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Chapter 421

"Sister, I'm not worried about myself," Alice revealed her mind. "I am worried about you and Little Gary,

so I sought Heinz for help."

Grace could clearly feel her sister's determination just by looking at her.

Alice had decided not to leave Jensen.

Her resolve shook Grace, so she did not hurry to speak.

"Sister," Alice took her arm and said. "Come on, let's head to the school cafe where we can sit and


Grace nodded her head, so the two of them entered a small coffee shop in the school and found a

place to sit.

After thinking for a while, Grace said, "You've decided."

Alice was afraid that Grace would be disappointed and worried, but she still nodded. "Sister, I don't

want to lose Jensen. I think that he is a great guy and he's someone who is hard to find."

In Grace's chest were mixed feelings of delight and sadness, but on top of all of that was worry.

"Why is he so hard to find?"

"He," Alice thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "He won't hurt me. He respects what I want,

and he's not selfish either. He respects me in every aspect."

Grace sighed. She knew clearly that that was because Jensen felt guilty.

"Alice, I didn't expect you to be in danger before this. If we overlook this, you two would be good

together, but now, if your life is in danger, I'm really worried—"

"Sister," Alice interrupted Grace, "I am trying my best to be brave. Jensen is a good person, so I really

don't want to lose him. I would only be miserable without him. I'm willing to endure all the hardships; I'm

willing to be brave. Even if things don't work, I would know that I have tried my best, but if I don't try my

best, nothing good will come out of this."

"We might have a happy ending if I try to endure this. Don't you think so?" Alice asked.

Grace was stunned for a moment. Then she nodded and sighed.

It was her sister's love. Grace decided that as long as Alice had thoroughly thought about it, she would

respect her decision.

"Sister, believe in us, believe in your sister, believe in Heinz, believe in Jensen."

"Alright," Grace said with a helpless sigh. "I've been convinced by you."

"You're the best, Grace," Alice was so moved that her eyes turned red. "Now I finally understand how

stubborn I was before. I forced you to leave Heinz and even tried to stop you two from being together. I

was so wrong."

"I know how you felt and that you did that for my own good," Grace said, "Heinz understands that as


"Yes!" Alice smiled shyly. ''Heinz is really generous and is a good brother-in-law."

"Don't call him brother-in-law. I don't know what will happen between us yet."

"Sister, do you still have another person that you like?" Alice asked in surprise.

Grace was even more embarrassed. "No, I just feel weird as we are not married yet."

"Well, then I will call him future brother-in-law," Alice said.

"Don't, just call him Heinz." Grace said.

"Good! Good!" Alice ordered two cups of coffee and said, "Try some. Our school's coffee is pretty


The two sisters sat together and sipped their coffee.

Meanwhile, Heinz was looking at photos in the president's office.

Lester handed a stack of photos to Heinz before he started to explain, saying, "These are the photos of

Carl, who led Miss Alice's kidnapping yesterday. We've also found the photos taken from the

surveillance cameras, and we also found out his location. Carl has a debt of 20 million dollars and he's

desperate now. Officer Charm's investigation is intense, so he may be under a lot of pressure. That's

why he took the risk and even dared to threaten the police."

"He's willing to take such a risk for 20 million dollars, so that's what his resolution is worth," Heinz said

in disdain. "Arrange a meeting for him and I. I want to meet him." "Yes!" Lester said, "I'm going to

arrange it right now.

Would thirty of our best guards be sufficient?"

"There's no need for that. Two would be enough," Heinz said in a deep voice, "You and Alex, two

bodyguards, and call two drivers."

"But sir, Carl is a rogue. What if he hurts you?" Lester was still very worried. If he made even the

slightest error, they would be in grave danger.

"Meeting him doesn't need so much precaution," Heinz had always been bold. "Don't worry."

Lester nodded.

Although the president said so, he still arranged people in case of an emergency.

Soon, it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

The car arrived at the factory in the north part of the city.

"Here it is," Lester said. "Those people took Miss Alice here and slapped her face in this yard."

Heinz furrowed his brows. His entire body felt cold.

A few cars were parked in the yard of the abandoned factory.

It seemed like Carl's men were stationed here.

Heinz's car pulled into the yard.

Immediately, someone ran out and looked warily at the two incoming Bentleys.

"Who is it?" One of the hooligans looked at them and shouted vigilantly.

Alex got out of the car and scolded the hooligans in a deep voice, "Call the guy surnamed Witlock. Tell

him that Mr. Heinz is here."

"Heinz?" Of course, the gangster had heard of Heinz's name. "T-that can't be possible!”

Heinz was a famous figure in Northern City. He owned countless assets.

"Why not?" Alex shouted. "Ask him to come out."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The gangster immediately ran into the room in a panic. "Big, big brother, Heinz, Heinz

Jones is here."

"Who?" The knife-scarred-faced Carl Witlock asked with a frown.

"Heinz... Jones."

"Him?" Carl was completely at a loss. "Why would he be here? Did we offend him?"

"No, I don't know, big brother."

"Let's go!" Carl came out immediately, followed by five or six of his hooligans. As soon as he came out,

he saw Heinz's cars, two black Bentleys.

Carl hurriedly greeted Heinz with a bow and came to the side of the car.

Heinz opened the window and revealed the cold expression on his handsome face.

As soon as Carl saw Heinz, he immediately stepped forward with a smile, bowed slightly, and said, "Mr.

Jones, it's really you. I thought they were tricking me, but I didn't expect that you're really here. It's my

honor to have you here."

Apart from the frown on his face, Heinz was expressionless.novelbin

Carl waited, watching Heinz stay silent while maintaining his lofty posture. Heinz's presence was


Carl really didn't know what he had done to offend Heinz.

"Mr... Mr. Jones?" Carl stammered and shouted, "What can I do for you?"

Heinz made a sound.

Lester immediately opened the door.

Carl stepped back, deferentially welcoming Heinz to get out of the car.

When he swung his legs out of the car, Heinz created great pressure around him. His sharp eyes swept

over the spectators. His gaze immediately silenced everyone. They were too afraid to even breathe.

Carl was puzzled. Upon seeing Heinz's attitude, he realized that there weren't many people coming

with him. There were only six of them in total.

He was a little surprised and asked again, "Mr. Jones, what's the matter?"

Heinz swept his gaze and looked into Carl's eyes coldly. He asked indifferently, "What's wrong? Must I

have a reason to look for you?"

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