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Chapter 545

"Marry went in too." Britney, Simon's mother, looked puzzled and helpless as she said, "Things have

come this far without us knowing."novelbin

"That's right. I'm not sure how things came this far either," Grace said faintly.

Britney's statement made Grace feel helpless. She did not know why they were there. They probably

already knew the truth but didn't want to admit that they were wrong.

Britney was flustered as she looked at Grace with disbelief.

"Grace, how could you say that you are unsure?"

"She's right." Tobias, Simon's father, continued, "It's all because of you that they were arrested. How

can you blame other people for it?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Brown, since both of you think that I am the cause of it, I'm sure you already know the

reason," Grace's tone sounded firm.

"We don't know," Tobias said in a firm tone as well. "They are your family members. They are your

sister and brother-in-law. Why did you work with Heinz to bring them down?"

"Family?" Grace laughed coldly. "My family took my newborn child away from me. They even lied and

told me that my child was dead. I've never heard of family members like this."

"That must be a misunderstanding." Britney made an excuse and avoided eye contact. "You and Simon

were in love. Whatever happened was due to jealousy."

"Mrs. Brown," Grace clicked her tongue. "I'm afraid that I have to disagree with you."

"Grace, you cannot ignore the truth that is right in front of you. Simon loved you for many years. He is

married to your sister because he had no choice. They are fated to be together." Britney continued, "Let

bygones be bygones. Why don't you learn to accept your fate? You can't hold a grudge against your

sister and Simon forever."

"Mrs. Brown," Grace frowned and said in an indifferent tone, "You came to me because of your child.

However, I've reported them to the police for my child's sake as well. We are both acting out of love.

How am I holding a grudge?"

Britney was flustered.

Her face turned pale when she looked at Grace's furious face.

"No matter what, Grace, it's all in the past. Would you just let go of it?"

"Mrs. Brown, are you saying that I should just let go of things just because it is in the past?"

"Indeed. Stop being so vengeful." Britney stated, "Holding onto grudges makes you unhappy."

"That's true," Grace smiled sarcastically. "So, you can blame me for your son's situation, yet I am

wrong to call the police for my son's sake."

"That's different." Britney became angry when she heard her tone. "You got pregnant before you were

married! Marry took your child away for your own good. She was taking care of your family's


Grace froze and her breathing became rapid.

Britney was really good with her words. She knew how to twist the truth.

In her eyes, it was completely normal for one's newborn child to be taken away from them.

Grace was at a loss for words.

Britney thought that she had convinced Grace.

"Grace, can't you see? Both our families are close. Simon was your ex-boyfriend, but he is your

brother-in- law now. You shouldn't be so heartless and ruthless towards them."

Grace did not say anything.

She wanted to see how shameless Britney could be. She wanted to see what nonsense she could spit


"Grace, forgive them, won’t you?" Britney frowned when she saw that Grace did not answer and she

continued, "For the sake of the past you once had with Simon."

"That's right." Tobias nodded. "Grace, you and Simon were in love. You have a place in his heart. Could

you please be more forgiving? It would be better for everyone."

Grace frowned and said after some time, "Mr. and Mrs. Brown, just because you came to me in person,

doesn't mean that you can change my mind. I have already handed everything to the police and they

will handle everything. Do you think that I can bend the

law? I don't have that kind of prestige." Even if she had, she wouldn't do it.

Tobias was in a daze and he frowned. "I really cannot accept what you are saying."

"It's none of my business whether you accept it or not," Grace said coldly.

Tobias and Britney were both shocked at once.

Only after a short pause were they able to regain their senses.

Tobias was angry as he retorted, "Grace, we came to you because of your past with Simon. He has

hearing difficulties now because of you! We hope that you won't make such a huge fuss out of this

matter, dismiss them even!"

"My past with Simon?" Grace sneered. "He used me to his full content yet you still want to talk about

the past?"

"Hey, you can't say things like that."

"We can communicate properly if you did good things," Grace said bluntly. "But you've only done bad

things, things that were utterly devoid of conscience and you expect others to be compassionate. Who

do you think you are?"

"You, you, you think you are on top of the world because you are with Heinz! You've turned to become

so heartless!" Tobias did not think that his son was in the wrong. He only wanted to blame everything

on Grace.

Grace finally saw through them clearly.

Simon's parents were both selfish.

"What do you have to say about Heinz's relationship with me?" Grace didn't want to continue the

conversation with Simon's selfish pair of parents politely.

"You, you've really gone too far."

"You two are the ones who have gone too far. You've been blabbering nonsense. Your son, Simon even

wanted to harm a newborn child. He is so inhumane! In your eyes, you think that it is completely okay!"

"You got pregnant even before you got married. What makes you think that we should respect you?"

Britney was anxious, thus her words were frank and sharp.

"Since when did I ask for your respect?" Grace argued and the atmosphere became heated. "Indeed, I

got pregnant before I was married. But what does that have to do with the Brown family?"

"You are so full of yourself," Tobias immediately scolded, "What a b*tch. We came to discuss with you

humbly but not only did you not show respect, you are acting like you are on top of the world."

"Haha!" Grace smiled coldly. "You call this a discussion? I think what you said sounded more like

orders, don't you think? You could not get me to do what you want so you started swearing instead.

You think this is discussing?"

Grace had long seen through their intentions.

They did not have a choice. They were scared of Heinz but did not want to back off so easily either.

"Do you agree to help us or not?" Tobias asked angrily.

"Please leave," Grace said coldly. "I'm sorry but I cannot escort you out."

"You really don't want to help us?" Tobias saw her expression and furrowed his brows. His eyes were

filled with anger.

Britney was flustered as well. "Grace, you really don't plan on helping us?"

Grace bid them goodbye, "I can't help you. Please leave now."

Tobias and Britney were both in disbelief. They thought that Grace was a gentle and well-behaved girl.

To their surprise, she had changed after almost 6 years since they last met.

She didn't care about Simon's terrible situation. She acted like she had nothing to do with it. She acted

like she didn't care at all.

Tobias glared at Grace angrily, "You are being too heartless. Grace, you'd better think again."

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