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Chapter 399

Grace stared at the tombstone in front of her blankly. She noticed that it had been erected six years

ago in the month of May.

She had met Heinz in the middle of July, which meant that it had only been two to three months after

Jodie's death.

Jodie had passed away six years ago.

She was Heinz's girlfriend.

Grace felt her heart clenched like a fist. It pained her.

Staring at the pretty face that adorned the tombstone, she thought that it was a pity that such a

beautiful girl had died at a young age.

And she would never be forgotten by Heinz.

She would forever be the special love who was deeply embedded in his heart.

At that moment, Grace felt awful.

She was a bundle of emotions. Did Heinz visit his exgirlfriend on that day because Mr. Lawson and

Mrs. Lawson were staying in the hospital, so he had felt sorry for his late girlfriend?

Was he here to confess whatever he had been hiding in his heart?

When she looked into the distance, she could see no one at the foot of the hill.

Grace stayed rooted in front of the tombstone, staring at the photo blankly.

She pursed her lips. There was a complex emotion flashing in her eyes.

After that, facing Jodie's photo, she said in a soft yet determined voice, "I didn't expect that you would

already be gone. I don't know what had happened between you and Heinz, but I don't want to be hung

up on that. I will stay with Heinz and live with him for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry," she added. "I won't stop him from taking care of your parents."

"After all, we all have parents. Heinz is going to take good care of yours."

"My name is Grace Smith. It's a great honor to know you, albeit it's a pity we're meeting this way."

"Rest in peace, Jodie," she whispered.

After that, she bowed and turned to leave.

Although she had mixed feelings in her heart, she understood that detesting a deceased was not

making her any good.

It was not worth it. After all, when she recalled how Heinz had bitten his tongue each time he tried to

tell her, she couldn't help but find it amusing.

He must be afraid that she would be mad at him. Hence, he didn't dare to admit that Mr. Lawson and

Mrs. Lawson were his ex-girlfriend's parents.

He had even caused her to mistake them for the parents of his buddy.

He didn’t have the nerve to confess because he was afraid that she would turn around and leave.

Grace chuckled and thought, "Heinz Jones, you are underestimating me."

Soon, Grace returned to the grave of Hermione's parents. Hermione was still paying her respect to her

parents, as she crouched down in front of the tombstone, whispering to it.

Grace stood there, looking at the courtyard.

Life was nothing more than a blink of an eye. When it ended, a person could be buried anywhere. The

picturesque scenery before her would merely become a fleeting scene in her life. Life was short. It was

better to cherish the present.

She had discovered Heinz's secret. Even though she had felt a little down for a while, she was much

calmer at this moment.

On the way back, Grace asked Hermione a question.

"Hermione, have you ever regretted marrying Lorenzo?"

Hermione smiled faintly and answered firmly, "No."

Grace was surprised. She widened her eyes and looked at Hermione.

"I have no regrets." Hermione smiled and explained, "We were actually close in the early years. I was

also pondering about this problem a while ago. Now that we are divorced, I feel that everything is in its

place. Strangely, I feel much more at ease. I don't regret it one bit."

"I've had a wonderful time with him," she continued. "I had blossomed; I was lost; and I have been

reborn. I think that these ups and downs make my life much more meaningful."

"Life has its power, and I have two very sensible children. They know that I have suffered and have had

a hard time these years."

"This is life, and there is nothing to regret."

Grace applauded Hermione from the bottom of her heart, "I really admire you, Hermione."

"Silly girl," Hermione laughed and said. "The truth is, you will only know if you'll regret something after

you have experienced it."

"Yes," Grace nodded. "I wouldn't know until I've gone through it."

If she had seen Heinz at the cemetery a few days before, she would have turned around and broken up

with him.

But after experiencing some things, she had a different impression on him. She had witnessed with her

own eyes that he was someone who valued love and friendship. She had seen him taking good care of

his late girlfriend's parents.

Grace knew that he valued his family and friends more than anything else.

With these in mind, she felt a huge sense of relief.

The father of her child was a man of virtue. That was sufficient.

She looked out of the window and the corners of her mouth curled upward involuntarily.

Hermione glanced at her and said, Tve just said that we would only know the outcome of life after we

have experienced it. Look, if not, my childhood sweetheart wouldn't even know that I'm the best for him.

This is life. Beautiful scenery is always around the corner."

Grace turned to her, saying, "Actually, I have one more question for you."

"Go ahead."

"You seem to have a good impression of Heinz," Grace began.

"Except that one night when he took advantage of you in the office," Hermione declared.

Grace blushed instantly.

Hermione laughed before she continued, "I'm sorry about that. I can understand why he did that. A man

wouldn't have done such a thing if he didn't like the woman."

"He adores you so much to the point of losing his mind. It's understandable," she added.

"But women don't like it when men force their way on us."

"Of course we hope that he would be a gentleman just like how we think a good man will behave."

"From what I can see, Heinz values love and friendship, and he's not a man whose feelings change


"It has been so many years, yet he has never had any rumors with any woman," she continued.

"It's not easy for a successful man to achieve this."

"I can see that you two have deep feelings for each other. I really hope that you two will get together."

"I hope that even more after I know that you have a child together."

"Grace, he treats you well. If he loves you, he will slowly change for you."

"Be rational and accept his feelings. Don't always act in suspicion and push him away."

Grace nodded and said, "Thank you, Hermione. That was really insightful."

"That's great," Hermione replied.

Not long after, they had returned to the newspaper office.

Grace proofread the draft again. When it was about time to get off work, she received a phone call.

"Grace, Butler Holland will pick up the kids and bring them to Ernest's place. Let's have dinner together

tonight," Heinz said on the phone.

Grace took a glimpse at her watch and found that she had enough time.

"Heinz, let's make it another day. You stay with Ernest today. I'm thinking to have some alone time with

Little Gary."

"Alone?" Heinz hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Don't be so sensitive." Grace smiled and explained, "I miss him and I have something to tell him. Just

me and Little Gary. Don't you come and meddle."

"But I will miss you." His voice was a little hoarse, and his tone was full of affection.

Grace was startled.

"Why do you want to get rid of me?"

"Just tonight, okay?" she pleaded.

Heinz felt that it was a little weird, but at last, he agreed to it. However, he added, "Fine. I'll go over at

half-past ten tonight. What do you think?"novelbin

Grace was stunned silent.

"Don't refuse me, or I'll have a hard time falling asleep tonight." His voice was so tender that Grace

found it hard to refuse him.

She pursed her lips and muttered, "Okay."

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