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Chapter 443

Grace could hear the complaints coming from Aunt White, which made it seem like a failed blind date.

She was very surprised.

Although Laney had an unhappy expression on her face, she still did not say anything.

Professor Brooks was not as angry as Aunt White.

Chuck was also shocked.

Aunt White didn't seem to be satisfied. She looked at Grace with doubts in her eyes.

"Grace, since you already have children, why are you still being so close to men?" Aunt White said.

Those words were like a knife to Grace's heart; she felt insulted.

"Julia," Laney spoke again, "Don't talk like that."

Aunt White reached out and patted Laney's hand. "Laney, it's not that we're looking for trouble. It's Miss

Smith who has always been treating Tyler like a fool. I think she's used to taking advantage of a man

just to get what she wants."

Grace's eyes widened. She was shocked to hear what they were saying about her.

What did Aunt White mean by Grace taking advantage of her relationship with a man?

She never thought about it that way.

"And you, Chuck, you also heard it, didn't you?" Aunt White looked at Chuck and said, "Be careful or

you will get used by her too."

"Auntie White," Grace opened her mouth and said, "I don't know where you got that idea from. I don't

even know why you would say that."

"Did I just blurt out what was on your mind?" Aunt White said coldly.

"Aunt White, you're mistaken," Chuck also explained, "I'm Grace's colleague. We're here for an


"Ha," Aunt White snorted and said, "She's just using her relationship with men in every possible way."

"Julia," Laney raised her voice, "Stop talking."

Julia noticed Laney's anger. She opened her mouth but did not say anything.

However, there was still a hint of anger and hatred in her eyes when she looked at Grace.

"Professor Brooks," Grace stood up, looked at them and said, "May I ask what I did to cause this


"Misunderstanding?" Julia couldn't help but shout again, "Aren't you in a relationship with Tyler?"

Grace frowned and said again, "Aunt White, who said that I'm in a relationship with Tyler?"

"If both of you are not in a relationship, why would he do so much to help you?" Julia rebutted, "If you

don't have such a close relationship with him, why would he help you?"

Grace was speechless.

She stared at Aunt White, who seemed to be indignant, and said, "Aunt White, I don't know what you

mean. I don't even know what your relationship is with Tyler."

"Tyler and I are just friends. I'm very surprised that you think I'm taking advantage of him. Does that

mean that your friendship with Professor Brooks is not sincere? Are you just taking advantage of her?"

Grace continued.

"You," Aunt White looked angry. "What a glib tongue."

"I do speak well," Grace said, "Both you and Professor Brooks are elders, and also the elders that Tyler

introduced me to, so I respect both of you very much."

"However, there must be some misunderstanding that made Aunt White misunderstand my relationship

with Tyler."

"Let me repeat myself."

"Tyler and I are just friends."

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can continue today's meal," Grace said.

Laney was startled. As she looked at Grace, there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Grace looked at Chuck again and said, "Chuck, let's go."

"Alright!" Chuck immediately stood up. Facing the two ladies, he nodded slightly and said, "Sorry, we'll

leave first."

He followed Grace out of the room.

At this moment, Tyler entered the room and blocked Grace and Chuck's way.

Seeing that they didn't look happy, he immediately frowned and asked in surprise, "Hey, where are you


"Mr. Henley," Chuck said with a smile. "Well, there's something we need to do. We should leave first."

"Tyler, thank you for your help in the past," Grace said. She felt very uncomfortable about being

commented on like that. "Well leave now."

"Wait!" Tyler saw that both the ladies inside looked somewhat embarrassed.

Tyler immediately sensed that something had happened.

Was it possible that something happened before he arrived? He looked at Grace.

Grace's expression didn't look too happy either.

Tyler frowned slightly and looked at Chuck again. He was silently interrogating Chuck.

Chuck smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say.

Tyler looked inside and asked in a low voice, "What the hell is going on?"

Laney did not say anything. She only looked at Tyler with a sharp gaze.

Tyler frowned and said, "Say something."

"It's nothing." After careful consideration, Grace shook her head. "I have something to do. Hence, I

can't have a meal together now."

"Grace, please do me a favor," Tyler lowered his head to look at her. "I'll send you home after dinner."

Grace smiled bitterly. Facing Tyler, she said, "Maybe another time."

There was an imploring look in her eyes.

She didn't want to stay any longer, and there was a hint of helplessness in her tone.

Tyler's heart skipped a beat. He could sense that something had happened.

He couldn't convince Grace to stay.

He could only nod and say, "Okay, you can go first."

"Excuse me," Grace quickly finished her words and strode away.

Chuck smiled at Tyler and quickly followed behind Grace.

At this time, Aunt White, who was inside, looked at Tyler and said in a low voice, "Tyler, what's wrong

with you? How can you look for a woman who has a child to be your wife? What would others say

behind your mother's back?"

Tyler suddenly understood something. He looked at Aunt White calmly and asked, "Aunt White, who

told you that I'm looking for a wife? When did I say that I'm looking for a wife?"

"She's not your wife now but she's your future wife. Your mother said that you found a girlfriend. That's

why we came," Aunt White said.

"Mom!" Tyler looked at Laney and took a deep breath. He was very helpless. "When did I say that

Grace was my girlfriend? When did I even say that I had a girlfriend?"

Laney was stunned. "You didn't, but it was so obvious. I gave you several hints and you never denied

it." "What's the use of me denying it?" Tyler retorted helplessly. "I denied it several times, but you didn't

believe me and insisted on your viewpoint. Well, I understand now. Are all women on menopause this

funny? What did you two do just now to make Grace so embarrassed?"

"Why are you so nervous?" Julia said, "I think that girl wants something from you. Otherwise, shenovelbin

wouldn't have left so quickly after hearing what I said. She's such a rude girl. Forget it."

"Aunt White," Tyler was really outraged by his mother's friend. "You are so impulsive even at such an

age. Don't you think you should reflect on that?"

"I — " Julia was stunned.

"Even if my mom asked you to come, do you think it's appropriate for you to be here? Not to mention

that this is not a blind date. Even if it was, do you think you have the right to be here?" Tyler asked.

Aunt White was stunned and said, "Tyler, I am your aunt." "So what?" Tyler replied coldly.

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