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Chapter 286

"So you think you're her godfather? Giving her money just like that?" Jensen asked again.

Heinz said, "Can't you speak properly?"

"You are neither her father nor her godfather. Then who do you think you are? Why is she obligated to

accept your money?" Jensen said.

Heinz frowned impatiently.

"Look, you're not anything that I've mentioned, and certainly not Grace's man now. There's only one

possibility left, which is, you are Grace's child's father," Jensen said in a persuasive manner.

"How could it be possible?" Heinz denied it sternly.

Jensen rolled his eyes.

It was all on Heinz now. Jensen had already gone all out and spilled the beans. But Heinz still didn't get

the idea.

This was really frustrating.

Heinz said, "I'll never be the child's father."

Jensen rolled his eyes again and said, "What I meant was it's different if you're her child's father. It was

just an insult to her if you give her money right after you've broken up with her."

Heinz instantly fell silent.

Jensen smirked at his silence and said, "It's always about money with you. You adopted Ernest and

hired a butler for him. He lived in an independent

villa, you got him a private tutor, a nutritionist, and a nanny. You have put everything in order for him,

but you've failed to give him a father's love."

Heinz closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Jensen continued, "You've always measured everything with money. Have you ever considered the

person's feelings?"

Slowly, Heinz lifted his gaze and met Jensen's eyes.

He wasn't averting it this time.

Jensen knew that Heinz actually listened to what he had to say.novelbin

That was the friend whom he had known all his life.

He understood Heinz too well.

He was just too arrogant. Otherwise, he was a decent man.

"I couldn't turn a blind eye to this," Heinz said. "I just can't."

After all, the child's father was another man. He could accept the fact that Grace was not a virgin, but

he absolutely could not bring himself to take care of somebody else's child.

Every time he thought about it, he felt extremely agitated and jealous.

His woman could only give birth to his own biological child, not another man's. Heinz could not accept


Jensen looked at him quietly with a smile on his face said, "Hey, but she doesn't want to talk to you

anymore. So it's not up to you to accept her or not." The veins on Heinz's forehead could be seen

throbbing, it seemed that he was forbearing himself.

Yes, she hated him.

He couldn't seem to resign to the fact that Grace despised him.

"Heinz, be honest with me. You can't let it go, can you?"Jensen asked with a smirk.

Heinz looked like he was struggling for a moment, but he quickly said, "No."

"Pooh!" Jensen was laughing. "Don't try to lie to me. I know you too well."

Heinz glanced at him and took a deep drag of his cigarette, the cigarette smoke almost blocking his


"Well, I don't really care whether you're saying the truth. But I'm just telling you to clear your head and

consider what you really want. If your ego is really important, please leave Grace alone."

"But if you really love Grace, you should find a way to accept the child."

"To be honest, the moment you see that child, you would definitely love him very much!" Jensen


"No way," Heinz said. He tried his best to hold it back. "Can you don't bring up that child?"

Jensen sat up straight. He picked up a cigarette irritably, lit it up, and started smoking.

"I really think that you're hopeless. There's nothing you can do if you don't accept it." Jensen took a

drag on his cigarette and stood up. "I have to leave for work. As your friend, I'm warning you that you're

digging a grave for yourself. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, but I have done my best."

Heinz frowned and asked, "Could you not work overtime?"

"D*mn it. If anything happens, will you be responsible?" Jensen let out a cough and cleared his throat.

"Heinz, I've never realized that you're so annoying."

Heinz looked at Jensen in disbelief.

"So you think I'm annoying too?" Heinz asked.

Jensen grabbed his coat and replied, "Seems that I'm not the only one who thinks so."

Heinz's silence was a tacit answer.

"Who is it?" Jensen became excited all of a sudden. "Could it be Grace?" he asked sneakily.

Heinz's face became tense. He lifted his chin slightly but didn't say anything.

His lips were pursed and it gave a sense of bleakness.

It was obvious to Jensen that the person he meant was Grace.

Indeed, Heinz was very annoying.

Jensen grabbed his phone, put on his coat, and said, "You can stay here. I'll have to go now."

"I'm leaving too." Heinz stood up and walked out with him.

Jensen glanced at him and said, "Are you fit to drive?" "I'm fine," Heinz said. "You can go about your


They said their goodbyes and Heinz drove away.

In the car, Jensen gave Alice a call.

"Alice, are you back home?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm home," Alice answered lazily.

"Sorry, I can't go to your place today, have to work overtime."

"Thank you for not coming," Alice said grumpily.

"Are you angry?" Jensen smiled and said, "I didn't do it on purpose."

She hung up on him before he could say anything more.

When Alice opened the door, she saw Grace and Little Gary had returned home together.

Alice said, "Sis, you guys are back too."

"Yes, we're back," Grace said.

"Mommy and Little Aunt, I'm going to my room," Little Gary said and proceeded to enter his room with

his schoolbag on his back.

Once Little Gary was gone, Grace said, "Alice, have you noticed that Little Gary has been hiding in his

room as soon as he comes home for the last few days? Do you know what is he up to?"

Alice put down her bag and said, "Yeah, you're right. I noticed it too. And he always has a gloomy look

on his face. I have no idea what is he doing though." "I thought you knew," Grace said. "Maybe I'm

being too sensitive."

"He probably is just playing games. Don't worry," Alice said.

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