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Chapter 302

"How couldn't you find one?" Grace glanced at him. "You look quite alright. Plus, your education and

work experience are beyond reproach. With your attributes, just one word from you, and all the women

would be lining up."

"If I can't find one and you can't get a man for yourself in a few years, let's get together. Okay?" Tyler

asked Grace with a smile on his face.

Grace frowned and said, "Okay. In 15 years, if you can't find a wife and I can't get someone for myself,

let's get together."novelbin

"Pfft —" Tyler almost choked to death. "By then, I would have already lost my virility."

"Then get into a serious relationship, find a woman you can spend your life with, and live happily ever

after." Grace did not continue as she turned around and proceeded to clean up the room.

Tyler looked at her back and pursed his lips. A glimmer of light flashed across his eyes as he said, "Are

you not going to consider me?"

"Consider what?" Grace didn't know how to respond.

"Consider that I'm a man." Tyler reminded her, "I've always found it odd. You've been saying that I'm

normal and have good qualities, yet you don't consider me a man whom you could be with."

Grace ignored him, laid out the bed for him, and said, "Alright, it's all ready. You can stay here. There

is a towel and a toothbrush in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe. Help yourself."

"Thank you." Seeing that she was about to leave, Tyler stepped forward and blocked Grace's path.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Grace realized that he was not going to let it go, so she turned her head and looked at him. She spoke

slowly, "Listen to me, Tyler. If you want to fool around, I will kick you out immediately. If you don't

believe me, you can have a try."

Tyler remained motionless. He looked at her uncertainly and said, "I'm homeless anyway. I'm not afraid

of being kicked out."

Grace rolled her eyes, walked past him, and purposely knocked into him as she walked away, without

any regard for him.

Tyler exclaimed, "Hey, where are you going?"

"I don't want to talk to you right now." Grace blurted.

Tyler was stunned as he laughed aloud three times. "Ha! Ha! Ha!" "What's wrong with Tyler?" Alice

immediately asked.

"He's having an episode," Grace said.

"I have medicine." Little Gary chimed in and said, "Uncle Henley, come here. I'll cure you."

"Okay, Little Gary who loves me so much, I'm coming." Tyler went straight to Gary's room.

Grace and Alice looked at each other.

Alice couldn't help but ask, "Grace, do you really think Tyler is fine?"

"He's fine." Grace said, "He must have gone through some huge ups and downs, hence he isolated

himself." "In terms of relationship?"

"Maybe." Grace said, "It's most probably that."

Alice shrugged her shoulders in horror. "That's so scary. I've been assuming that there's something

wrong with him. He feels a little off to me."

"He's very much sane. He's the representative of the Wilson Group in Asia. If there's something wrong

with him, do you think they'd have hired him?"

"You're right."

"Wash up and get some sleep," Grace said.

The sisters lay down and squeezed into the same bed. Alice looked at Grace and said, "Grace, why

don't you consider Tyler? He seems like good husband material."

Grace was stunned and turned to look at her sister. She was bewildered, and she asked, "Why would

you say something like that? What does him seeming like good husband material have to do with me?"

"What I meant is that you two can try and get together."

"Don't try to play matchmaker." Grace said, "Our relationship is totally platonic. I have no feelings for

him. You're spouting nonsense." "This afternoon, in the kitchen, why were you two hugging, then?"

Alice still couldn't help asking out of curiosity. "Jensen and I saw it."

"This afternoon?” Grace was stunned. She suddenly remembered and said, "That was because of Little


"Little Gary?" Alice exclaimed in surprise. "What about Little Gary?"

"It was Tyler who taught Little Gary how to make money by playing games. Little Gary told him that he

wanted to make money and give it to his mommy and little aunt. He wanted to take some weight off our

shoulders." When Grace thought of what Tyler had told her, it suddenly touched the softest part of her

heart. She felt comforted, but also a little guilty, and she burst into tears.

"Oh!" Alice suddenly understood. "Oh my God, so that was what happened. I thought you and Tyler

had something going on. I was getting my hopes up, but it turned out to be nothing."

"I have nothing to do with him, nothing at all," Grace said again.

"Okay." Alice nodded. "Little Gary is a sensible child. I'm so touched." "I feel guilty about all this, for his

sake." Grace blamed herself even more.

"Then Heinz..."

"I have to get Little Gary's relationship with Heinz out in the open, but I haven't found a suitable time.

When everything is calmer, I will have a good talk with him." Grace felt that no matter what, she

couldn't let the child remain fatherless.

She hadn't known that Heinz was Little Gary's father before this. Now that she knew about it, she had

to tell Heinz sooner or later so that she could do right by the child.

"Heinz is so fortunate." Alice pouted angrily. "He didn't have to do anything, and suddenly, he's gotten

himself a son. He seems to have the upper hand in this situation."

Grace did not say anything. She felt that Little Gary was God's gift to her.

No matter how hard it was for her, as long as she could be with Gary, she would be extremely happy.

The next day...

Grace went to Entertainment Daily, with Tyler driving her.

After driving Grace to the entrance of Entertainment Daily, he got out of the car and took out a big box

out of the trunk.

Grace was stunned and asked in confusion, "What's this?"

"Chocolates." Tyler said, "It's for your colleagues in your department."

"When did you prepare this?" Grace asked, stunned.

Tyler said, "I prepared it for a client, but it turned out that he had diabetes, so he couldn't have them. I

didn't want to waste it either."

"Isn't this for me?" Grace asked.

"It's yours now," Tyler replied.

"Well then, I'll take it inside and share it with my colleagues."

"Go ahead." Tyler gave it to her and said, "Don't tell Little Gary. I didn't take it out yesterday because I

was afraid that the kid would ruin his teeth. That kid loves his sweets. He just can't control himself."

Grace was surprised and thanked him sincerely.

"You are really thoughtful, Tyler. Thank you."

"Don't mention it." He smiled. "You don't have to thank me."

Just as he was speaking, a car suddenly drove over.

It stopped at the entrance of Entertainment Daily. As the door opened, Lester got out of the car and

opened the back passenger door. "President, we're here. You can alight here."

The next second, shiny leather shoes stepped out onto the ground. A man with long legs got out of the

car. He was dressed in a tailored suit, his features were sharp, and his gaze was piercing. He glanced

at Grace and Tyler.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Henley and Miss Smith." Heinz smiled and greeted them politely.

Grace frowned. She could feel that Heinz had changed a little.

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