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Chapter 531

Zachary smiled at her. "You've arranged it well. I don't need to take any more actions."

"What are you trying to say then?" Alice asked in surprise.

"I wanted to say that there was no need for the police to come," After saying that, Zachary smiled and

looked at the person-in-charge and said, "Simon Brown stole these ashes. Your storekeepers did not

perform any background check on whether a direct family member was entrusted with these ashes.

Your team had failed your duties for not verifying the source of these ashes in the first place."

The person-in-charge was taken aback and glanced at Zachary with guilt in his eyes.

All of a sudden, Zachary raised his voice and continued, "Even though we haven't blamed you for it,

you are making things difficult for us to get our family members' ashes back. Let us bring this case to

court. By that time, both you and Simon will need to compensate us."

"H-how could this be," The person-in-charge said. "We are innocent."

"It is your negligence of duty for not carrying out your job thoroughly," Zachary's voice was still loud and

powerful, easily intimidating others.

At this moment, Grace added in, "You guys were the ones who did not carry out your duties properly in

the first place. Zachary, I think this matter should be

taken to court. This way, we can also get our compensation fees."

Alice watched as both Zachary and Grace continued, and the person-in-charge slowly turned pale.

Alice also added fuel to the fire. "Now, Simon is dead. We may not be able to sue Simon, so we can

only sue your management. They're also public units, so they would need to compensate for their

negligence of duty. We could win the case easily."

"You guys don't have to speak any further," said the person in charge. "I'll give Simon a call. We have

his phone number here."

He went to search for the number as he spoke and gave Simon a call.

He called several times, but no one answered.

The person-in-charge was surprised.

Alice saw that he failed to get through Simon and immediately said, "We told you, Simon is dead. He

wouldn't be able to take your calls."

The person-in-charge hesitated and said, "How can you prove that you are Marilyn's relatives?"

Grace took out the household register, handed it over, and said, "This is the household register."

Alice stared at Grace in shock. She even brought along the household register.

When the person-in-charge saw that the household register had not been canceled yet, he frowned

and fell into deep thoughts. After hesitating for a while, he looked at Zachary and then looked at Grace.

"Did you guys bring your documents here?"novelbin

Grace immediately nodded and said, "I have it with me here." "I also have my ID card," Alice also

carried her ID card with her.

The person-in-charge thought for a moment and said, "According to our regulations, we can't give you

the ashes. Even if you want to take the ashes, you have to sign and make your cross on the

agreement. I would like to avoid having Simon Brown sue us in the future."

"Don't worry," Alice said. "He’s dead."

Grace nudged Alice and said in a low voice, "Don't say such things. He is still alive. It would be

embarrassing when others know that he is alive."

"Grace," Alice replied in a low voice as well. "In my heart, Simon is already dead. Not only Simon but

so is Marry. So, whether they are really dead or alive, it would be the same anyway. They're dead to


Even though this was the case, she didn't have to put it so bluntly. This girl would be at a disadvantage

in the future if she went on with her temperament.

Zachary, who had been silent all this time, spoke again, "Simon is indeed dead, for real."

Grace was speechless.

She looked at her cousin. His posture was domineering as he looked at the person-in-charge and

urged, "The documents are all here. Should there be anything in the future, you can speak to me. I do

have to settle some things with Simon too."

The person-in-charge immediately registered their identification information and returned the ashes to


When the three of them went out, they happened to see Jensen, who had rushed over in a hurry.

When he got out of the car, he saw a tall man in front of Grace and Alice. He seemed to be handsome

and rather dazzling. Jensen instantly grew alert.

"Alice." Jensen hurriedly walked up the stairs and looked at Alice, then at Grace. Finally, his gaze

landed on Zachary's face.

Their eyes met and Jensen sized Zachary up.

Zachary looked him up and down as well. Neither of them said anything and only exchanged glances

as they judged each other.

"Jensen," Alice said, "You're late. My cousin has already dealt with it."

"Your cousin?" Jensen sounded surprised.

"Yes, this is my cousin from Southland. We've only just met," Alice explained. "Let's get to know each

other. This is Zachary. Zachary, this is my boyfriend, Jensen."

"Hello." Jensen stretched out his hand.

Zachary extended his arm and smiled, "I've heard a lot about you, Officer Charm."

Jensen was surprised and couldn't help be suspicious.

Zachary did not intend to hide anything and said, "You have a good reputation here in Northern City.

You're a good policeman."

"I'm flattered." Jensen smiled at the compliment. "This is also the first time I've heard from Alice that

she has a cousin."

Zachary smiled but did not answer.

They shook hands with each other.

Jensen looked at the urn that Grace was carrying in her arms. The name "Marilyn Yates" was written

on it.

"Where are you guys going now?"

"Well bring the ashes to Zachary's place. We will then send it to Southland for the burial when the time

is right."

"Heinz has just contacted a cemetery and is ready to bury Grandma. Is she not going to be buried in

Northern City anymore?"

Grace nodded. "I'll talk to Heinz later. It was Grandma's will to return to Southland."

"You guys get in the car first. I'll go inside and talk to them," Jensen said.

"What do you want to say?" Alice immediately asked.

"I'll go in and tell the person-in-charge that he should report to me if anything happens." Jensen patted

Alice's hand and said, "Wait here."

"I'll go with you." Alice immediately caught up with him.

The two of them entered together.

Zachary looked at Grace and said, "Alice's boyfriend is a responsible man."

Grace chuckled. "I also think that Officer Charm suits her."

Zachary looked at Grace hesitantly. Then, he spoke. "Grace, if anything bad happens to you and Alice

in the future, you guys can always find me."

Grace froze and felt an unfamiliar warmth in her heart.

"Remember, you have a family backing you up." Zachary said in a low voice.

Grace paused for a while before saying, "Thank you, Zachary."

Zachary glanced at her before fixing his gaze on the urn in her embrace. He said, "Grandma went

through a bitter life because she didn't have a family to protect her. Although women can be strong and

independent, it isn't an easy task at the end of the day. I know you and Alice are both strong women.

You've thanked me for my help, but you haven't agreed to it."

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