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Chapter 442

After hanging up, Grace held the phone for a moment. Then, she took a deep breath and smiled.

With a goal in life, her work felt easier.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Tyler standing at a corner. He was staring at her intently.

Surprised, Grace asked with a smile, "Tyler, why are you here?"

Tyler was still staring deeply at her. Grace wondered if she was imagining things. His lips twitched as

he looked at Grace. He said jokingly, "I was afraid you would be hungry. If you can't get anything to eat,

wouldn't that be my fault? That's why I am here to ask you to eat together."

"Thank you," Grace walked towards him and said. "You stay here and wait for Chuck. I'm going to go to

the restroom for a while. The three of us can have a meal together."

Tyler paused for a moment before saying, "Alright, the three of us."

He emphasized on the word 'three'.

Grace walked towards the restroom.

Tyler's eyes followed her retreating figure. After a long sigh, he turned around and walked to a corner.

Then, he lit up a cigarette.

Holding a cigarette between his slender fingers, he looked very lonely. The tip of his cigarette glowed

scarlet, and a faint wisp of smoke floated in the air.

When Chuck arrived, he saw Tyler in this state.

Stunned, he stood in the distance for a whole minute, but Tyler didn't even move one bit.

He suddenly understood something.

Chuck coughed.

Tyler turned around and spotted Chuck. He smiled and said, "Grace gave me an assignment, we were

waiting for you. The three of us are going to eat together."

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Henley."novelbin

"Let's go," Grace came out of the toilet just then. "I'm starting to feel a little hungry already."

Tyler put out his cigarette and smiled. "How was it this morning? How did the interview go?"

"It went very well," Grace said. "With Professor Ross's help, we're much better now."

"I really have to thank you, Mr. Henley," Chuck quickly continued. "Mr. Henley has contributed a lot to

the development of our newspaper company. You've been a big help to us."

Tyler was startled. With his eyes flashing, he looked up at him. "Your tone is really creepy."

Chuck laughed, saying, "You're funny, but it's really from the bottom of my heart. The first person I

should thank is Mr. Heinz, followed by you. You two really helped us a lot."

A little surprised, Tyler uttered, "I think you should thank Grace."

"Yes, I should thank Grace even more. Mr. Jones is Grace's boyfriend, and you're Grace's good friend."

Tyler let out a bitter smile and said nothing.

He quickly walked past Grace and arrived at the food area. He grabbed some plates and handed them

to Grace and Chuck.

Chuck met his eyes.

Tyler was also looking at him, but they did not say a single word.

Chuck smiled as Tyler stared at him.

Grace didn't notice it. She was busy looking at the food. While walking, she called out, "Chuck, don't

eat anything with a strong pungent smell. It'll make our interviewees in the afternoon uncomfortable."

"Of course, of course, thank you for reminding me," Chuck quickly replied. "Don't worry, it won't make

people uncomfortable. There should be nothing pungent around here. You can set your mind at ease."

"Be careful, don't eat too much or you'll end up going to the toilet a lot and it will disrupt the interviews!"

Tyler reminded, "But you have to fill yourself too."

Chuck chuckled. "Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Henley."

Tyler smiled and said in a soft voice, "Thank you too."

Chuck was stunned. He looked at Tyler. There was a smile on his face, but it looked cold.

Chuck shivered. Tyler's gaze looked inexplicably sharp and creepy.

Feeling guilty in his heart, Chuck lowered his head and was immersed in his thoughts. He just couldn't

stop himself from reminding Tyler about his position in Grace's life, but he hadn't expected him to

understand what he meant.

He secretly glanced at Tyler again. He was an outstanding man. At that moment, he stood tall next to

Grace, and they looked really compatible.

However, all stories were the same. Whoever came first would be supported, and that was why Chuck

was rooting for the main character: Heinz.

Along with Grace as the other irreplaceable protagonist.

He took a deep breath and grabbed his food.

In the evening.

After interviewing the remaining three people, Grace and Chuck felt a little tired.

As soon as they finished, Tyler called them.

"Grace, go to the fourth floor of the hotel. Professor Brooks is waiting for you in the Pearl Island room. I

will arrive a little later, so you and Chuck can go up first."

"Okay." Grace brought Chuck together with her and hurried to go upstairs.

When they found Pearl Island, they knocked on the door and entered. Inside, they saw Professor

Brooks in the middle of a conversation with another lady.

As soon as Grace and Chuck entered the room, they saw the two of them looking in their direction


Grace then said, "Professor Brooks!"

"You must be tired. Grace and Chuck, come in and have a seat."

"Thank you."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce her. This is my old friend. You can call her Aunt White."

"Nice to meet you, Aunt White." Grace and Chuck greeted her.

Aunt White looked at Grace and locked her eyes on her, as if she was measuring something.

Grace was taken aback by her gaze.

Aunt White smiled and said, "You're really a lady. I heard that you've known Tyler for many years


"Yes, Aunt White." Grace nodded.

"She helped Tyler the most when he was lost," Laney smiled and said. "This was what Tyler said. If it

wasn't for Grace, he would have died a long time ago."

"Is that so?" Aunt White stared deeply into Grace's eyes. "Then you're truly Tyler's saviour."

"No, not to that extent," Grace said. "Tyler and I are good friends. Not only me, my sister and my son

are very close with him."

"You have a son?" Aunt White's voice suddenly became a little sharp.

Professor Brooks' expression also changed.

Grace was stunned and looked at them in surprise. As they stared at her with their surprised eyes, she

nodded earnestly.

"Yeah, I have a son."

Laney leaned back after she was shocked. Her face was a little pale, and then she smiled.

Aunt White looked at Laney with concern. As she looked at Grace and Chuck, the corners of her mouth

twitched. Then she said, "Miss Smith, you really have a good hand."

Grace was stunned for a moment. She looked at Aunt White in dismay, Aunt White's words had been

too harsh.

After being stunned for a while, Grace asked, "Aunt White, what do you mean?"

"Nothing," Aunt White smiled with a cold look in her eyes. "I find it impressive that you can make Tyler

run around passionately for you although you are already a mother. He even introduced you to people

for interviews. You really do have a good hand."

"Julia," Laney lowered her voice and tried to stop her from talking.

Aunt White looked at Laney with concern. "Laney, I'm not wrong about this. Look at how Tyler's been

the past few days, he even used your connections. We thought she was a good candidate, but now she

says that she has a son? What is this all about?"

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