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Chapter 325

Heinz froze. He felt a sudden pain in his heart when he heard the kid's words.

He knew a little about Grace's situation, but he didn't know much about it. He was very regretful that he

didn't get to know Grace better.

He was indeed not qualified.

Even as a boyfriend, he was not qualified.

Right then, when he looked at his son, his eyes were full of remorse.

He looked at the child in a daze, and the emotions in his eyes were extremely complicated and


After a long time, he piped out, "I promise to treat your mommy good."

Little Gary's pupils enlarged, his eyes were full of accusation and disdain. He stated in a monotone,

"You'd better not promise anything."

Heinz's face darkened.

Little Gary continued, "If your promise means anything, my mommy wouldn't have cried because of

you. What you have brought to my mommy is only tears, not happiness."

Heinz was stunned again. Although these words came from an angry child, they were spot on and they

managed to pierce through his heart.

He felt extremely ashamed.novelbin

It seemed that he did not bring much happiness to Grace.

"So, don't promise me anything," Gary concluded.

Heinz sighed, "Son, you don't understand grown-ups' matters."

Little Gary snorted, "Don't give me such an excuse. I don't believe in that kind of nonsense. What is

there that I don't understand? You adults are so self-righteous to think that you can fool us children."

Heinz broke out in a cold sweat and said, "Don't be so sharp-witted."

"If I’m not sharp-witted, I'll be bullied." Little Gary disagreed with him, "You bullied us, an orphan and a

widow. What kind of a man are you?"

Heinz frowned at his words, "Kid, I'm not dead yet. Your mommy is not a widow, nor are you an


"Is there any difference?" Little Gary pressed on, "Some people pass away, yet they would always live

in our hearts. Some others stay alive, but they are actually dead to the people around them. And you,

in my understanding, are just a living dead."

Heinz was stupefied and thought to himself, "What an unpleasant thing to say."

He took a breath but he just couldn't say a harsh word to this little kid who looked just like himself.

He couldn't say it.

Gary was his son. The way he spoke and the extent of his confidence were all just like him. Heinz

could tell at a glance that Gary was his son without having to do a test.

"Yes," Heinz made a self-evaluation. "In your hearts, I am indeed unqualified, and I haven't done

anything good."

"It's good that you understand," Little Gary jumped down from the chair. When he faced Heinz, he said,

"It's time for me to go back to the kindergarten."

"You are leaving now?" Heinz asked. He hadn't gotten familiar with him yet and the child was already


Then, Heinz suddenly got up from the chair, went around the desk, and crouched down in front of the


At this close proximity, Gary took a few steps back instantly and glared at Heinz.

Heinz crouched down and reached out to touch the child's face.

The little fella shrank back inadvertently.

Heinz felt a sharp pang of agony. The child was not used to his touch.

This made him feel very distressed. His hand froze in mid- air. He studied his son for a long time,

withdrew his hand, and twitched his mouth, "I mean, you can stay here for a little longer."

"Why should I stay here?" Little Gary rebuked, "I have classes to attend at the kindergarten."

Heinz couldn't find his words to respond.

"Who's as free as you? You're so boring," Little Gary commented with disdain.

Heinz reasoned, "I think I have a lot of questions to ask you. You've hacked my website and ruined my

reputation. It's a chance for you to vent your anger, isn't it?" "Do you have a reputation to lose in the

first place?" Little Gary asked back, "Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"Anyway, I'm still your father," Heinz said. "How about you show me some respect?"

Little Gary felt even more disgusted upon hearing this. "Do you want respect? You have to earn it

yourself," Little Gary stated in a serious tone. "You didn't manage things well, yet you still ask me to

give you respect? You don't have the right to it."

Heinz's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief, "Kid, do you even know what you're saying?"

"Why wouldn't I know?" Little Gary snorted, "I know that you are irresponsible and had a one night

stand and conceived me. You are a playboy and a man wh*re. I don't even know if you have AIDS


"Son, did your mommy tell you that I am a man wh*re?" Heinz questioned doubtfully. His first thought

was that Grace might have said something in front of the child.

However, Little Gary immediately interrupted him, "Don't be so mean. My mommy isn't that kind of

person. As for you, I understand now. You are narrow-minded. No wonder my mommy said that you

guys are not suitable for each other. How can a man as narrow-minded as you deserve a sporting

woman like my mommy?"

Heinz was really shocked by this child who he had recognized as his son just moments ago.

Heinz asked, "You... how do you know everything?" "Nonsense," Little Gary snorted again. "What's so

surprising for me to know everything. Nowadays, people have already evolved to the point where they

can start dating in kindergarten."

"Then, are you dating someone?" Heinz was startled again and chastised, "You're still too young for


"I'm not dating," Little Gary denied. "Am I such a narrow-minded person? I don't like those girls who

drool in our kindergarten."

His son's words made Heinz in awed, and he was rendered speechless. This child knew everything

which was simply beyond his acceptance level.

"Then, who would catch your attention?" Heinz asked helplessly.

Little Gary thought for a moment and said regretfully, "Our kindergarten teacher is not bad and patient,

but she is too old."

"Puff!" Heinz couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. He said, "Son, you do think too much. Your

teacher is old enough to be your mommy."

"What are you laughing at?" Little Gary criticized Heinz in disdain, "Look at how carefree you are. You

suddenly found out you have a son and you don't feel guilty at all. How dare you laugh?"

Heinz was speechless once again.

Little Gary then said, "I'm leaving. I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"I'll send you back," Heinz stood up and followed after him.

Little Gary thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you can send me if you want to. But don't claim that

you have anything to do with me."

"Okay, I won't say it," Heinz promised.

Anyway, judging by their appearances, they looked just like father and son. Therefore, he didn't need to

say anything.

However, while sending Little Gary, he thought of Ernest and felt sorry for him. The butler was the one

who had been sending Ernest every day. Heinz had never driven Ernest to the kindergarten.

In the future, he would send Ernest and do his duty.

Since he had adopted Ernest, he had to raise him properly.

Then, both Heinz and Little Gary opened the office's door and marched out.

A group of people were gossiping outside the room. When the door opened, Heinz came out with an

impassive face.

The petite figure beside Heinz, who looked like a mini version of him, also had a cold expression. It was

certainly eye-catching to see the two come out together.

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