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Chapter 293

Lester looked at Heinz from the rear view mirror and broke out in cold sweat. He did not see that


It was such a coincidence to have bumped into Grace and Henley.

"President, I'll give Alex a call and ask him about the situation," Lester glanced at him and reported.

"Okay, I'll get out first," Heinz said.

"Yes, President," Lester replied.

After getting out of the car, Heinz scanned the entire Folklore Village restaurant. He could see there

was a bustling crowd at the side where the wedding banguet was being held.

Once Lester was done with the phone call, he quickly followed after Heinz. "President, there's only one

wedding banquet during this time of the day. It should be the wedding of Alex's relative."

"Prepare some cash as a wedding gift and include a note with it," Heinz said.

"Yes," Lester replied. In fact, he already had it prepared in the car. They couldn't be showing up to a

wedding empty-handed.

"Where is Alex?" Heinz asked.

"He's getting his hands full." Lester wanted to say something else but stopped on second thought.

Heinz scowled and glanced at him. He seemed to

be doing it inadvertently but his penetrating gaze was terrifying.

Lester froze for a moment and immediately said, "Alex said that he saw Miss Smith and Tyler Henley

heading toward the east side of the restaurant."

Heinz remained composed and did not say a word.

Seeing Heinz's calm reaction, Lester breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Heinz was thinking of

checking them out too.

He must have been curious.

Lester was also feeling the urge to look into it. The relationship between Tyler and Miss Smith was

obviously unusual.

"President, why don't we eat at the east side?" Lester suggested as there were not many people at the

east side of the restaurant.

Heinz did not respond. He frowned and took a glance at the other side, with a surge of emotion in his


"No," he said. "Let's go to the wedding banquet."

Heinz then strode toward the entrance.

Lester followed suit and they entered the wedding hall.

In the restaurant, Grace and Tyler were seated by the window.

"Don't they have a private room?" Grace asked.

"No," Tyler answered. ''They're not equipped with any private room. Take it or leave it."

Grace smiled and said, "I just figure that it'd be an eyesore with me gobbling down the food." "As long

as it's delicious." Tyler obviously did not care. After sitting down, he removed his coat and put it on the

chair next to him.

The waiter said, "Sir, should I start serving only when all the guests have arrived?"

"It's just the two of us," Tyler said.

The waiter's mouth gaped open and he asked in shock, "Just the two of you?"

"Why?" Tyler raised his eyebrows. "Is that not allowed?" "Of course not, it's just that you'll be having a

17-course meal. It would be too much for two persons," the waiter explained kindly.

"It doesn't matter. We'll have it to- go if we can't finish it,” Tyler said in a deep voice. "Just serve us the

full course. No dishes should be left out."

"Yes, Sir. But it's important that no food is wasted. We're more than happy to pack the leftover food up

for you," the waiter reminded again.

Tyler said with a nod, "Sure. Don't worry."

"Alright. Sir and Madam, you'll be served shortly," the waiter said and walked away.

Grace looked at a sign on the table that said, "Food is precious. Don't waste it!" "What a thoughtful

restaurant," she said.

"Well, not too bad. With the 17-course meal, you'd only dine here occasionally though. I don't fancy the

thought of eating leftover food over and over again," Tyler said.

"Haha!" Grace laughed.

That scene happened to be captured by Alex.

He was standing at another corner of the restaurant.

The restaurant and the wedding hall were connected by a corridor. Alex had passed through the

corridor, hid in the corner out of their sights, and got a shot of them using his phone.

He sent it to Lester.

Upon receiving the photo, Lester faltered, not knowing whether to show it to Heinz.

Heinz noticed it and threw a glance at Lester's phone with a frown on his face.

On the screen was an eye -catching photo of Grace smiling.

It was a kind of smile he had never seen before when she was with him.

The smile was as bright as the sun.

It was a dazzling sight.

He felt a stab of pain in his eyes.

Suddenly there was a text message on Lester's phone.

It showed only one line—

'Miss Smith has gone to the restroom."

Heinz saw the message.

After seeing the message, Heinz didn't bat an eyelid and proceeded to delete the message. Then, he

handed the phone back to Lester and said, "I'll be back in a short while."

"Yes, President." What Lester saw was Heinz pressing on the phone. He had no idea what was the

message about and what had Heinz done with it.

Heinz's gaze swept across the area inadvertently. Judging from the direction the photo was taken, it

had to be that way across the corridor.

In no time, he walked along the corridor and found Alex.

Heinz reached out his hand and gave him a pat.

Alex was startled. "President?"

"Where is the restroom?" Heinz asked.

Still feeling shocked, Alex immediately pointed to the direction of the restroom and said, "Miss Smith

had gone to that restroom just a moment ago."

Heinz didn't say a word and headed straight for the restroom.

Watching his back slowly disappearing from view, Alex was in a daze.

Heinz arrived at the door of the restroom.

He looked at the gender signs on the door and hesitated for a moment. His face looked grim.

Grace happened to open the door after using the restroom. Before she could step out of the door, a

dark shadow pressed down, grabbed her wrist, and dragged her back into the restroom.

"Ah-" she screamed out in fear.

"Stop shouting." Her mouth was covered but she heard a familiar male voice. She seemed to recognizenovelbin

the warm breath brushing against her ear.

Grace's heart trembled. Knowing that it was Heinz, she calmed down slightly and was feeling less


However, she felt annoyed the very next moment.

Heinz grabbed her into one of the stalls in the restroom and locked the door.

Grace lowered her voice and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Without responding, Heinz pressed her against the door and glared at her.

His gaze was so intense as if he was piercing her soul.

Grace was flustered and said helplessly, "Heinz, let go of me."

"I won't let you go," he replied in a low voice.

Grace was taken aback. She had an indescribable feeling while looking at the man in front of her. She

stared at him coldly, without a single ounce of warmth.

Looking at her attitude, Heinz recalled the bright smile she wore on her face when she was with Tyler.

He instantly became even more agitated.

He said, "You were beaming when you're with another man, but with me, you're pulling a face. You

seem to have moved on rather quickly."

Grace frowned and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Jones, I'm really confused. What does anything I do have

to do with you?"

Heinz's expression did not change, but he pursed his lips and remained quiet.

After a long time, he said, "You're throwing yourself at another man right after you left me. I couldn't

accept it."

Grace was appalled and looked at him in shock. She did not expect the insult coming from him.

Saying her throw herself at another man?

Her brow furrowed and she said coldly, "It's none of my business that you couldn't accept it. Stop

meddling in my life, Mr. Jones."

He was the one who wanted to end it with her and it was not the first time he was humiliating her. She

was bitterly disappointed with him.

"No, I can't," he said in a domineering voice.

On the contrary, Grace had regained her composure. She smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Jones, it seems

that you can't get over me, can you?"

Her faint smile and slightly sarcastic tone made Heinz's heart tremble.

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