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Chapter 422

"No, no!" Carl Witlock smiled apologetically. "Of course not. It's just that I'm very surprised that such a

noble guest like Mr. Jones would visit us."

"Oh, vocabulary?" Heinz said with obvious disdain, "Showing off your vocabulary after reading a few


They didn't come with good intentions.

It could be felt from Heinz's tone that he was very unhappy.

But Carl didn't know what was going on.

Heinz looked around and then gave Lester a look.

Lester took a step forward and looked at Carl's face. In a low voice, he asked, "What did you guys do


Carl was taken aback. "Yesterday?"

Something flashed across his mind all of a sudden. Yesterday, he brought Jensen's woman here, and

then gave her a few slaps in the face. Was that the reason why Heinz came here?

Carl's heart skipped a beat. Of course, he didn't want to provoke Heinz's anger. After all, Mr. Jones

could shake the whole city with one stomp.

"Yes, yesterday." Lester's voice carried a sense of oppression.

"We brought a girl here yesterday," Carl said frankly. "It's just that we've recently been forced by the

police to a point where we can't do business. We took a girlfriend of a police officer here to threaten

her. Are you here because of that?"

Heinz narrowed his eyes. They glowed dangerously.

Lester's brows also knitted together.

Carl knew that that was the matter. There was no doubt about that.

"Mr. Jones, if it's because of this, we apologize to you and well never trouble the police again!"

"Looking for trouble with the police?" Heinz said coldly, "You are quite bold."

"Mr. Jones, it's a misunderstanding, a real misunderstanding." Carl was still trying to quibble. "It's

because we're desperate. Even if we want to do business properly, we won't be able to do it!"

"Proper business?" Heinz smiled coldly, and his cold lips curled into a smirk. "Would you attract the

attention of the police if you ran a proper business?"

Carl rolled his eyes and took a breath. "We are all proper businessmen."

"You are proper businessmen, and the police aren't proper police?" Heinz frowned and looked at him

with extremely sharp eyes.

When Carl saw that Heinz was really angry, he immediately said, "No, no, I mean, if the police are

generous enough to leave us to live our lives, we wouldn't do that."

Heinz said in a deep voice, "Are you a man?"

Carl's eyes widened.

"Are you a man?" Heinz asked in a deep voice again. Carl was at a loss for words. After a long while,

he finally opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Jones, I can't do anything about it. If I had a way, I wouldn't

have brought the girl here. We only slapped her twice. We just want her to bring a message but she's

too disobedient."

"So, the girl was wrong?" Heinz interrupted him coldly. "The police were wrong, and the police's

girlfriend was wrong, and you are right?"

Carl suddenly realized something and immediately said, "No, no, I was wrong. Mr. Jones, please don't

be angry. I was wrong."

"You're wrong?" Heinz chuckled and said sarcastically, "Didn’t you say the police was wrong?"

"I'm the ignorant one," Carl immediately bowed slightly and made a gesture. "Mr. Jones, you are


"I'm not that kind," Heinz said. "Who was the one who hit the girl yesterday?"

Carl froze. "It’s me!"

"Well, take the number of slaps you gave the girl, multiply that by ten. That's how many times I want

you to be slapped. If that can be done, I'll call it a day," Heinz said faintly.

Carl had no way of getting out of the mess.

He had already apologized to Heinz in person but Heinz still wanted to slap him, ten times, then how

could he survive in the future?

He looked at Heinz awkwardly and said, "Mr. Jones, please show your mercy."

"No haggling," Lester continued. "Ten times, ask your subordinates to do it, I don't want to dirty our


As soon as Lester spoke, Carl pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and said, "Mr. Jones, you're also a

businessman. Please forgive me.1'

"It seems that you still haven't learned," Lester harshly said. "How dare you threaten Mr. Jones?"

Heinz narrowed his eyes. The scarred man before him was rebellious. He refused to admit defeat and

was unconvinced.


Heinz took a step forward, approached Carl, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that you can't take a

slap even with my request."

Carl pursed his lips. Tm a man, and I'm going to continue my life in the underworld in the future. I

respect you, Mr. Jones, but I'm afraid it'll be hard for me to follow your orders."

"Alex, come here," Heinz said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Alex rushed forward and was ready to teach the scarred face a lesson.

Carl was so bold that he dared to publicly provoke Heinz.

Alex unbuttoned his sleeve, rolled it up, and looked down at the scarred face.

"I'll do it," Alex said in a low voice.

Carl looked at Heinz, then at Alex, and then at the car behind Heinz.

Heinz observed Carl's expression. He could see that Carl wouldn't give up until he tasted the


Heinz stepped back a little and said to Alex, "Don't hold back. I'll be responsible for it."

"Yes," Alex smiled slightly and said. "Don't worry, sir. I'll do my best."

Carl looked back at the hooligans behind him. He gave them a look and a few of them stepped forward


"What, you want to fight?" Lester stood in front of Heinz.

"Mr. Jones, I won't hold back." Carl said, "Brothers, let's roll."

Heinz, however, gave a loud laugh. "That's not for certain. Carl, your hooligans won't necessarily stand

up for you."

Carl frowned. "There're my subordinates, of course they will."

"I'm not sure," Heinz smiled and looked at the person behind Carl. "You guys, I'll pay 20 million dollar

for Carl's leg. Who's willing to do it?"

Carl's expression changed instantly and he looked extremely awkward.

The other people were also stunned. Their eyes were shining, like animals that had smelled blood.

They were very interested.

Heinz smiled faintly and said, "20 million dollars. Let's leave Carl and go far away. What do you think?"

All of them looked at each other in dismay.

When Carl saw that, he immediately shouted, "My brothers, Mr. Jones is lying to you. Don't believe

him. He is fooling us."

"Heinz is also a personage in Northern City, unlike someone who can hit a woman," Heinz was

obviously looking down on Carl, and his words were full of contempt. "The check, Lester, write one!"

"Yes!" Lester immediately took out the checkbook.

Heinz signed the check in an elegant and flamboyant motion.

"Take the check and you can leave."

"Mr... Mr. Jones, is that true?" The hooligans who had been stammering just now asked.

"Break his legs and leave with the check." Heinz took the check from Lester.

The man took it in his hand and looked at everyone. "Bro-brothers, it's, it's really a check for 20 million


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