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Chapter 290

Grace was Tyler's saviour and benefactor. To Tyler, Grace was unique and irreplaceable in his heart.

Addressing Grace as the woman he respected and admired the most was truly an apt description.

Tyler felt that it was the best way to express his gratitude to her.

Heinz narrowed his eyes and shot a sharp glance at Tyler after hearing that.

Then he suddenly stood up and said to Tyler, "I have something else to attend to. I have to go now."

"Uh." Tyler was a bit surprised and said, "Mr. Jone, it seems like you're in a hurry, but we're not done

with our discussion."

Heinz glanced at him and turned a deaf ear to his words. "Let's talk about it another day. You can

continue with your romantic date. I won't be bothering you anymore."

After that, he went straight out.

Tyler looked at Heinz's back as he was leaving and said, "Well then, thanks for being so considerate,

Mr. Jones. See you."

Heinz froze upon hearing Tyler's words.

Lester quickly finished the coffee in one shot.

The coffee was amazing.

Lester felt that it's a shame that he wouldn't have the chance to drink it anymore.

He then walked out behind Heinz.

In the car, looking at Heinz's dull expression, Lester dared not make a sound.

He didn't dare to start driving without the order from Heinz.

He only snuck a quick peek at Heinz through the rear view mirror.

At the same time, Heinz happened to look up and said to Lester through the mirror, "You should wipe

your mouth."

Lester quickly checked himself on the mirror and saw that his mouth was covered with coffee stains.

He hurriedly grabbed a piece of tissue and wiped his mouth. "President, we're not certain how Miss

Smith is related to Mr. Henley. Maybe it was a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Heinz's eyes darkened and he was obviously displeased. "Do I need to

misunderstand anything?"

"Maybe it's really a misunderstanding," Lester said again. "Miss Smith is not that kind of person."

"Then what kind of person do you think she is?" Heinz shouted angrily.

"President, I don't think Miss Smith is an easy woman," Lester replied, his voice hardly above a


"D*mn it!" Heinz said, "I never said that."

Lester was breaking out in cold sweat. He said carefully, "Why are you being so hard on her?"

"I'm being hard on her?" Heinz asked in disbelief.

Lester nodded and said, "Aren't you?"

Simmering with anger, Heinz leaned back in the seat and shut his eyes.

In the office, Tyler leaned against the door lazily with the corner of his mouth lifted. He looked at Grace

as if he was scrutinizing her every move and expression.

Grace looked up and met his eyes. "Why are you looking at me?" she asked.

"Why do you think I'm looking at you?" he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Grace sighed and said, "I'm not you. How can I read your mind? Now that you're done with your

business, let's go."

"I seemed to have sensed something unusual just now," Tyler smiled cheekily and said.

"What's so unusual? The coffee didn't taste good?" she asked.

"Don't change the subject." His gaze was even sharper. "Spill the beans, you know that man, don'tnovelbin


"Which man?" Grace was playing dumb. "If I remember correctly, there were two men. It would be three

including you."

"You know exactly who I'm referring to." Tyler looked at her intensely. "The more you steer clear of it,

the more I'm sure that there's something between you and him that I don't know about."

"No, we don't," Grace said, "Even if we're related, it would be none of your business. Hurry up, Mr.

Henley. You've promised to treat me to dinner at this famous French restaurant."

Tyler didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said, "Is food the only thing on your mind?"

"Why not? You kept telling me how hard it was to get a reservation. It has to be really delicious then. Of

course I'm looking forward to it."

"It's a tasting menu with 24 different special dishes. Can you handle it?" he asked.

"You don't need to worry about that," Grace said.

"You just have to fulfill your promise."

"Alright, I'm not going back on my word," Tyler said. "Then tell me, how're you related to Heinz Jones?"

"Tyler," Grace said in a serious tone. "Whatever relationship we had, it was all in the past and not worth

mentioning. I can tell you that there's nothing between us now."

Tyler raised his brows slightly, "Nothing?"

"Yes, nothing," Grace replied. "Now can you stop asking?"

"Fine." Tyler seemed to be in a more cheerful mood. "I'm not someone who likes prying into the

personal affairs of others. But you're special to me."

"Don't flatter me," Grace said. "And what do you mean by 'the woman I love the most'? It sounded like

I'm your mom. I swear I heard you saying that to your mom on the phone the other day."

"Pfft!" Tyler laughed. "Deep down, you and my mom are the women I love the most. You two can share

the spotlight."

"Your mother will feel upset," Grace said. "She'd want to be the only one in your heart." "She is not a

narrow-minded person." Tyler looked at her and said, "By the way, my mother wishes to meet you.

You're my lifesaver. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. And there might be just another

beggar roaming the streets."

Tyler's words brought Grace back to a few years ago when she saw Tyler roaming the streets pitifully. It

was obvious that it wasn't due to financial reasons. He must have encountered something awful.

And it was such a huge blow that caused him to be so devastated and allowed himself to wander

aimlessly on the streets.

She said, "Tyler, I don't know everything about you, but I do know that you are a capable person.

Everyone has the time when they hit rock bottom. Just know that I'm always your good friend."

"Don't be sentimental with me." Tyler looked at her without blinking. He said, "So are you willing to

meet my mother?"

"Why did you even tell your mother about me?" Grace looked at him helplessly.

"After I told her about you, she said that she wants to take you as her goddaughter," Tyler said. "What

do you think? If you don't agree, I'll ask Alice. I promised her that I'll get her a goddaughter anyway."

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