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Chapter 285

Grace gave a faint smile and said, "Heinz, you think that ten million is enough for me. In fact, for you

I'm just an item that is exchangeable for money. Now I understand."

She was willing to risk her life for him, but in his eyes, she was just an item that can be priced at

whatever value he deemed fit.

The smile on her face grew wider and her mind was clearer.

Heinz frowned and looked at Grace, "That's your compensation."

"There's no need for that," she said coldly. "I said I don't need it. Do you understand?"

"Why are you so stubborn? With the money, your life will be easier."

"If that's the case, I could just go and sell myself. Why do I have to endure the humiliation you're

throwing at me?" Grace shouted. "Who do you think you are? What right do you have to decide on my


"I don't care. You have to take it!" Heinz raised his voice.

The atmosphere was tense with the two of them not caving in.

"I have told you to give me all your money," Grace said. "If you insist on ten million dollars, then I don't

want it. Either you give me everything, or nothing at

all." "What rights do you have to demand for everything?" Heinz asked.

"I'm fine with getting nothing at all," Grace said. "Why should I? You can do whatever you want, Heinz.

But I owe you nothing."

She had even saved his life by sucking venom out of him. She already did everything that she could.

"You still have the audacity to say that you owe me nothing? How dare you say so when you did this to

me?" Heinz said

Grace could see that their argument was going nowhere. She said, "Heinz Jones, I risked my life for

you. I didn't care about myself and saved you from that snakebite. I thought it was enough to prove

everything, but it turned out that in your mind I was never enough. I've already seen it clearly. So

please stop talking nonsense. You are not worthy of my love."

All of a sudden, Heinz was frozen to the spot.

He thought of that night when she had gone all out to save him from the snakebite.

At this moment, Grace used all her strength to break free of his grasp and turned to leave.

Everything that was needed to be said was already made clear. She felt that she owed him nothing and

wanted nothing to do with him.

She walked to the door and opened it.

Suddenly the door was closed by Heinz and he pressed her against the door.

Grace was startled and said, "What are you doing?"

Heinz lowered his head and locked eyes with her. He said coldly, "You're right, Grace. 10 million is not

enough. You've been so devoted to me. How could 10 millions be enough?"

Grace frowned. The more he said, the angrier she was.

Was she a gold digger in his eyes?

Money was never what she wanted. That man was really getting on her nerves.

Grace was at a loss for words thinking about what she had encountered.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Heinz, what are you trying to do?"

"I'll give you 50 million dollars." He said, "I owe you my life. Although we can't be together, I hope we

can still be friends. If you ever need my help, I'll be there for you right away."

"Fine. Let's remain friends," Grace said with an unsettling feeling in her heart.

There was nothing she could do.

This man was driving her crazy.

"Yes," Heinz said.

"I don't want your money," Grace said. "As a friend, I need a favor from you."

"Go on." He stared at her with hopeful eyes.

"Please stay away from me," Grace said in a clear voice. "Stay away from me as far as you can."

Heinz widened his eyes.

Grace then pushed him away.

But he pressed her down again.

Feeling helpless, Grace said impatiently, "Mr. Jones, your childish behavior is very irritating."

Heinz was startled again.

She grabbed the chance to push him away with all her strength, opened the door, and walked out.

When she came out of the office, Lester was watching her anxiously.

Grace walked past him without even looking at him.

In his office, Heinz was still standing at the same spot.

He felt shattered that Grace had expressed her detestation for him.

Did she really hate him that much?

Heinz lurched across the room and sat down on the couch. He didn't move for a long time.

Not long after, he left the office in his car. Without knowing it, he arrived at Hart Villa District and

entered Jensen's house.

Jensen was back in his house to fetch something. He was not going to Grace's house as he had an

operation at work that night.

He was shocked to see Heinz walking in when the door opened.

"Oh my God! You nearly scared me to death. You never told me you're coming. I'll need to change the

password later."

Heinz threw a glance at him and headed in. He sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette without saying a word.

Jensen looked at his watch and realized he still had some time before he needed to leave. He

proceeded to sit across Heinz and said, "Are you in a bad mood?"

It was obvious he was in a bad mood.

Heinz took a drag on his cigarette without looking at Jensen. He wouldn't have come looking for him if

he was in a good mood.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon. The house was a bit dark without lights.

Jensen got up and turned on the lights. The sudden bright light made Heinz close his eyes


He looked exhausted with his prominent eye bags.

"Haven't gotten a good sleep, huh?" Jensen asked with a chuckle.

Heinz could sense that he was not genuinely asking the question. He frowned and said, "What are you

trying to say?"novelbin

Jensen replied honestly, "Can't you see it? I'm gloating over your misfortune."

Heinz's eyebrows rose a notch and said, "Are you really my best friend?"

"Now you remember that I'm your best friend?" Jensen looked at him and snorted. "Are you regretting it


"No," Heinz said softly. He lowered his eyes and didn't look at Jensen.

"You're so hard- headed. Get lost!” Jensen yelled. "You're a good-for-nothing. The only useful thing is

that mouth of yours."

Heinz did not make a sound or move. The cigarette in his hand was still lit up.

"I really don't know what to say of you," Jensen said again. He let out a sigh, "Since you both think

you're not suitable for each other. Why are you acting like this? Who are you trying to put on a show


"Grace refused to take my money," Heinz closed his eyes and said. "Even 50 million dollars."

Jensen let out a chuckle and said, "Why should she accept your money? Did you think you are her


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