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Chapter 289

When he heard this, Tyler smiled and said, "You're humorous, Mr. Jones. I would wish to keep a

mistress, but it would be too humiliating for her. Such things are only done by foolish men who still

believe in male chauvinism."

Heinz's eyes turned cold.

Tyler didn't deny his relationship with Grace. They were plainly not platonic friends! There was more to


Heinz lost his poise and said coldly, "You seem to be very considerate of women."

"That's not all." Tyler looked at him with a calm face and said, "Doing that would only bury a woman's

talent and freedom. If you love someone, you should give her the freedom to soar high."

"Ha ha.” Heinz laughed coldly, with a hint of sarcasm.

On the contrary, Tyler's smile appeared to be much more refined.

He looked at Heinz and said calmly, "Judging from your response, I take it that you are dismissive of

my point of view?"

Heinz didn't answer.

As if suddenly realizing something, Tyler smiled and said, "Mr. Jones, it seems that you are a male

chauvinist. I can't believe that a sophisticated man like you would think so."

Heinz's eyes narrowed.

Disregarding Heinz, Tyler continued, "Don't take it personally, Mr. Jones. But we should improve

ourselves in this modern time."

At this time, Heinz had screwed up his face into a frown.

"Alright, let's get down to business." Seeing Heinz's expression, Tyler changed the subject.

Heinz's eyes were very cold and distant. He looked at the door from time to time with a gaze so intensenovelbin

that would scare people off.

Inside the lounge.

In the staff room, Grace heard their conversation.

She knew that Heinz was aware that she was inside the room, and he had probably heard her

conversation with Tyler.

However, she could not fathom why Heinz was acting like that.

She had already made it clear to him.

After the coffee was done, Grace held the tray of coffee and walked into the office.

She felt that she should be upfront. Why would she be hiding when she had done nothing wrong?

She had always been fearless.

When she walked out, everyone went quiet and looked in her direction.

Heinz's expression changed slightly. He clasped his hand on the armrest of the sofa, his joints could be

seen turning white.

He fixed his gaze on Grace.

She looked energetic today as if she had dressed up on purpose.

The blouse she was wearing was beautiful with lace trimmed along the sleeves and neckline. She

looked ladylike in it.

Not to mention it was white, so pure and flawless.

And she wore a pair of straight-cut slacks and high heels. She looked gentle and elegant.

He looked at her with sharp eyes.

Had she intentionally dressed up for Tyler Henley?

The thought made him furious.

His gaze pierced through her.

Grace noticed his gaze. It was that kind of look that couldn't be dismissed.

But she maintained her calm demeanor.

On the other hand, Lester was dumbfounded with his mouth wide open in shock.

He couldn't believe that it was really Grace in the same room as them.

Judging from Heinz and Grace's expression, Tyler knew something was amiss.

He knew Grace well enough to sense something was not right from the way she was carrying herself.

They knew each other.

They have an unknown relationship.

It was obvious to Tyler that Grace and Heinz knew each other.

Grace brought the tray over and walked towards Heinz.

She placed the tray on the small table next to him, and served him a cup of coffee.

Heinz lowered his eyes, his gaze fixed on her.

Without saying a word, she put down another cup of coffee for Lester.

At last, she walked up to Tyler and glared at him.

Tyler smiled and said, "The aroma of the coffee is as wonderful as always. Grace, you have to make

another pot for me when you go to my place later."

"Aren't you afraid that you'll have difficulty sleeping after drinking too much?" Grace lowered her voice

and asked.

"It doesn't matter, you can just give me a massage. Your skill is absolutely perfect." Tyler was talking to

her as if there was no one else around.

Grace threw Tyler another look, put down the coffee, and headed back to the room.

She had come to visit Tyler once she got the news that he was back.

The story of how she and Tyler met was nothing but dramatic.

Four years ago, she was pushing Little Gary on the streets trying to look for a job. She saw a man

wearing ragged clothes with messy hair, looking as if he had not showered for ages.

She then bought him and Little Gary a bowl of noodles each with the little money that she had left with.

And the crazy man insisted on following her home.

She had no choice but to bring him back. After he had taken a shower and changed into new clothes

that she'd bought him, he looked like a totally different person.

That lunatic was none other than Tyler Henley.

She didn't know what Tyler had been going through. He slept on the floor in her small rented apartment

for a few days, left her a stack of cash and left.

A few months later, he came back. Every time he came back to her, he would stay for a few days. He

was behaving like a weirdo and talked like he was out of his mind.

It happened for few times and they became friends.

Grace knew that he was not insane. She felt that he was probably going through a difficult phase in his


She had never asked Tyler about it out of courtesy.

They had become good friends over time. Other than Alice, Grace had been treating him like family.

After returning to the room, Grace sat down and took a deep breath. She took a sip of the coffee that

she had made and instantly felt refreshed.

"Please have a try on the coffee, Mr. Jones," Tyler said.

Heinz's eyes fell on the cup of coffee and he stared at it without blinking.

Without needing to taste it, Heinz could tell that the coffee was well brewed just by smelling it.

He had never known about Grace's coffee brewing skills.

In fact, he hadn't really known Grace that well when they were still together.

Heinz then took a sip of the coffee. At first, he could taste the bitterness of it, then the fragrance of the

coffee lingered in his mouth. It had a pleasant aftertaste.

Heinz slowly lowered his eyes and looked at the cup of coffee in his hand. It was still steaming hot.

Without adding sugar, it was fragrant but bitter.

It was just like the relationship between him and Grace. Aside from happiness, it was full of regret.

If the child was not in the picture, Heinz might have married Grace.

But whenever he thought of Grace marrying him with a child from another man, he was filled with anger

and jealousy.

After all, he was a man who cared too much about his reputation and dignity.

After taking another sip, he raised his eyes and looked at Tyler. His face darkened and he said, "The

coffee is very good. That barista of yours is indeed very skillful."

"She's not my barista," Tyler shook his head with a warm smile. "She's the woman I respect and admire

the most."

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