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Chapter 354

Grace looked at Heinz's reaction in astonishment. For a long while, she didn't know how to answer him.

Then, she nodded and said, "Yes, don't be surprised."

Heinz was truly embarrassed this time. Did he know nothing about cooking? How could he not know


She shook her head and sighed.

With his eyebrows knitted together, Heinz asked, "Well, shall I bring out the dish that's ready?"

"Okay," Grace nodded. Then, she added, "Don't spill it. The children are hungry. If it is spilled, there will

be no food!"

Heinz froze for a moment before he awkwardly picked up the plate and walked out.

He was very careful because he was afraid that it would spill.

He then placed the plate on the table and studied the dish. It had broccoli, carrots strips, and some bell

peppers. With the variant colors, it looked delicious.

He stared at it for a long time. He was supposed to be happy because he had found his son and had

gotten his woman back.

At that moment, however, Heinz realized that there was a huge gap between him and that woman.

She was good at cooking but he was a lumbering fool in the kitchen.

His ego suffered a heavy blow.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Heinz knew it was Lester, so he walked to the door and

opened it.

Sure enough, it was Lester. He was carrying a few boxes in his arms as he greeted, "President, I've

bought the things you asked for."

"Bring them in," Heinz said as he stepped aside to let Lester in.

As soon as he entered, Lester noticed there was no one in his sight.

The children seemed to be in the room, but what about the others?

Could it be that they were all defeated by the president and left in such a short time?

His president was indeed powerful.

Lester looked back at Heinz and noticed that Heinz was frowning. He seemed upset as he was

immersed in his thoughts.

Lester quickly put down his things, looked at Heinz and asked, "President, what else can I do for you?"

"Oh, go and buy a bunch of shallots and some shrimps," Heinz ordered.novelbin

"Do you want me to send them here?" Lester asked.

"No, bring it to the villa. I'll need them later," Heinz said. Then, he quickly added, "Oh, by the way, you

should stay in the villa; don't go home. Both you and Alex stay there and wait for me tonight."

"Oh, okay," Lester obliged and promptly went to do as Heinz had instructed.

After that, Heinz sat unmoving on the sofa for a long time.

When Grace finished cooking, she saw that Heinz was still in a daze.

She was surprised by his absent-minded look. She had no idea what he was thinking.

Grace served the dishes on the table and went to call the children.

After knocking on the door, she saw Little Gary open the door, followed by Ernest behind him.

"Mommy," Little Gary addressed her.

"Aunt Grace," Ernest followed suit and smiled.

"It's time for dinner." Grace said to them, "Little Gary, take Ernest to wash his hands and then come

over to have dinner."

"Are there only the four of us?" Little Gary craned his neck to look outside as he asked.

Grace nodded and replied, "Yes, only the four of us."

Gary and Ernest were very excited to dig in and they went together to wash their hands.

Grace returned to set the table. Heinz had also come back to his senses, he looked up at her with

sparkling eyes. When she looked at him, he averted his eyes as if embarrassed.

Grace looked at him and asked, "Don't you want to eat? What are you thinking about?"

"Er, nothing," Heinz shook his head and dismissed

her question.

"Then come over and have dinner," Grace said.

Heinz hummed in response.

Soon, they all sat at the table.

Little Gary looked over at Heinz several times, and Heinz also looked at them. He recomposed himself

and said, "Ernest, you can stay with Little Gary tonight. I'll go home later. Is that okay?"

"Ah?" Little Gary looked at him and then at his mommy.

Grace was very calm as she had expected him to say so.

"Grace, I'll come back tomorrow morning," Heinz then told her.

"No, you don't have to. Ernest and Little Gary won't have to get up early as tomorrow's the weekend.

You don't have to come here,” Grace said.

Heinz was surprised, but he didn't say anything.

"You can come later in the afternoon," Little Gary said.

It was Grace's turn to be stunned. She frowned and looked at her son.

Little Gary immediately looked at his mother with a smile and changed the topic, "Oh, Mommy, what's

in the box on the tea table over there?"

Heinz knew that the intelligent little Gary had deliberately changed the subject to distract Grace.

Heinz smiled and answered for Grace, "It's freshly baked pizza."

With this, Heinz walked over and opened the box. He picked it up and cut a slice for Grace, "Come on,

have a taste."

"Give it to the children first," Grace said.

"No need," Gary said.

"No need!" echoed Ernest.

The two little guys shook their heads and said the same words simultaneously.

"Lady first," Heinz said. "You're the only woman here. Of course, I'll give it to you."

Grace didn't move her fork. Instead, she proceeded to give everyone a slice before eating.

Little Gary suddenly asked while eating, "Where is Little Aunt? Will Uncle Charm protect her today?"

"Of course," Heinz replied instantly. "They went out together. Don't worry, your Little Aunt will be fine."

"Then, call Uncle Charm or send him a text message for me, just tell him that I want a little cousin. Ask

him and Little Aunt to make me a cousin so that I have someone to play with," Gary said.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem..." Grace almost choked on her mouthful of pizza.

Ernest immediately jumped off the chair and ran to Grace's side. He patted her on the back and asked,

"Aunt Grace, are you okay?"

Feeling warm in her heart at his kind gesture, Grace shook her head. Then, looking at Ernest, she

pulled his hand down and said softly, "I'm fine."

With a worried look on his face, Ernest frowned and muttered, "You're choking."

"I'm fine," repeated Grace as she shook her head.

Heinz handed her a glass of water.

Little Gary also said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean to cause you to choke."

Grace looked at him but said nothing.

"Let's eat," Grace said.

Heinz glanced at Little Gary and winked at him, promising that he would fulfil his word.

Grace looked up at Heinz.

Noticing her gaze, Heinz immediately bowed his head to avoid her eyes. He said nonchalantly, "Ernest,

Little Gary, hurry up and eat."

After finishing his meal in record time, Heinz left without any hesitation.

Grace was a little surprised to see him leave so soon. He even didn't bring Ernest along.

She didn't know why he was in such a hurry to go back.

Later, in the villa on the mountain.

As soon as Heinz walked through the door, Lester and Alex quickly came up to him and said,

"President, the shallots and shrimps are ready. What are you going to do with it?"

"Good. Everyone, go to the kitchen," Heinz simply said.

Lester was lost. He could only nod in acceptance of the instructions, "Yes, we shall head there now."

Soon, Heinz, Lester, Alex, and the butler were all gathered in the kitchen.

"President, what do you want to do?" Lester asked curiously.

"I want to peel the shallots," Heinz said. "Bring me a small stool."

Lester was astounded upon hearing this.

The butler brought over a small stool and placed it in front for him, saying, "President, please have a


After that, Heinz rolled up his sleeves and began peeling the shallots.

His actions were very slow.

"Don't just stand there. Peel them together with me," Heinz ordered the others.

"Yes, Sir!" replied the three of them in unison.

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