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Chapter 367

"Heinz, you're really unreasonable. I would rather die than be with you," Grace said.

"Die?" He raised his eyebrows again and asked.

Grace, who was speechless, nodded and repeated, "Yes, I would rather die."

"Welcome to h*ll," Heinz said.

"That's where you belong," Grace replied.

"I'll wait for you so that we can go to h*lI together a week later. I'll let you know what a man can do," He


Grace could never win in their bickering, so she just kept quiet and closed her eyes.

When Heinz saw her closing her eyes, he teased her and added, "There is a car accident at the front."

Grace was shocked and quickly opened her eyes. Then, she asked, "Where?"

Heinz smiled slightly and said, "I lied to you."

Grace was speechless again. She glanced at him and said unhappily, "Please get out of here!"

Heinz laughed and hugged Grace. He pulled her into his arms and said, "I'm serious. No one is allowed

to kiss you. Do you understand?"

Grace's stomach was a little uncomfortable. When she sat on his lap, the lower part of her body was

warmed, which made her feel better.

Since she couldn't get away from him anyway, she leaned her face against his neck and whispered,

"Got it."

Heinz heard her gentle voice; it had no objection.

He was shocked.

Her character had suddenly changed, she didn't refute him anymore.

Heinz was also very satisfied in his heart. He reached out and embraced Grace.

Her faint yet distinct fragrance entered his nose. Inhaling a deep breath, his whole body became hot,

and his heart was about to jump out.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered softly, "It came at the wrong time."

"Huh?" Grace was puzzled.

Heinz paused for a moment and then spat out two words, "Your period."

Grace grunted in response.

He was really a man who would not conceal his true feelings.

Grace felt that he had really undermined her perception.

At the hospital.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped.

Heinz looked out of the window and saw that they had arrived at the hospital.

"We have arrived," he said.

Grace looked up and saw outside the car window that it was really the hospital. The parking space on

the ground was full, and there were cars everywhere.

Lester got out of the car, and Heinz opened the car door.

Lester said respectfully as he stood by the car door, "President, I have asked someone to arrange a

special consultation for Miss Smith with the specialist in the VIP ward."

"Good, well done," Heinz nodded and said.

He got out of the car first and turned to help Grace out as well.

The moment Grace got out of the car, she frowned.

She didn't know what was wrong with her stomach, but she felt a little pain.

Heinz noticed her condition at a glance and asked, "Does your stomach hurt?"

"It's okay," Grace shook her head and said.

When Heinz saw that she was biting her lip to endure the pain, he knew that her stomach must be

hurting badly.

He bent down and carried her in his arms, saying, "I'll carry you there."

"No," Grace replied. When her body was lifted up, she felt very embarrassed and said, "Hey, we're at

the hospital. Everyone is watching."

Sure enough, those people who got out of the cars around them had turned to look at the two.

In addition to that, those people who were leaving the hospital building were also staring at them.

After pausing for a while, Lester quickly closed the car door.

Heinz completely ignored the stares of the people around him and continued to carry Grace. His tall

and strong body moved forward without any difficulty.

Lester, who was standing behind them holding the bag, moved forward to open the hospital door.

They walked all the way into the ward building with everyone's attention on them but they ignored the

stares of the onlookers.

Grace felt a little embarrassed.

She buried her face in Heinz's arms.

"Don't be shy. At the hospital, there are all kinds of situations," Heinz said. "The patient always comesnovelbin


"I'm not a patient," Grace retorted in a muffled voice.

"If you are not the patient, then am I the patient?" Heinz asked in a teasing tone.

She was speechless.

"I'm not the one on my period. Even if I want to be the patient, I can't," Heinz continued teasing.

"Shut up!" Grace growled in a muffled voice.

Heinz smiled slightly. His handsome face was graced by a faint smile.

Soon, they arrived at the ward.

Lester pointed at a door and said to them, "President, this is the place. Chief Stone is waiting inside."

"Put me down," Grace ordered as she wanted to break free from his grasp. She felt incredibly mortified.

Heinz said, "It's okay, I'm not tired."

"Who was asking whether he was tired?" Grace thought.

She was feeling unwell and mortified right now. It would be so embarrassing to be seen by the doctor

like that.

Grace was blushing hard.

Lester knocked on the door and the door was opened from the inside.

A female doctor in a white coat stood at the door. When she saw them, she was shocked. Then, she

smiled and said, "To be carried like this, your body must be really weak."

When Grace realized that it was a female doctor, she immediately relaxed a little. But her cheeks were

still red.

"Come in, all of you. Put her on the sofa to rest," said the doctor.

"Thank you, Chief Stone," Heinz said politely.

Chief Stone looked at him and said with a slight smile, "No, it's my pleasure. After all, it's really

surprising for me to see you carrying a woman to consult a doctor."

"Aunt Stone, can you stop teasing me?" Heinz said as he placed Grace on the sofa.

Chief Stone walked over with a smile and said to them, "Take a rest first. I'll give you a check-up. Let

me feel your pulse."

"Thank you," Grace said.

The moment Grace was placed on the sofa, she stood up immediately.

She could see that Chief Stone was a kind-hearted, middle-aged woman. Judging from her

appearance, she might be in her fifties. However, Grace felt that doctors usually took good care of

themselves, therefore, her looks might not reveal her actual age.

Chief Stone should be older than she looked.

Chief Stone continued to smile as she examined Grace. Then, she grinned and commented, "The little

girl is beautiful."

Grace blushed even more.

She was no longer a little girl.

"Aunt Stone, her body is weak. Please take a look at her," Heinz said quickly.

Instantly, he then turned and glanced at Lester.

Lester immediately passed Grace's bag to her and said, "Chief Stone, President, Miss Smith, I'll go out

and wait outside. Let me know if you need me to do anything."

"Go ahead," said Chief Stone.

After Lester left, when Heinz was about to speak, Chief Stone uttered, "Heinz, you can wait outside


"Do I need to go out also?" Heinz looked at Chief Stone in astonishment and asked.

Chief Stone nodded and replied, "Yes, of course, you

have to go out."

"Why?" Heinz, who was puzzled, said, "I don't want to go out. I'll stay here and observe."

"If you stay here, won't she be embarrassed to reveal the conditions of her body?" said Chief Stone.

Heinz was taken aback. But when he saw how embarrassed Grace was, he admired Chief Stone in his



Grace was afraid that she would not be in the mood to say anything if Heinz remained here.

After all, it was very embarrassing.

Heinz said helplessly, "Alright, I'll go out too."

When he reached the door and was pulling the door handle, he suddenly said, "Aunt Stone, this is my

girlfriend. You have to take a good look at her."

Chief Stone burst into laughter and said, "I can see that she is your girlfriend, but I'm really surprised to

hear you admit it."

"Why wouldn't I admit it?" Heinz said, "She is also my future wife."

Grace's face flushed redder than ever.

There was a glimmer in Chief Stone's eyes. She looked at Grace's face and smiled meaningfully.

"Future wife..." she repeated.

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