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Chapter 324

Heinz was once again dumbstruck.

Almost in an instant, blood rushed into his head. He was so speechless that he couldn't even defend

himself from the little fella.

"Old fool, you've been bullying my mommy. If I don't show up today, are you going to continue to look

down on us?" Little Gary got angrier as he thought about it. His face was also very fierce. His piercing

eyes stared at Heinz and he retorted, "What can you do other than bullying my mommy?"

Heinz widened his eyes and thought, "This child is indeed my son."

Gary was full of confidence and there was no doubt about it.

Heinz squinted his eyes at the child in front of him, and he sighed in his heart. He too spoke arrogantly,

just like this child spoke before him.

He didn't have a mirror before, but that moment as he looked at the little fella, it was as though he was

looking in the mirror.

"You're right, I'm a fool," Heinz said in a booming voice. "But kid, according to your words, am I really

your father?"

"Do you still have to ask?" said Little Gary.

Heinz replied, "Of course, I have to ask. There is a child who looks so similar to me and suddenly

appeared out of nowhere. So, yes. I have to ask." Gary looked at Heinz. The man in front of him was

so unconfident. What a coward.

Gary looked at Heinz scornfully and said, "You are so unconfident. How can you still be alive? Why

don't you pee and take a look at yourself through the reflection?"

"Uh!" Heinz felt choked by his words. He raised his eyebrows, scowled again, and his face almost

crumpled into a lump.

This child's tone of speech was truly infuriating. He simply regarded Heinz as a fool.

"What?" Gary asked with disdain, "Are you such a coward that you don't even know who you have

slept with? And that you have a child?"

Heinz froze. He looked at the child again and replied, "I'm going to find your mommy now."

"Don't," Gary waved his hand. "To be honest with you, I've found out about who you are some time ago.

When my mommy took me to do a gene test, I already knew that my father was a coward.

During this period, when my mommy and you were in a relationship, she tried to be with you. She tried

very hard to reconcile with you for my sake.

But the fact was that you had made her cry countless times.

So, don't look for her. When she sees you, she will be annoyed. You probably think that she likes you

very much, right?

Let me tell you this, stop dreaming. My mommy said that she would not be with you.

You'd better give up."

After listening to Gary's words, Heinz understood instantly what Grace’s actions were all about as of


It turned out that she already knew that the child was his.

She was the woman from that night. Heinz should have thought of it when he was misunderstood by

Jensen, but he was careless and didn't think much about it.

Thinking about it at this moment, everything seemed to make sense now.

He felt that this was really unexpected.

Grace turned out to be the woman who had spent the night with him six years ago. It was no wonder

that he felt differently about her as soon as he saw her.

In fact, after that night, he seemed to have caught a disease and had no temptation towards women.

Therefore, when Cindy seduced him, he did not respond at all.

However, when he met Grace, he had an instinctive reaction.

He was extremely shocked and could not accept it. Everything was so puzzling. Now that he thought

about it, it turned out that his body had already recognized Grace as the woman from that unforgettable


And he was so silly that he couldn't remember it.

He was so annoyed with himself.

"So," Little Gary fixed his eyes on his father's twisted expression and stated directly without waiting for

Heinz to answer, "You'd better not disturb my mommy. What you brought to her were only tears and no

happiness. She doesn't want to be with you at all. You're too conceited."

Heinz was no longer angry. He raised his hand and rubbed his temples. He looked at the little fella and

said, "Kid, according to the DNA test, you're indeed my son, right?"

Gary curled his lips, "Are you a fool? I've just told you, why do you ask again?"

"I want to hear the exact answer. Come on, call me Dad," Heinz urged. He had no doubts in his heart.

Gary was just like himself. He was Grace's and his son. This child was definitely conceived on thatnovelbin


He didn't expect that Grace would give birth to this child. It was really a pleasant surprise.

After the shock and entanglement, he felt extremely happy.

When Heinz looked at the child who resembled him, he chuckled, "You have to understand me, I'm

very nervous."

"I can't tell that you are nervous, but I can tell that you are a coward," Gary uttered unhurriedly. "You

want me to call you Dad? Don’t even dream about it."

"Kid, don't say that word," Heinz warned in a deep voice. "I'll seriously be angry if you say it again."

"Who are you trying to frighten?" Gary was not afraid at all as he retorted, "You will be angry? I should

be the angry one."

Heinz was stunned by his words, then he looked at

Gary, amused, "Are you angry? Why are you angry?"

"Why didn't you take any contraceptive?" The little fella hissed, "Why did you conceive me without

asking for my opinion? I don't want to be born, do you know that?"

"Ahem, ahem..." Heinz coughed and almost choked. This child's words were truly out of the norm.

"Don't cough," the little fellow frowned. "I'm serious."

"You have guts," Heinz said again. The more he looked at the child, the more he liked him.

"Yes, I have more guts than you," Little Gary said bluntly. "At least I know who my father is, but you

don't even know you have a child."

Heinz was a bit depressed by the accusation, he opened his mouth but no words came out.

The thought of his mother coming home with puffy eyes the day before once again made Gary feel

exasperated and filled with righteous indignation.

Little Gary queried, "Why are you so arrogant in front of my mommy? How can you bully a woman?"

Heinz was bewildered at his question. He looked at his son and said, "Well, I did bully your mommy last

night. I admit it. I apologize, okay?"

"No." The little fella deadpanned, "Sorry is not a cure!"

Heinz was speechless again and said, "Kid, all the conflicts between your mommy and me are now


He felt that nothing mattered anymore.

"Hmph," Little Gary snorted and pursed his mouth. "There's no more conflicts now? What do you want

to do?" "You are my son. Of course, we should reunite as a family," Heinz answered. He suddenly had

a good plan for the future.

"I can't believe you have the cheek to talk about this," Gary looked at him in disgust and berated. "How

can you say that you are part of my family so shamelessly?"

Heinz replied, "I am your father after all. I like your mommy. So, naturally, we should be together."

"You're so boastful," Little Gary said as he looked at him expressionlessly. "You didn't get my

permission when you conceived me. What right do you have to tell me that we should live together?

Why should I live with you?"

"You are my son," Heinz said matter-of-factly.

Little Gary glared at him and argued, "Did you give birth to me? Did you raise me? You only bullied my

mommy and gave her a miserable life. How dare you say that you like my mommy?"

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