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Chapter 530

Grace nodded. "The only thing left to worry about is if the Lowe family would allow this even if you

return with Grandma's ashes."

"If I wasn't confident enough, I wouldn't be here," Zachary answered firmly.

His attitude showed that he had the courage and determination to get what he wanted.

Grace noticed that maybe it was because of this that Alice was willing to acknowledge him as her

cousin with just a few sentences.

As for herself, she didn't have much objections either.

He had planned everything prior to this. In other words, bringing back Grandma's ashes was something

that the Lowe Family wouldn't be able to refuse.

While Grace hesitated, Alice said to her, "Grace, since Grandma has already said it herself in the letter,

let's listen to Zachary."

"Okay," Grace nodded. "Zachary, when do you plan to get started on everything here? Where are you

staying now?"

"I bought a house next to the Smith Family house," Zachary said. "Besides, the Lowe Family's business

is also gradually improving in the north. So, I also have some businesses in Northern City. I've just

arrived here so everything isn't that stable yet."

"You've bought a house and moved your business here and yet you say that you haven't been here for

a long time." Alice clicked her tongue. "Don't be so modest about your achievements."

Zachary smiled and sighed. "I'd never expect that Marry would chase both of you out. I've just heard

about it recently and got to know about some of it."

He looked at both Grace and Alice with concern in his eyes. "About your situation, if you guys are not

able to handle it well, you can call me anytime."

As he spoke, Zachary took out two name cards and placed them on the table. Then, he pushed the

name cards to them.

Grace took it and glanced at the card. She was immediately shocked.

"Chris Choice Investment."

She had seen this investment company's details from Tyler's place before. This was a major company.

What was most attention-grabbing was the name, Zachary Lowe. There were no positions stated on

the card, just his name.

"Are you the person in charge?" Grace asked with uncertainty.

Zachary nodded.

"That's amazing." Alice held the business card and inspected it. "Apart from the company name and

address, you don't even have a position. You're just low-key living a luxurious life."

The paper quality of the business card was certainly not ordinary.

Grace was tempted.

Zachary chuckled. "Those aren't important. I don't give my name cards away so easily."

"Zachary." Alice immediately grinned. "If you said it like that, many people would think you're crazy, but

at the same time, it gives people the impression that you're reliable. So, you're both crazy and reliable

at the same time."

Zachary laughed. "You don't have to compliment me too much. How about this, I'll bring Grandma's

ashes back home. Where is it now?"

"Do you mean you're going to bring it back to the villa beside the Smith Family house?" Grace asked.

Zachary nodded. "Yes, it's better than having it in the funeral house."

Grace lowered her gaze, her eyes filled with guilt. "Things became like this because I did not do my

part well."

"I didn't play my role well either," Alice said. "If only I hadn't left, or if I had brought Grandma along with

me, things wouldn't have ended this way."

"It hasn't been easy for you guys too," Zachary said. "Let's finish this tea and collect Grandma's ashes.

We'll head back to Southland on the day that Lorenzo's case ends. I'll give you guys a call by then."


"Give me a call. I'll save your contacts now," Zachary said.

"Zachary, you even knew about Lorenzo's case?"

"I know a little about it," Zachary replied humbly.

Alice dialed his number and very quickly, Zachary saved her number.

Grace did the same, and Zachary saved her number as well. Finally, the three of them finished their

tea. Grace wanted to pay for the bill when they were getting the bill.

Zachary reached out to stop her. He said, "Grace, Alice, you guys do not need to pay the bill whenever

you're hanging out with me."

"Wouldn't that be inappropriate?" Alice said shyly.

"Women should be independent and self-reliant in front of men, but with me, you don't need to be."

After saying that, Zachary gave the waiter some money. "The rest are tips."

"Thank you, sir."

They left.

Alice was impressed by Zachary's modest generosity. The more she looked at him, the more she felt

that Zachary was a good person.

She smiled at him and asked, "So, Zachary, did you come here by yourself or did you grab a taxi?"

"I drove."

"Let's take your car then," Alice said.

Grace looked back and saw Alex. She waved hello to him and gestured for him to follow along.

They entered Zachary's car and went straight to the funeral parlor.

Soon after arriving, they found the urn with Grandma's ashes. They saw her name, Marilyn Yates,

written on it. Grace's heart tightened as she read Grandma's name.

It hurt.

She felt deeply saddened as she couldn't see her grandmother in her final moments, and be with her

for her final journey in life.

She took a deep breath and picked up Grandma's ashes.

At that moment, the person-in-charge said to them, "I'm so sorry. Without Simon Brown's signature, we

cannot give you the ashes."

"Simon?" Grace was shocked.

Alice cursed, "So, it's that b*stard again."

"Why must it be Simon's signature?"

"It was the conditions set during the initial signing stage. Hence, you guys cannot take the ashes away.novelbin

We are really sorry about this. Unless you're able to invite Mr. Brown here, we cannot let you take her


Grace frowned. She didn't want to look for Simon.

Given Simon's current situation, there would be no way for him to sign it. Even if he could, he probably


Alice read the situation and quickly said to the person-in-charge, "Well, this is what happened. You may

not be able to understand the situation, but Simon just died in an accident last night, so he can't come."

"Ah!" The person-in-charge was startled. Grace glared at Alice. She was much too bold for her own


Alice continued in all seriousness and said, "Moreover, this is our Grandma. Simon stowed away the

ashes secretly and we've already made a police report. If you guys need evidence, I can call the police


"Miss, you may call the police here." The person-in-charge said, "I'm not able to give it to you now. The

police would need to come here and testify in order for me to hand it over."

"Fine." Alice immediately called Jensen.

"Jensen, we are at the funeral parlor. Come here quickly. They won't give Grandma's ashes without

Simon's signature."

'TH be there right away," Jensen answered without hesitation. "Wait for me.1'

At this moment, Zachary spoke, "Alice, I haven't gotten the chance to speak yet, and you've already

called the police."

Alice paused, and put down her phone. "Zachary, you can speak now."

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