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Chapter 328

"Gary?" Miss Holland was surprised and asked, "He's your child?"

"Yes," Heinz announced proudly. "But I have some conflicts with his mommy. Don't mention to her that

I've been here before. Is that okay?"

Miss Holland nodded, "Okay, okay."

Heinz then exchanged a few more words with the teacher.

After that, Lester left with Heinz after he had collected his ID card and working ID.

In the classroom upstairs.

Little Gary sat in the corner as soon as he entered the classroom.

When Ernest came in, he found Gary sitting in a corner. Thus, he walked over and greeted, "It's really

surprising. You and I are brothers."

Little Gary didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Ernest asked, "It may be my Dad's fault, but are you going to be mad at me and ignore


Gary shook his head and replied, "I'm not that narrow-minded."

"That's good," Ernest grinned. "Maybe I'm too lonely. I don't know why I feel very happy to hear that

you're my brother."

Gary said, "I am also very happy to have you as my brother. But when I think about the fact that you

were not my mommy’s son, I feel unhappy."

"Is it very important to you that we are from two different mommies?" Ernest asked with a smile.

Little Gary thought for a moment and answered earnestly, "Of course, it's important. It means that

Heinz is a man who impregnates any woman randomly."

Ernest nodded after thinking about it, "You're right. Your existence has proven it."

Gary added, "He is so casual. Can you imagine how sad my mommy is? My mommy is very sad and

despises Heinz. We don't know who your mommy is, and we don't know if she is sad as well. Maybe

your mommy cries every day too."

Ernest's heart missed a beat after hearing this, and uncertainties were written all over his childish face.

He uttered, "But, I never know who my mommy is."

"Then why don't you ask?" questioned Gary.

Ernest shook his head, "I would never receive an answer even if I asked."

"That's a guilty conscience," Little Gary said. "You should fight for it. You're too honest. He will bully you

and won’t tell you about your mommy."

Ernest looked at Little Gary and said, "In fact, he is very nice to me."

"How is he nice to you?" Little Gary asked, "I've never seen him send or pick you up. You don't live with

him, but you live with the butler, right? Look, that's how he treats you. He's irresponsible."

What Gary said was quite reasonable.

However, there was an unspeakable feeling in Ernest's heart right then. Heinz was his father, and he

admired his father very much.

Why did he feel that his father wasn't a good person after hearing Little Gary's words?

"Then what should I do?" asked Ernest.

"How about running away from home?" Little Gary's big eyes flashed slyly as he proposed, "Let's run

away from home together."

"Let me think about it again," Ernest replied.

"What more do you need to think about? What's there to think about?" Little Gary chirped, "I have a

safe place."

"Aren't you afraid that your mommy will be worried about you?" Ernest raised his eyebrows at him and

chided, "Your mommy will be worried if you act like this."

Little Gary paused for a moment and continued, "Yes, my mommy will definitely worry about me. I have

to think about it carefully."

"Then, are we still good friends?" asked Ernest.

"Of course, we are not only good friends but also good brothers. You're not Heinz," Little Gary stated

very clearly.

"That's good," Ernest nodded with a sense of relief.

"I hate Heinz," Little Gary pouted. "How could there be such a person? He has two children. He doesn't

know the existence of one of his children, and he doesn't know the existence of your mommy. Is he an


Ernest also said, "Although I really wanted to defend him, your complaint seems to make sense."

Little Gary reached out his hand and looked at Ernest.

Ernest held Gary's hand.

The two little guys shook each other's hands and rekindled their friendship.

Heinz came out of the kindergarten, sat in the car, and lit a cigarette immediately.

Lester noticed that Heinz didn't seem to sleep the night before, so he advised, "President, you'd betternovelbin

take a nap. Your eyes are bloodshot."

"No." Heinz refused in a hoarse voice, "I don't need to sleep now."

Lester had no choice, so he asked, "Do you want to go back to the company now or go somewhere


"Go to the newspaper office," Heinz ordered. "I must see Grace. Now, right away."

Lester was stunned but answered anyway, "Just now, I received a message that Miss Smith has gone


Heinz frowned, "Where did she go?"

Lester answered, "I am not sure. It seems like she's gone out for an interview."

Heinz said, "Then go to the newspaper office and wait for her."

Lester obliged and drove to the newspaper office.

After they arrived, Heinz closed his eyes and rested in the car. He ordered Lester, "Keep an eye on the

office. When Grace is back, tell me."

"Yes," replied Lester.

At that time, Grace was on her way to the Wilson Group and saw Tyler in his office.

"What brings you here?" Tyler smiled, feeling very surprised. He saw a box in Grace's hand.

Grace placed the box on his desk and explained, "Our chief editor requested me to have you delivered

this to Professor Ross."

"What's that?" Tyler was flabbergasted again and asked, "Why are you sending a gift?"

"It is a gift from the chief editor," Grace replied. "It's a rare gift. There are an inkstone and a bloodstone.

You can carve a seal on it."

"Well, what a fitting gift," Tyler said in approval. "Grace, generally, people send things before asking for

something. Your chief editor is just the opposite. She sent gifts after the interview was over."

When Tyler opened the box, his eyes lit up, "Oh, this is good stuff. It's at least 300 years, isn't it?"

"I don't know." Grace smiled and said, "It should be from the ancient times."

"Your chief editor has truly spent a lot of money on this.” Tyler studied the items carefully and cracked a

smile, "But I'm sure Professor Ross will like it. May I know if there's anything else that I can assist you


Grace shook her head, "No."

Tyler asked again, "Nothing else? Isn't it too expensive to send such a treasure?"

"It's an honor to give it to someone who understands its value and is able to take good care of it,"

Grace glanced at Tyler and said. "Bring it to Professor Ross. I'm going back."

"Why are you going back so soon?" Tyler asked, "Now that you're here, make me another cup of


"I'm not your coffee specialist," Grace argued. When she thought about the help she got from Tyler for

the interview, she held back her initial words immediately and said, "Well, I do owe you one. I'll make

coffee for you."

"What did you owe me?" Tyler found her change of mind very amusing.

Grace explained, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the interview with Professor Ross. The news

received very good reviews. So thank you. It's reasonable to make you a cup of coffee."

"Pfft 1" Tyler laughed. "Alright, I like your thank you."

Grace scanned his pantry and found that he had everything.

Then, she walked into the pantry and washed her hands to make him coffee.

Tyler examined the inkstone and bloodstone, then he dialed Professor Ross’ numbers.

He greeted when the call was connected, "Professor, Tyler here." "What's the matter?" Professor Ross


Tyler replied, "Professor, your interview came out today, and the response is very good. Have you seen


Professor Ross said, "I've seen it. Not bad.”

"Then, why don't you introduce some reliable friends in the industry to Grace?" Tyler prompted.

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