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Chapter 292

"Childish." Grace reached out to push his hand away, but he grabbed her hand instead.

"Get in," Tyler smiled and led Grace into the passenger seat.

Grace forcefully shook off his hand and said, "Stop fooling around."

Tyler stooped down and wriggled the upper part of his body into the passenger seat. He stared at

Grace closely, blinked and said, "Don't you want to vent your anger? Make his blood boil?"

"Don't be silly," Grace almost rolled her eyes. "Mr. Henley, we are adults. Can you please grow up?"

"But I think it's fun," Tyler said. "During the few months when I was kicked out of home, I had the

chance to witness a lot of things and the way of the world. Watching people get all worked up is kind of


"You're a psycho," Grace said. "Gloating over others' misfortune and enjoying it is not normal at all."

"Maybe I am," Tyler admitted. "Whenever I see someone getting mad or having bad luck, I feel


"Get back to your seat!" Grace pushed him away.

But Tyler wouldn't budge.

She had no choice but to pinch his face.

Tyler chuckled and quickly retreated from the

passenger seat. Still standing, he covered his face with his hands and said, "Grace, do you think with

me covering my face, he'd think that we kissed?"

Grace frowned and said, "Who would kiss you?"

Tyler smiled, covered his lips and let out a cough. He closed the car door and hopped into the driver

seat without looking at the Bentley. He proceeded to start the car and drove off.

In his car, Heinz looked on while the scenes unfolding before him.

There was a storm of mixed emotions in his eyes and his mouth curled into a sarcastic smile.

Lester couldn't wrap his head around it either. He kept looking toward Heinz worriedly.

But Heinz showed no expression.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly. The sunlight shone through the sunroof and fell onto his face, but

it couldn't take away the sense of desolation that he was feeling.

After a long time, he finally said, "Let's go."

Lester quickly started the car and asked, "Where are we going, President?"

"Back to the office," Heinz said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Lester then took off.

On the way back, Heinz remained silent. When they were about to arrive at the office, Heinz asked,

"Did Alex not come to work today?"

"No, President," Lester answered. "He took today off to attend a distant relative's wedding."

"Oh," Heinz nodded. "Where is it? he asked.

Lester was taken aback by his question. Under normal circumstances, Heinz would never bother to ask

about his staffs' personal matters. Lester figured that he probably needed a distraction.

"I heard from Alex that it's held at a French restaurant in Folklore Village and the wedding reception

consists of a 17- course meal. The restaurant has been catering for wedding banquets in recent years

and it's always hard to get a reservation. So I suppose it's quite interesting."

"Let's go to Folklore Village then," Heinz suddenly suggested. "Let's go for a drink."

He took Lester by surprise. "Are you sure you want to go?" Lester asked.

"Yes, let's go." Heinz's brows furrowed and he looked out the window. "Attending a wedding might bring

us good luck."

Lester nodded immediately. "Okay, Alex will be thrilled when he sees you."

Heinz's face turned grim and he said, "I'm not in a joyful mood though."

Lester thought to himself, "With him showing up pulling a long face as if everyone owes him something,

people would think that they're attending a funeral instead of a wedding."

He took a peek of Heinz for a few times but dared not make a sound.

Heinz continued to look out the window and didn't say anything for a long time.

At Folklore Village.

When Tyler and Grace arrived at the restaurant in Folklore Village, a wedding reception happened to

be taking place.

Grace looked at the lively crowd outside the restaurant in surprise and said, "Is that a wedding?"

"There would be weddings taking place here every day. Not to mention today is an auspicious day,"

Tyler said. "And the weather is perfect."

"Are you a fortune teller?" Grace looked at him with a smile on her face. "You even know which day is


Tyler replied, "You just need to have a good eye. The sun is shining bright and there is a slight breeze.

Just one look and you'd know it's one."

"That's true." Grace turned to look at the bustling crowd and thought that the couple must be so

blessed to have a huge turnout of people to their wedding.

Tyler raised his eyebrows and said, "Not necessarily."

"Hey, it's the couple's big day. Those who come are their closest family and friends. How is that not a

blessing?" Grace couldn't seem to see eye to eye with Tyler.

"Well, it's really hard to tell." Tyler stuck to his opinion. "I'll park the car and we can check it out."

Looking at the large crowd, Grace felt uneasy. "I don't think we're here at the right time, will we still be

able to dine here?" she asked.

"This side is for the wedding banquet, while the other side is for other customers like us," Tyler

explained. "But I bet the others are here for the experience rather than the food. Only you and me are

here for the food."

Grace laughed and said, "Sounds like we're foodies."

Tyler said, "Do we need to be pretentious around each other? You've seen me at my worst, and I've

seen you at your worst too. So there's no need to put on an act."

"You're right," Grace nodded in agreement.

After parking the car, they made their way out from the parking lot. Tyler pointed to the crowd and said

to Grace, "Look at those people who are smiling. They must be the family because they are genuinely

happy for the newlyweds."

Grace shifted her gaze to the crowd. There were some who were indeed smiling brightly.

"Those who have their faces screwed up into a frown are the ones who're feeling sorry for their

wallets," Tyler said while pointing to a smaller part of the crowd. "Most of them are forced to be here

because they've got the invitation that they dreaded to receive. How would they bother to give their

blessings to the newlyweds?"

Grace's eyes widened and her mouth gaped open.

She looked at Tyler in astonishment and said "Tyler, I've only just discovered that you have such a

nasty habit."

"A nasty habit of saying the truth?" Tyler lifted an eyebrow and looked at her. With the sun beaming

down on him, his handsome face looked even more attractive.novelbin

"No, the nasty habit of pouring cold water on some strangers' wedding day," Grace said with a laugh.

"Ha." Tyler let out a laugh too and said, "You should cherish me, Miss Smith. There aren't many people

like me anymore."

Grace looked at him and broke into laughter while shaking her head. "Let's get going. I'm really


"Let's go," Tyler replied.

They made their way to the east side of the restaurant where the dining area for walk- in customers

was situated.

At the same time, Lester drove into the parking lot and caught sight of Grace from afar. He exclaimed,

"President! It's Miss Smith and Tyler Henley! They are here too."

Heinz frowned and looked in the direction Lester pointed to.

Sure enough, he saw Grace and Tyler walking toward the east side of the restaurant.

He knitted his brows. Seeing them getting along so well, anger welled up in his chest.

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