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Chapter 522

Grace was dumbfounded. She looked up and gazed into his deep eyes. Right then, she thought to

herself, "This man really is something else".

How could one possibly word it in such an artistic way?

He was a healthy man and he had strong desires. He was unlike any other ordinary man. She had

been in a terrible mood for the entire day as she had cried for a long time. However, all those feelingsnovelbin

were gone now.

She felt much better now.

She only wanted to be with her children for now; she didn't feel any desires.

Heinz was a whole different story; he couldn't leave her side.

"I don't want you to repay me with your body," Grace said softly. "I just need your heart."

"That won't do." Heinz shook his head. "I'll give you both my body and soul to repay you."

He would give her his body and soul.

Grace was speechless. He was indeed something else.

He didn't say anything else as he pulled her head closer with a hand on the back of her head. He

lowered his lips and sealed hers.

Grace took a deep breath as the probing began.

He took the chance and probed into her mouth, and she could taste the faint taste of peppermint.

He had just finished brushing his teeth.

She could taste the slightest taste of cigarettes as well. He must've brushed his teeth as he showered

to get rid of the taste of cigarettes after smoking at night.

The air was a little thin, and it was getting harder to breathe. Heinz had taken her breath away.

Grace couldn't help but notice that he was very experienced in this regard. She had been intimate with

him numerous times but she still couldn't stop herself from blushing at the thought of it.

After all, a woman was naturally shy.

She was tense all over and she became even more sensitive. He was making her nervous and numb at

the same time.

"Relax." Heinz noticed that she still got nervous easily as always. He touched her forehead gently. "Am

I that scary? Why are you so nervous? Even your back is stiff."

Grace's mind was in a mess, and her heart was pounding violently from his actions and his voice. He

was making her whole body throb.

"It's almost dawn," she said, "I didn't sleep well last night, and now..."

"I will ask for a leave tomorrow in your stead. You can sleep at ease." Heinz immediately tried to make

it up to her.

"But I want to accompany the children."

"You're this tense because you're always so distracted," he remarked. "You have to learn to enjoy life

rather than live so anxiously every day."

Grace did not know whether to laugh or cry at his words. She blushed and said, "But this is too much;

no one can take it."

"I can," he replied. "I also believe that you can. If you're always this depressed, it will affect the kids

later on in life as well."

She looked at him in confusion. What did this have to do with the children?

"Look, if you're going to reject everything in life, what else can you achieve? You even rejected me

when I asked you for it, even when I told you that I'd be the one doing all the work." He looked at her

with a faint smile on his face. "Just think about it."

Grace gazed at him speechlessly. "Fine, hurry up. The sun's going to rise if you continue talking."

"I didn’t expect you to be so impatient," he laughed. "You should be well prepared for this matter. Do

you think that it's good if we started and ended things in a hurry? We wouldn't even enjoy it then. It

wouldn't be pleasurable."

"Stop talking." She couldn't listen any further; he was such a chatterbox.

"Since when did he become so long-winded?" She thought to herself.

Heinz immediately reached out to caress her. At his touch, she immediately lost all her strength. She

was already defeated before the battle had even begun.

Heinz narrowed his eyes and looked at her blushing face. Her big, bright eyes were in a daze, which

made her all the more alluring.

He smiled at her as his breaths quickened. He slipped down his palm down her back and pressed her

closer to himself.

Their embrace had gotten him excited. Looking at her embarrassed state, he became even more


She tried to resist by pushing her hands against his chest, but instead of clothing, she found that she

was in direct contact with his bare chest; he felt warm.

She immediately lost the strength to resist him.

Heinz took a deep breath. "Stop resisting me. I am yours; your children's father and we are a match

made in heaven."

Her children's father.

Grace instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck as the both of them stared at each other.

He smiled and whispered, "That's right."

She had finally started taking the initiative; that was his woman.

When he entered her, she closed her eyes and then opened them again. She looked at him, her eyes

filled with gentleness.

"Heinz, I'm really happy," she said.

He replied with a smile, "Me too. I've never been this happy. It's like sitting on a roller coaster. I had

thought that Ernest was the child of another woman. I would've never expected you had given birth to

twins. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was worried that you'd be sad after knowing that one of them was gone." She recalled the time when

she had just given birth. She felt as if her entire world had collapsed before her eyes after hearing the


She couldn't stop the tears from welling up in her eyes.

As soon as Heinz saw the tears, he immediately said, "It's okay, don't cry."

There was nothing he could do for her that was enough to repay everything she had done for him. He

could only give all of himself to heal her wounds.

She dreamt a beautiful dream. She dreamt that her child had returned.

She had managed to snatch her child back from Marry's hands.

In a flash, the child had grown up. He looked exactly like Ernest.

She woke up with a smile.

The moment she opened her eyes and saw the unfamiliar ceiling, she heard a man's voice beside her.

"Did you have a good dream?"

"Yeah," Grace nodded and asked sleepily, "What time is it now?"

"It's eight-forty a.m."

"Where are Ernest and Little Gary?" Grace couldn't help but ask as soon as she sat up. She saw Heinz

leaning lazily against the pillows in his pyjamas.

"They're sleeping in since no one has woken them up," he replied.

"Then, are they still sleeping now?"

"Yes," Heinz nodded. "They're sleeping very soundly. I just checked on them a few minutes ago."

"I'll wash up quickly and then go check on them." She got up and went to the bathroom.

She had just finished brushing her teeth and was about to take a quick shower when the door opened.

Heinz walked in without any clothes on. He wasn't bothered by Grace looking straight at his naked


"Oh, why did you come in?" She frowned. "I wanted to take a shower."

"Go ahead. I'm not stopping you," he replied.

"What?" She looked at him incredulously.

"Why not?" He entered the shower and looked at her. He added, "I heard that more water can be saved

if two people shower together at the same time."

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