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Chapter 491

"Good for you, Simon." Marry sneered, "You really will do anything for her. How can you treat me like

this? I've sacrificed everything for you, but you still want to kill me. Simon, you are inhumane!"

Simon's eyes narrowed. He asked coldly, "In your eyes, who do you consider human? Me, Grace, or


Marry was stunned by the question and couldn't speak for a long time.

Simon said harshly, "Me, Grace, and Alice are the ones closest to you. Did you treat us well? Or are we

just pawns on a chessboard to you?"

Marry's eyes widened. She looked at Simon and her eyes filled with tears. She sniffed and said with a

choked voice, "Simon, I framed my sister, but I didn't scheme against you."

"If you didn't plot against me, why did the two of us sleep together?" Simon questioned mercilessly.

Marry's lips trembled and she was rendered speechless.

She smiled bitterly and sniffed. Tears still fell from her eyes and she couldn't help shedding tears.

She seemed really upset; her tears also made her look particularly sad and beautiful.

Looking at this scene, Grace might have been confused by Marry's tears if she didn't know what type of

person she was. However, she knew Marry was not such an innocent woman.

"Go ahead." Simon was still chastising her coldly. "Why don't you tell Grace how I made her sad?"

"Don't think that I won't say it," Marry stubbornly stared at Simon. "Do you really think that I don't dare


"It's up to you." Simon raised his voice, stunning everyone present.

Grace looked at them and felt that they were deliberately making things difficult for each other. Simon

was threatening Marry, and Marry seemed to be weighing her choices.

Grace's brows knitted tightly.

"You plotted against Grace," Marry shouted loudly. "You planned the matter of grandma's ashes. You

used her ashes to force Grace to let her help us get the land. You were the one who came up with that

idea. You used Grace for everything."

Simon didn't move at all. His eyes sank as he stared at Marry with an icy look.

So cold...

His expression was so cold that Marry couldn't help shivering.

Grace turned around and looked at Simon in surprise.novelbin

"Do you dare deny that it wasn't you?" Marry shouted, "You dare to say that you are so innocent?"

Grace asked Simon directly, "Was it your idea?"

Simon looked at her and nodded. "Yes, it was me."

Grace lowered her gaze and fell silent.

"Humph," Marry sneered. "Even if you destroy me, you won't get anything."

"What do you mean by what you said just now?" Grace stared at Marry, "Is there anything else?"

"He schemed against you when you were at Heinz's place. He wanted to rely on you to make use of

Heinz, but Heinz saw through it."

"What else?" The only thing Grace wanted to know was about the child. She hoped to hear about the

child. "Where's my child?"

Marry's eyes flashed and she actually shut up.

After a long while, she spoke, "That child was born dead. How many times have you asked? What

fantasies are you holding?"

Grace was stunned by her question and felt extremely upset.

Did she really overthink about the matter of her child? Did the child really not exist?

"No matter how many times you ask, it's still the same," Marry roared. "Who wants to hurt your child?"

"Are you done talking?" Simon said coldly, "Which one of the two things you just said did you not

participate in?"

"Why are you being so fierce to me?" Marry said and was about to rush out.

She was immediately stopped by the men guarding the door.

Marry's face changed. "You are a group of good-for-nothings! I am the head of this family. You have

submitted to the wrong master."

The two men did not speak, nor did they look at Marry.

It seemed that they didn't care about Marry's words and only followed Simon's orders.

Simon stood tall and straight outside the door, staring coldly at Marry. "You used to be the head.

Everyone listens to you, but you're ill now."

"I'm not ill," Marry huffed angrily.

"You're sick," Simon rebuked her in a deep voice. "You're seriously ill."

"Simon, you wanted to drive me crazy. Don't think that I don't know what you want!" Marry shouted


Grace suddenly realized that Marry was nothing in this house.

In truth, the person in charge of the family was Simon.

She cast her gaze at Simon calmly.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of fear.

The man remained calm and collected as he held Sunny Group in his grip. To think that Marry was in

such a situation, but he was still acting so innocently.

He was truly terrifying.

Grace narrowed her eyes and sized Simon up.

Simon looked up and happened to meet Grace's eyes. Suddenly, he was stunned, and a hint of

displeasure flashed across his eyes. He scolded Marry, "Karma is a bi*ch. Who can you blame for your

evil deeds?"

"Is there anything else?" Grace suddenly said, "Marry, think about it. If you say it now, it's still not too

late. I can let the bygones be bygones. I want to know whether my child is dead or alive."

"He's dead! He's dead!" Marry screamed. "Dead! Your child has been dead for a long time! He's been

thrown into the doctor's medical garbage bag!"

Grace stiffened. She only felt a chill.

Thrown into a garbage bag?

That was her child's life.

She hugged herself with both hands, feeling that it was very cold, but her heart was even colder.

Her child. That was her child.

Grace's lips trembled vigorously. Her heart was filled with despair.

"When I arrived, the doctor said your child couldn't make it." Simon said, "Haven't you already asked

the doctor? This is a matter of responsibility. Even if we wanted to do something, the doctor wouldn't

dare do it."

Marry didn't say anything.

Simon said, "Grace, don't be paranoid."

"Simon, I don't need you to tell me what to do," Grace said in a cold voice.

Simon shut his mouth.

"The dead can't come back. This is your retribution." Marry said coldly, "You didn't want me to have

Simon back then, but you've been defiled. You can only do this. Your child is dead. You are lucky that

even one is still alive. You still want the two of them to be alive? You're really greedy."

"Shut your mouth!" Simon shouted coldly.

Marry glared at him.

They looked into each other's eyes.

Simon's eyes were fixed on Marry. After a long while, he said, "Have you finished speaking?"

Marry looked at them, then turned around and went back into the room. She climbed onto the bed and

went to sleep.

Grace stood at the door, and her throat rolled. She felt suffocated, like an invisible hand was holding

her heart tightly, and she was unable to breathe.

She turned around and walked away.

Simon followed closely behind.

"Grace, I've done a few things for the sake of Sunny Group," he said heavily. "What's more, I'm jealous

of Heinz. Do you understand?"

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