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Chapter 521

In Ernest's villa.

By the time Heinz came home with Grace, it was already two-thirty in the morning.

After taking a bath and changing her clothes, Grace entered Ernest's room. The two kids had already

fallen asleep.

She sat by the bed and watched them; her eyes filled with tenderness and kindness.

They were her sons.

A short while later, the door opened. A cool and refreshing mint fragrance entered the room.

Heinz, who had just finished showering, entered the room, wrapped in a bath towel.

Grace turned her head to look at him. His chest was still dripping with water and his hair was drenched.

He placed a towel on the back of his neck.

"Go get changed," Grace whispered as she was afraid of disturbing the children. "Hurry up. Don't catch

a cold."

"It's fine," he said. "I'm happy now, and my immunity is at its best when I'm happy."

"That's not right either." Grace stood up and pushed him out of the door.

As soon as her hand touched his chest, he grabbed her hand and said lovingly, "You've been tired for

the whole night and you've also cried for so long. Let's go to sleep now."

"I'm not sleepy." Grace shook her head and tried to pull her hand away from his grasp.

However, she was unsuccessful as his grip was simply too strong.

Grace met his gaze with her own.

Heinz leaned down and whispered in her ear, "We've found our child and my heart disease is okay

now. You should unload the burden you've been carrying for so long, too. All we need now is to

celebrate this happiness with a round of passionate love."

Grace smiled and thought to herself, "Passionate love? How could he still manage to think of things like

that? I don't have the mood to do that sort of thing."

She felt content just looking at her children.

"You go ahead by yourself," she said. "I'll sleep with the children tonight."

"That won't do," Heinz rejected her idea bluntly. "I can't sleep on my own."

"I really want to accompany the children," Grace said softly. "Heinz, you have to learn to understand my

feelings. I feel rather uneasy now. Everything feels like a dream."

"I can guarantee that it's not a dream," Heinz said stubbornly. "Come with me to bed. Let's go to sleep


"I don't have the strength." She shook her head.

"I'm still energetic. I'm full of energy, so you don't need to use any of your strength," he replied.

Grace looked at him in defeat. "Heinz, I'll have plenty of time to accompany you. I just really want to be

with my kids tonight."

"Grace," he started. "I'm glad that you gave birth to two handsome boys. However, if you would onlynovelbin

accompany the children and leave me alone, I would be sad too."

He pulled on her hand, his face clouded with defeat and helplessness. Grace paused as she took in his


"Grace, when the children grow up, they will have their own wives to sleep with. You can accompany

them during the day, but you belong to only me at night." He gazed at her and said, "I am as happy as

a bird now, do you understand?"

"You’re so childish." She shook her head.

"Yes, I am childish." Heinz chuckled and said, "I just can't express this happiness that the both of us


Grace wasn't able to pull her hand away from him so she could only turn back and stare at her children.

"They're all asleep. What's there to look at? They won't run away." Heinz continued persuading her

patiently. "Besides, we still have a long way to go."

Grace turned her head back to look at Heinz. His hair was still dripping wet.

She said, "Let me go."


"If you don't let me go, how can I help you dry your hair?" She replied flatly.

"Oh." He paused. He immediately let go of her hand and then smiled shyly. A childish smile played on

his lips, his usual stoic expression wiped off of his face. He looked like the boy- next- door with the

boyish smile.

"Let's go back to the master bedroom." Heinz grabbed her hand and said. "Let's go. The children are

sleeping well and you haven't even slept in the bedroom here before."

"Okay," Grace nodded and turned off the lights before she left.

The master bedroom wasn't far from Ernest's room since it was only two rooms away.

They passed through the corridor and reached the door. Heinz opened the door and led Grace into the


A faint fragrance of mint wafted through the air; it smelled nice.

She picked up a towel to help him dry his hair.

Heinz sat down by the bed and enjoyed her service.

Half of his hair was dried.

Grace ran her fingers through his hair to loosen the strands.

Heinz immediately felt a strange sensation spreading throughout his limbs. The next second, she had

set down the towel and hugged him from behind, leaning against his back.

There was a soft and tender feeling on his back. Heinz instantly felt as if he was sitting on a bed of

needles. It was too much for him to bear.

He took a deep breath and whispered in a hoarse voice, "Grace!"

She closed her eyes and whispered in his ear, "Heinz, I am really happy today. I feel that Ernest is my

child. However, I still hope to do a genetic comparison just to make sure."

Heinz was taken aback. Although he also felt that Grace was the one who had given birth to Ernest,

she should still go for the test to dispel any remaining doubts.

This would be his responsibility to Grace and the children.

"Okay." Heinz agreed immediately, "We'll do that tomorrow morning."

Grace was stunned. She hadn't expected him to agree so quickly.

His response had completely taken her by surprise.

She hesitated for a while and then asked, "Are you really going to agree to it so easily?"

"Did you think that I wouldn't agree?" Heinz replied with a smile.

Grace nodded and said, "Yes, in fact, I didn't think that there was a need for the test. When I first met

Ernest, I had a very strange feeling. I felt really warm and loved, but still, I can't help but to ask for a


"Then let's have it confirmed," Heinz chuckled. "What's wrong with just making sure? If you're not

worried, then I won't be too. I'll prove that I'm a loyal man."

He agreed easily once again.

She was flustered at his reply. It made her seem like she was the narrow-minded one.

However, logically speaking, she wasn't wrong either.

She nodded. "Yeah, I believe you. Actually, when I saw you and the movie star in the hotel at that time,

I knew that you weren't a playboy."

"Thank you for your trust," Heinz tilted his head slightly and looked at Grace. The both of them were in

close proximity to each other.

His gaze fixated on her face, and in a low voice, he said, "It's already late. Should we go to bed?"

Grace paused as she looked at him.

Heinz grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, making her fall into his lap.

"Be gentle," Grace was so surprised that she almost fell onto the floor.

Heinz's eyes narrowed, his lips getting closer to hers.

She resisted him nervously.

However, he held her tight in his embrace and said gently, "I'll be gentle. Grace, thank you for giving

birth to two children for me. I really can't express my full gratitude to you."

"Then stop mentioning it," Grace replied and lowered her gaze, refusing to look at him.

However, he had other plans. "No, that's not it. I can't express it, so I can only give myself to you and

repay you with my body."

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