Who was she asking to get out?

As Hermione didn't mention any names, everyone was a little confused.

Tobias and Britney thought that she was siding with them.

There was a smug look on their faces. "That's right. Get out of here, you disrespectful girl. Get out!"

"I'm talking about you!" Hermione said as she walked over.

They were shocked. "Who are you? Why are you talking to us in this manner?"

Hermione looked at Grace and then at everyone. She looked at Tobias coldly and shouted, "You looknovelbin

like a decent man, but you are spitting b*llshit. Did you grow up eating sh*t?"

"I'm already being very polite." Hermione looked at everyone and her eyes fell on Chuck at last,

"People from our newspaper company must work for justice. Chuck, good job for standing up when

your colleague is in trouble. You should be praised."

Chuck was angered by their slander, "Hermione, they have gone too far. Whatever they do and say is


"Bring them out." Hermione said, "Where's the security?"

"What are all of you doing?" Tobias asked in rage when he saw the situation. "We are here for that

b*tch, Grace. Who are you?"

"I'm Hermione!" Hermione said in a low voice, "The chief editor of Entertainment Daily and also the

person in charge."

"You are siding with that b*tch, Grace, as well," Tobias shouted and his eyes flashed with anger.

"Hey old f*g," Hermione scolded loudly, "Do you think you are the only one who can swear? I think you

are the worst out of everyone here. You couldn't win Grace in argument so you started swearing.

Whenever someone sides with Grace, you get angry and start spitting nonsense. You are the worst."

Tobias had never been scolded like this before, thus his face turned red. "You, how dare you scold me

like this!"

"What, are you trying to say that I'm not allowed to swear?" Hermione smiled and looked at him

fearlessly. "You can swear too. Let's see who's better at it. In fact, it has been some time since I

scolded anyone. Both of you can help me practice."

"Editor, they are disgusting as hell." Chuck said, "They are so desperate and have a really bad attitude.

Like father, like son; that's why their son is so unfortunate."

"That's true." Hermione smiled. "They are malicious. That's why they think everyone is too.

Entertainment Daily will not tolerate these b*stards. Next time, kick them out before they even enter the


"Yes!" The sound of cheers sounded in the office, "How dare you bully one of our own. Get out!”

Tobias and Britney were dumbfounded.

Tobias was still unsatisfied and he angrily pointed at Grace in disbelief. His face was red as he scolded,

"You little b*tch, you are not getting away with this!"

Grace was disgusted by Tobias's angry expression.

She shot a cold glare at Tobias. Before she could say anything, a deep and stern voice rang, "Please

do whatever you want to do right now, that is, if you have the guts."

A tall and dominating figure appeared and everyone turned in the person's direction instantly.

Heinz was dressed in a suit. He walked towards Grace and quickly embraced her. He looked at her

with eyes filled with gentleness.

Grace was surprised, "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, they will continue to bully you," Heinz said. "I'd like to see who has the guts to mess

with my wife."

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