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Chapter 303

For a moment, Grace was not sure what Heinz meant. His attitude was obviously more easygoing than

before, and he was no longer as arrogant as he used to be.

She was surprised by this change.

Because it was so stark, it caught her attention.

Grace simply nodded slightly in response.

Tyler also smiled gracefully and said, "Yeah. Why do we always bump into you wherever we go, Mr.


It was a coincidence the day before, but it didn't seem to be one this time.

Tyler was well aware of the relationship between Heinz and Grace, so he naturally paid a bit more


Heinz glanced at Tyler and said lazily, "Yes, it's such a coincidence indeed. We really do meet each

other wherever we go. This must be fate. Don't you think so, Miss Smith?"

Grace's heart skipped a beat when she was mentioned. Looking up at him, she smiled and said, "Mr.

Jones, I'm rushing to work. I'm afraid I can't stay and chat."

"That's fine." Heinz turned his eyes slightly and looked at Grace with a smile in his eyes.

Grace had no choice but to say to Tyler, "Tyler, you should go. I'm going in now."

"Go ahead." Tyler said with a smile, "I'll be home for dinner tonight. By the way, you two don't have to

get groceries. I'll get them."

Grace was stunned for a moment, then she smiled and said, "Alright, you can get them. See you later."

"See you," Tyler said with a smile.

Grace turned around and left. She did not even look at Heinz.

Heinz narrowed his eyes, but his emotions remained masked. Nevertheless, there was a tense aura

surrounding him, which made him appear intimidating .

He looked at Grace's back and surreptitiously said to Tyler, "You two are getting really close."

Tyler's caught on immediately, so he smiled and said, "Yes, I'm so close with Grace that we even stay

in a room together. We're that solid."

Heinz's eyes darkened, and he said with a faint smile, "Sure, I could see that." "Why did you come tonovelbin

Entertainment Daily today?" Tyler asked bluntly.

"I'm here for a collaboration," Heinz uttered flatly.

"Oh." Tyler said with a smile, "You're such an influential entrepreneur. You can collaborate with

anyone." "I guess that's true." Heinz said bluntly, "But your company is famous internationally while I'm

only doing a small business myself, so my company can't compare to yours, Mr. Henley."

"That's not true. Mr. Jones, you're too modest," Tyler said with a slight smile.

The two of them appeared to be sparring with compliments, but they were being completely insincere.

While they had smiles on their faces, they were both tempestuously battling it out inwardly, making it

difficult for anyone to see through their facades.

"I'm going in now." Heinz said, "After you, Mr. Henley."

"Very well, Mr. Jones. See you again." Tyler smiled again, looking unreadable. "Since you have a

collaboration with Entertainment Daily, I hope you take care of my Grace."

Heinz's body stiffened as he heard him say 'my Grace', a shaft of pain piercing him. His hands

clenched. His Adam's apple bobbed, and the veins on the backs of his hands popped.

He took a deep breath, smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Henley, you don't have to tell me this, but since

when did Miss Smith become your Grace?"

"She has always been my Grace," Tyler said. "Grace and I have a son together, and we're doing very


Heinz was stunned, and his eyes darkened. He then said coldly, "Goodbye."

He didn't stay any longer as he turned around and entered Entertainment Daily.

Lester, on the other hand, eyed him from afar. He was shocked by the conversation. What son?

What did he hear just now? Was there really a son?

Was it why the president and Miss Smith parted ways?

This was too shocking.

Lester looked at Heinz in a blur and hurried after him.

Tyler watched them leave without saying a word. After a while, he turned around and got back into his

car. A glimmer of light flashed across his eyes. Soon, he drove away.

After Grace went in, she gave the box of chocolates to Chuck. "This is for everyone. Can you pass it

out for me?"

"Ah, chocolates? Grace, who gave you this?"

"A friend."

Chuck immediately blinked his eyes flirtatiously and lowered his voice, "Was it from a lover?"

Grace was stunned and immediately shook her head, denying it. "No, that's impossible. My friend was

supposed to give it to his client, but his client has diabetes, so he couldn't take it. That's why he gave it

to me. I only took it for you guys, so that you guys can enjoy it."

"But Grace, don't you think you're being too naive?" Hannah shouted from the side.

"What do you mean?" Grace asked in surprise.

"Normally, that would just be an excuse. He wants to give you chocolates, but he's afraid that you

wouldn't take it, so he made up a story saying that it was for his client." "How could that be?" Of course,

Grace didn't believe it. "It's really from my friend, a really good friend.” "Your friend is a guy right?"

Hannah asked again.

Grace was caught off guard again. She nodded, "Yes, he's a guy who has been a friend of mine for

many years."

"Then, your relationship is more than that of friends, but not lovers, right?" Hannah asked again.

Grace looked at this female colleague and appeared very hesitant to answer.

Hannah was the love guru in the office, and most of her colleagues went to her for advice. Hearing her

analysis, Grace went speechless.

"No, you're overanalyzing it."

"I'm not overanalyzing anything. It's very obvious. Grace, you're really naive." Hannah smiled and said,

"But it's fine if you don't believe me. Anyway, chocolate is my favorite. You can tell your friend that from

now on, he should send all his chocolates here."

Grace laughed, "It's only chocolate. I'll give you a few if I have some."

"You silly girl," Hannah sighed.

Chuck continued to distribute the chocolates.

Grace returned to her seat and made herself a cup of tea. Then, she opened her notebook and began


When Heinz came in, the others all greeted him. "Hello, Mr. Jones."

"Mr. Jones." Hannah stood up and exclaimed excitedly, "You came at just the right time. Are the

chocolates from you?"

Heinz was stunned and puzzled.

"Grace gave us chocolates," Hannah explained.

Grace immediately looked up at them, about to deny it.

By then, Heinz had already said, "This isn't from me, but if you guys fancy some, I'll buy you all some.

Lester, take note. One huge box for everyone."

"Yes!" Lester nodded respectfully.

Hannah was stunned but regained her composure soon after. "Mr. Jones, is this an employee benefit?"

"Yes," Heinz replied with a faint smile, "It is a benefit on behalf of Miss Smith."

"Wow!" Hannah and everyone else screamed excitedly, "Mr. Jones, you are really generous."

Lester immediately said to a very excited Hannah, "Please help me count the number of people, and I'll

get someone to deliver them later."

"Okay!" Hannah answered briskly and immediately started counting.

Grace stood up and walked over to Heinz. "What are you doing?"

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