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Chapter 366

Heinz was surprised and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, I'm serious," said Little Gary with a proud look on his face. "Are you stupid?"

Heinz opened his mouth and said helplessly, "If I were stupid, would I have been able to have such a

smart child?"

"I'm the result of genetic mutation and the genes I inherited from Mommy," the little guy said. He had

never failed to flatter his mother while belittling Heinz.

Heinz glanced at Grace.

Coincidentally, Grace also raised her eyes to look at him. When they stared into each other's eyes, his

gaze was filled with helplessness.

"What's wrong?" Grace asked while walking over.

Heinz took a deep breath and finally spoke after a long while, "Nothing, I just think that you have given

me a good son."

Grace was surprised.

Gary butted in casually, "Thank you for your compliment."

Heinz was so stifled by his son that he had almost burst a blood vessel.

His gaze fell on Little Gary's face.

Little Gary raised his chin slightly and said, "Don't look at me like that. Were you not praising me

insincerely earlier?”

"Of course, I was sincere.” Heinz picked Little Gary up and held him before himself. Then he said,

"Little guy, how can you doubt your father's sincerity?"

"A person with a criminal record is never trustworthy," Little Gary said nonchalantly.

"Naughty boy," said Heinz as he pinched his son's nose. "You are good at teasing me."

Grace was watching Heinz shower little Gary with fatherly affection as he held him in his arms when

she noticed Ernest watching them from where he stood.

Grace coughed and cleared her throat, then she reminded Heinz, "Alright, hug Ernest too."

Grace wondered if Ernest would feel that he and Gary were treated differently if they acted like that.

She was afraid that it would affect him and scar him emotionally.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing that, Ernest said, "It's okay, Aunt Grace. Dad doesn't need to carry me."

Grace was shocked.

Heinz was also astonished.

Ernest smiled and spread out his small hands. Then, he explained, "If you are afraid that I'll be jealous,

you don't have to. I know that Little Gary has just reunited with Dad. Dad ought to be kinder and gentler

to Little Gary in order to compensate for all the years of loneliness he had gone through without Dad."

Grace was startled. She couldn't believe that she was looking at such a thoughtful and sensible child

before her.

She bent down and smiled warmly. Then, she hugged Ernest. Her heart was moved as she embraced

Ernest's little frame.

"Ernest, you are a good boy," Grace said with a voice full of tenderness. "You really are a sweetheart."

Ernest's eyes were curved like the crescent moon, and the warm smile on his face was similar to


Heinz was shocked when he saw Ernest's face.

Little Gary lowered his voice and whispered in Heinz's ear, "Did you see that? They're becoming more

and more like mother and son."

Heinz panicked and glanced at him.

Little Gary shrugged and continued, "Don't you think that Ernest looks like Mommy?"

That was exactly what Heinz felt. At that moment, he really felt that when Ernest smiled, he resembled

a lot like Grace.

Both of them had the same warm smile.

But that feeling came too sudden.

Before he could say anything, Little Gary whispered in his ear again, "Ernest only had two meals with

us but he already looks like Mommy. In future, if he has more meals with us, won't he look even more

like Mommy?"

Heinz was amused by the child's logic. He wished that would happen.

"Okay, let's go." Heinz brushed it off and didn't continue in the discussion. After all, Ernest was

sensitive about the topic of his identity.

Heinz didn't want Ernest to know the fact that he was not his biological son, for fear that Ernest would

have an inferiority complex.

"Aunt Grace, well go and play now," Ernest said. When he held her neck, he felt that her embrace was

very warm.

Ernest couldn't help but kiss Grace on her cheek.

Grace was startled for a moment and then she smiled even wider.

"Ahem, ahem--" Heinz suddenly coughed loudly and said, "Ernest, she is my woman. If you want to

kiss a girl, you can kiss your woman in future."

Hearing this, Grace blushed instantly.

"Heinz, what are you doing?" She felt embarrassed because there were many people around them.

Lester and Alex were present, and the butler who had been watching began to smile.

She blushed harder and quickly got into the car.

Heinz looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, to your positions. Let's go."

"Yes, Sir," they replied.

After everyone got into their respective cars, Lester drove Grace and Heinz to the hospital to consult

the gynecologist.

The children were taken to the amusement park by the butler, Alex, and the bodyguards.

As soon as he got into the car, Heinz said to Lester who was sitting in front of him, "Lift the panel."

Lester quickly raised the partition panel between the driver and the passengers behind to provide

privacy for the two of them who were sitting at the back.

Grace, who was blushing, immediately bit her lips when she heard his order. She asked, "What are you


"What was wrong with you just now?" Heinz asked in an accusatory tone.

"What are you talking about?" Grace asked in confusion.

"Why did you let him kiss you?" Heinz asked. His face darkened, and he was very unhappy. "Are you

aware that you are my woman?"

Grace was speechless.

She really couldn't comprehend what he was yapping about.

Looking at the man before her, Grace rolled her eyes and leaned against the backseat of the car. She

simply ignored him.

How could he be jealous of a child? Was he even a man?

He was truly narrow-minded.

"Why? Are you ignoring me?" Heinz asked as he leaned over to her side and looked at her with his

handsome face. He seemed to be determined to clear things up with her.

"Heinz, aren't you childish?" Grace rolled her eyes at him and said.

"I'm not childish." He looked at her and corrected her, "You shouldn't say that. You should say that I'm


possessive, just like a real man."

"A real man?" Grace couldn't help but counter his statement. Her voice reflected her doubts about his


"Of course! I think you know whether I am a man," Heinz said in a deep voice. "You've already

experienced how manly I can be."

"Which hospital are we going to?" asked Grace. She didn't want to talk to him about that, so she

quickly changed the topic.

Heinz looked at her with a slight smile. His eyes shone with glee, and the corners of his lips were

slightly lifted. There was a sly look in his gaze.

"Well, do you think you can escape by changing the subject?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

Grace ignored him again.

Heinz suddenly lowered his head, and his hot breath tickled Grace's cheek. She shrank back, and her

ears were a little red.

Grace subconsciously pushed his handsome face away and said, "You are a man, happy now?"

"You are not allowed to let the two boys kiss you in future," Heinz instructed seriously. "Do you


Grace was shocked and said, "Heinz, they're still children."

"A child will also become a man in future. There is a difference between man and woman. Do you

understand?" Heinz said.

"You're really a jealous freak," Grace replied. "Jealous freak?" Heinz snorted and said, "You can only

be my woman. Only I can touch, hug, and kiss you. No one from the opposite sex is allowed to do it.

Not even those from the same sex. Do you understand me?"

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